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In 2005, the Bank further reinforced its strong position in the international business. This was mainly a result of the new correspondent banking philosophy to transform its relationships with foreign and domestic financial institutions into true partnerships.
The Bank supports its clients in international operations through more than 800 reputable international correspondent banks as well as through Raiffeisen Zentralbank’s network in the CEE and throughout the world. Strong brand name of the Bank and intensive negotiations with foreign financial institutions in a bid to rationalise expenses in cross-border payments resulted in favourable terms and conditions offered by major correspondent banks and consequently cost-efficient, high quality service for the Bank’s clients.
The Bank’s relationship with other financial institutions (insurance companies, investment funds, pension funds and brokerage houses) intensified in 2005 as a result of their increased importance on the Croatian financial market. The Bank concentrated on cross-selling various banking products as well as the products and services of Raiffeisen Group.
A strong co-operation with supranational financial institutions, EBRD, EIB and German development bank - DEG, continued through existing credit lines used for the financing of SMEs and municipalities in Croatia.
Thanks to excellent relations and experience with various Croatian Ministries as well as state-owned companies and with the World Bank (or IBRD), the Bank established itself as the ‘preferred Croatian partner’ of IBRD in the field of managing sovereign special accounts for international loans and grants.
Having a strong reputation and credibility, the Bank successfully raised yet another syndicated loan on the international financial markets in the amount of EUR 245 million.
Übersetzung - Kroatisch Sektor odnosa s financijskim institucijama
U 2005. Banka je nastavila jačati svoju poziciju na međunarodnom tržištu. Ovo je u prvom redu bio rezultat nove filozofije korespondentnog bankarstva o pretvaranju suradnji sa stranim i domaćim financijskim institucijama u prava partnerstva.
RBA pruža podršku svojim klijentima u poslovanju s inozemstvom putem široke mreže koja se sastoji od više od 800 renominiranih međunarodnih korespondentnih banaka kao i kroz mrežu Raiffreisen Zentralbank u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Europi i diljem svijeta.
Bankin ugled i intenzivni pregovori sa stranim financijskim institucijama u nastojanju da se snize troškovi platnog prometa s inozemstvom rezultirali su povoljnim uvjetima koje su dale velike korespondentne banke te ekonomičnoj i kvalitetnoj usluzi koju RBA nudi svojim klijentima.
Kako je u 2005. rastao utjecaj drugih financijskih institucija (osiguravajućih društava, investicijskih i mirovinskih fondova i brokerskih kuća) na domaćem financijskom tržištu, tako je jačala Bankina suradnja s njima. Banka se usredotočila na tzv. cross-selling različitih bankarskih proizvoda te proizvoda i usluga Raiffaisen grupe.
Bliska suradnja s nadnacionalnim financijskim institucijama (EBRD i EIB) i Njemačkom razvojnom bankom DEG nastavila se u vidu postojećih kredita malim i srednjim poduzetnicima i tijelima lokalne samouprave.
Zahvaljujući izvrsnim odnosima i iskustvu s raznim hrvatskim ministarstvima kao i državnim tvrtkama i Svjetskom bankom (IBRD), Banka se nametnula kao 'poželjni hrvatski partner' Svjetske banke za vođenje posebnih drzavnih racuna.
Zahvaljujući ugledu i vjerodostojnosti koje uživa na međunarodnom tržištu, Banka je dobila još jedan sindicirani zajam u iznosu 245 milijuna eura.
Kroatisch > Englisch: Etiketiranje General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Personalwesen
Ausgangstext - Kroatisch ETIKETIRANJE
Nekoliko osoba (maksimalno 6 zbog dinamike i praćenja) se izdvoji te ih se izvedi iz prostorije. Ostalima (opažačima) daje se uputa da ništa ne komentiraju te da nikako ne otkrivaju što piše na etiketi koja će osobe dobiti na čelo. Njihov zadatak je da šute i da opažaju!
