Translation glossary: Glossary of Lymphoma Terms

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Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC)The absolute number of white blood cells that are neutrophils or bands in a sample of blood. More Information. 
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC)The absolute number of white blood cells that are neutrophils or bands in a sample of blood. More Information. 
ABVDa chemotherapy combination commonly used to treat Hodgkin\'s Disease. The drugs used are Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine (DTIC). 
ABVDa chemotherapy combination commonly used to treat Hodgkin\'s Disease. The drugs used are Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine (DTIC). 
Acutesudden onset of disease or symptoms 
Acutesudden onset of disease or symptoms 
Adjuvant Therapyanticancer drugs or hormones given after surgery and/or radiation to help prevent the cancer from coming back 
Adjuvant Therapyanticancer drugs or hormones given after surgery and/or radiation to help prevent the cancer from coming back 
Adriamycina chemotherapy drug (generic name doxorubicin) commonly used to treat Hodgkin\'s disease and other forms of lymphoma. Comprehensive information. 
Adriamycina chemotherapy drug (generic name doxorubicin) commonly used to treat Hodgkin\'s disease and other forms of lymphoma. Comprehensive information. 
Aggressive Lymphomathe NCI designation for High Grade and some Intermediate Grade lymphomas. Aggressive lymphomas grow quicker than indolent lymphomas but respond well 
Aggressive Lymphomathe NCI designation for High Grade and some Intermediate Grade lymphomas. Aggressive lymphomas grow quicker than indolent lymphomas but respond well 
AIDS-related Lymphomacertain types of lymphoma may develop in persons whose immune system is weakened by acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) by the HIV virus. More 
AIDS-related Lymphomacertain types of lymphoma may develop in persons whose immune system is weakened by acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) by the HIV virus. More 
Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant (Allo BMT)Bone marrow is taken from another person with a compatible HLA and given to a recipient. Also see Bone Marrow Transplantation. 
Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant (Allo BMT)Bone marrow is taken from another person with a compatible HLA and given to a recipient. Also see Bone Marrow Transplantation. 
Alopecialoss of hair, be it on the head or all over the body. Alopecia can be caused by certain chemotherapy drugs. 
Alopecialoss of hair, be it on the head or all over the body. Alopecia can be caused by certain chemotherapy drugs. 
AlprazolamA medication used to treat anxiety or insomnia - one trade name is xanax. 
AlprazolamA medication used to treat anxiety or insomnia - one trade name is xanax. 
AmgenA pharmaceutical company making drugs for the treatment of ailments caused by cancer treatment. Neupogen® (G-CSF) which stimulates the production of 
AmgenA pharmaceutical company making drugs for the treatment of ailments caused by cancer treatment. Neupogen® (G-CSF) which stimulates the production of 
AnalgesicA pain relieving drug. Common types are aspirin, acetaminophen (most common brand in US is Tylenol®), and ibuprofen (most common brand in US is Motrin 
AnalgesicA pain relieving drug. Common types are aspirin, acetaminophen (most common brand in US is Tylenol®), and ibuprofen (most common brand in US is Motrin 
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL)a fairly new type of large cell Non-Hodgkin\'s lymphoma. Most cases are T-cell or cell type unknown (null). It can be systemic in children or youn 
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL)a fairly new type of large cell Non-Hodgkin\'s lymphoma. Most cases are T-cell or cell type unknown (null). It can be systemic in children or youn 
Anemiaa condition caused by a reduction in the amount of red blood cells produced by the bone marrow. It causes weakness and lack of energy, dizziness, shor 
Anemiaa condition caused by a reduction in the amount of red blood cells produced by the bone marrow. It causes weakness and lack of energy, dizziness, shor 
Antibiotica drug that kills or reduces the growth of bacterial infection. 
Antibiotica drug that kills or reduces the growth of bacterial infection. 
Antibodya protein (immunoglobulin) formed by the body to fight infections. Antibodies are produced by plasma cells (mature B cells) in response to antigens. 
Antibodya protein (immunoglobulin) formed by the body to fight infections. Antibodies are produced by plasma cells (mature B cells) in response to antigens. 
Antiemetica drug that reduces or prevents nausea or vomiting. Two relatively new antiemetic drugs for chemotherapy induced nausea are Zofran and Kytril. 
Antiemetica drug that reduces or prevents nausea or vomiting. Two relatively new antiemetic drugs for chemotherapy induced nausea are Zofran and Kytril. 
Antigensubstances capable of stimulating an immune response. The response may be to foreign chemical substances or proteins on the surface of infectious age 
Antigensubstances capable of stimulating an immune response. The response may be to foreign chemical substances or proteins on the surface of infectious age 
ApheresisCollection of peripheral blood stem cells by a device similar to a dialysis machine. The blood may be taken from a catheter or, if the patients veins 
ApheresisCollection of peripheral blood stem cells by a device similar to a dialysis machine. The blood may be taken from a catheter or, if the patients veins 
Aplastic Anemia (AA)A deficiency of certain types of blood cells caused by poor bone marrow function. 
Aplastic Anemia (AA)A deficiency of certain types of blood cells caused by poor bone marrow function. 
Apoptosisprogrammed cell death. If apoptosis is affected, then the cell will not die, causing a malignant/cancerous condition. 
Apoptosisprogrammed cell death. If apoptosis is affected, then the cell will not die, causing a malignant/cancerous condition. 
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant (Auto BMT)Bone Marrow is taken from the patient\'s own body prior to high dose chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment. After treatment, the marrow, which may o 
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant (Auto BMT)Bone Marrow is taken from the patient\'s own body prior to high dose chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment. After treatment, the marrow, which may o 
Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (Auto PBSCT)Stem Cells are taken from the patient\'s own body prior to treatment. After treatment, the stem cells are reinfused into the patient to restore the im 
Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (Auto PBSCT)Stem Cells are taken from the patient\'s own body prior to treatment. After treatment, the stem cells are reinfused into the patient to restore the im 
Axillary Lymph Nodea lymph node found in the armpit (axilla). 
Axillary Lymph Nodea lymph node found in the armpit (axilla). 
B cella type of lymphocyte (a specific type of white blood cell). B cells respond to the presence of antigens by dividing and maturing into plasma cells. 
B cella type of lymphocyte (a specific type of white blood cell). B cells respond to the presence of antigens by dividing and maturing into plasma cells. 
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