double number ikil sayı , çifte sayı

Language pair:Englisch > Türkisch
Definition / notes:This type of numbers, i.e double numbers are sometimes called elliptic complex numbers, and are used in geometry, physics and kinematics. They are different from the double numbers mentioned in strings and programming issues.
Up to know, Turkish translations of "double numbers" are not obvious. In some literarture "elliptic complex numbers" are translated as "eliptik kompleks sayılar", or "double numbers" are translated as the same.
In some Turkish dictionaries "ikil sayı" is referred to be "even number", but the true, widely used and accepted Turkish translation of "even number" is for sure "çift sayı".
For the possibility of confusion of "double number" and "eve number", I introduce also "çifte sayı" as the Turkish term for "double number".
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