Na ljepljive trake (npr. one žute koje imamo u Horizontu) velikom jasnim slovima ispišu se etikete odnosno imenice moguće je dodati i uputu za polaznike kako da se ponašaju prema toj osobi:
1. GLUPAN – ismijavaj me
2. EGOIST – napadaj me
3. MULJATOR/LAŽLJIVAC – preispituj me
4. ČUDAK – ignoriraj me
5. POŠTENJAČINA – slušaj me
6. DOBRICA – hvali me
Kako osobe pojedinačno ulaze u prostoriju lijepi im se etiketa na čelo, te im se kaže da je ne smiju skidati sa čela dok im se ne kaže, te da drugim kolegama ikakvom komunikacijom ne smiju otkrivati što im piše na čelu. Nadalje upućuje ih se da se prema kolegama za stolom ponašaju isključivo u skladu sa etiketom koja im stoji na čelu (no da ne pretjeruju, već da pokušaju biti prirodni), no bez otkrivanja što im zapravo piše na čelu. Kada svi sjednu za stol počinje rasprava.
Daje im se uputa kako su oni odbor koji mora donijeti konsenzus vezan uz pitanje koje će im se postaviti. Daje im se ograničeno vrijeme, npr. 15-20 min (no to ovisi o raspoloživom vremenu).
2. POBAČAJ JE ISKLJUČIVO ODLUKA ŽENA (moguće je staviti neke druge teme)
Opažači dobiju uputu da prate emocionalne reakcije sudionika, neverbalne znakove, te da li su sudionici preuzeli ulogu u skladu sa etiketom na čelu (da li su se i sami počeli tako ponašati iako zapravo nisu znali što im piše na čelu?).
1. Što mislite, što vam piše na čelu?
2. Na temelju čega ste to zaključili?
3. Kako vam je bilo? Kako ste se osjećali?
4. Da li se mi ponašamo slično u svakodnevnom životu?
Übersetzung - Englisch LABELING
A few people (maximally 6 because of dynamics and monitoring) are chosen and taken out of the room. The rest (the observers) are instructed not to comment on anything and not to reveal what the labels that people will get on their foreheads say in any case. Their assignment is to be quiet and observe!
Labels, i.e. nouns a possible instruction on how the attendants should treat the person, are written out in clear block letters on sticky tapes (like the yellow ones we have in Horizont):
1. IDIOT – make fun of me
2. EGOIST – attack me
3. SCAMMER/ LIAR – question me
4. WEIRDO – ignore me
5. STRAIGHT SHOOTER – listen to me
6. GOOD GUY – praise me
As people individually enter the room they get a label put on their forehead and are told not to take it off until they are told to do so, as well as not to communicate to their colleagues what is written on their foreheads in any way. They are further instructed to treat their colleagues at the table strictly in accordance with the label on their forehead (but not to overdo it and to try to be natural) without revealing what is actually written on their forehead. When everyone is seated at the table, the discussion begins.
They receive the instruction that they are a committee that has to reach a consensus on a question they will be posed. They are given a limited time, e.g. 15-20 minutes (depending on the available time).
2. ABORTION - STRICTLY A WOMAN’S CHOICE (other topics can be posed)
The observers are instructed to follow the participants’ emotional reactions, non-verbal signs and if the participants have taken on the role in accordance to the label on their forehead (have they started behaving in that way even though they don’t know what is written on their forehead?)
1. What do you think is written on your forehead?
2. How did you come to this conclusion?
3. What was it like? How did you feel?
4. Do we behave similarly in our day to day lives?
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Master's degree - Faculty of Philosophy Zagreb
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 18. Angemeldet bei seit: May 2010.
Kroatisch > Englisch (Croatia: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) Deutsch > Kroatisch (Croatia: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) Englisch > Kroatisch (Croatia: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) Englisch (Croatia: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV available upon request
Work experienceTranslating
- Lingua Centar, Karlovac - translation and proofreading of various text types and from different areas (art, contracts, tourism, business correspondence, economics, technology...) from Croatian to English and German, and from English and German to Croatian; managing translation projects
- World Writers - proofreading technical and marketing texts (smartphones)
- LaMix, Karlovac - translation (English <> