Income diversification / Start translating websites Today!

Format: Videos
Topic: Website translation

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 60 minutes.

Get FREE access to the video here

Summary:Think website translation is not for you? Think again :) In 60 minutes I'll show you how Easyling can help you entering this emerging market: create quick word- and repetition counts of any website; create the translation in the original context and layout; finally deliver the up-and-running working website to your client in 5 minutes.
Think website translation is not for you? Think again :) In 60 minutes I'll show you how Easyling can help you entering this emerging market: create quick word- and repetition counts of any website; create the translation in the original context and layout; finally deliver the up-and-running working website to your client in 5 minutes.

As a teaser, check out our YouTube channel:

How to sell website translation service?

Website translation with Easyling & CAT tool
Target audience
- Freelancers ready to go after clients,

- LSPs with sales team, often facing the question "How much would it cost for me to get my website translated?"
Learning objectives
In this presentation, you will learn about Easyling, how to:

- Create quotation, word- and repetition count for websites
- Reach out for new, potential clients, presenting their translated website without IT effort
- Work in the original context&layout, right on the website
A priori knowledge on Easyling and/or websites can be useful, but not a must.
Click to expand
- select a website
- get an initial word&repetition count
- exclude sections of the website you don't want to translate (/blog, /news, etc)
- translate the landing page, or prepare a quick machine translation using BING/Google Translate
- approach the owner of the website, sending them a link to their translated, working website
Created by
easyling    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Balazs Benedek CTO, 1-click website translation

Balazs is co-founder and CTO of Skawa Innovation Ltd., a company focusing on cloud- and crowdsource-based internet solutions, computer-aided automated workflows. With its award-winning solution, Skawa is making the website translation process easy for both translation agencies/freelancers and website owners, supporting automatic text extraction, word counting and contextual review process, right on the website.
General discussions on this training

Income diversification / Start translating websites Today!
Jo Bennett
Jo Bennett Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 18:13
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
How much is the fee?Oct 30, 2013

I can't see where it mentions the fee. Please let me know how much it costs before I purchase.
Jo Bennett

Charlotte Farrell
Charlotte Farrell Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 18:13
Mitglied (2013)
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
It's $16Oct 30, 2013


Nosheen Khan (X)
Nosheen Khan (X) Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 12:13
Paschtu (Pushto) > Englisch
+ ...
Need to pay for someone else. Oct 30, 2013

Hi I want my assistant to attend some of these, but I would like to pay for them. How do I go about doing that. Thans

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Need to pay for someone else. Oct 31, 2013

Nosheen Khan wrote:

Hi I want my assistant to attend some of these, but I would like to pay for them. How do I go about doing that. Thans

Hello Nosheen,

I am sorry for the belated reply but please feel free to submit a support request on this and I will be glad to help. Please note that only site users can attend webinars. Hence, please make sure your assistant has a profile at


My bests,

Katalin Horváth McClure
Katalin Horváth McClure Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 13:13
Mitglied (2002)
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
Paying for watching a sales presentation???Oct 31, 2013

Is this for real?
This is a sales/marketing presentation by Easyling to sell their subscription-based products.
Shouldn't THEY be paying for people who attend?
This is beyond absurd.

Ben_ (X)
Ben_ (X) Identity Verified
Vereinigtes Königreich
Local time: 18:13
Deutsch > Englisch
AgreedOct 31, 2013

Katalin Horváth McClure wrote:

Is this for real?
This is a sales/marketing presentation by Easyling to sell their subscription-based products.
Shouldn't THEY be paying for people who attend?
This is beyond absurd.

I've done a couple of website translations and have toyed with the idea of approaching companies myself offering to translate their websites for a fair price, but have been put off by the potential for non-payment. The idea behind Easyling sounds interesting, but after looking at their YouTube video and going on their website I can't see how there is $16 worth of advice in that webinar.

Martina Fink
Martina Fink Identity Verified
Local time: 07:13
Deutsch > Englisch
!Oct 31, 2013

Katalin Horváth McClure wrote:

Is this for real?
This is a sales/marketing presentation by Easyling to sell their subscription-based products.
Shouldn't THEY be paying for people who attend?
This is beyond absurd.

I noticed this too! Unfortunately, I don't think it's breaking any rules. It would still be interesting to get a comment from ProZ staff seeing as they price the webinars themselves (as far as I know)...

Katalin Horváth McClure
Katalin Horváth McClure Identity Verified
Vereinigte Staaten
Local time: 13:13
Mitglied (2002)
Englisch > Ungarisch
+ ...
Rules?Nov 1, 2013

Martina Fink wrote:

I noticed this too! Unfortunately, I don't think it's breaking any rules.

How about general business ethics? Common sense?
I understand that ProZ may have arrangements with companies for advertising (just look at the right side of the screen), and I could even imagine ProZ letting advertisers conduct FREE webinars introducing their products, but to CHARGE the VIEWERS for that, is beyond cheeky.
Charge the advertiser, for Pete's sake! They are getting access to ProZ's users, and that, in itself, is something that normally comes with a pricetag (for the advertiser).

I don't know who authorized it and on what base, but I say it is plain wrong.

[Edited at 2013-11-01 03:23 GMT]

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona Identity Verified
Englisch > Spanisch
+ ...
Webinar canceled with unlimited free access to videoNov 1, 2013

Hi everyone,

Thank you for bringing this up. You are right. The webinar has been moved to free videos and anyone can get access to a free video recording of the session from the same page link:

All that had paid are being refunded at the moment. Sorry for the mistake and for the inconveniences this may have caused you.

... See more
Hi everyone,

Thank you for bringing this up. You are right. The webinar has been moved to free videos and anyone can get access to a free video recording of the session from the same page link:

All that had paid are being refunded at the moment. Sorry for the mistake and for the inconveniences this may have caused you.

Thanks again!



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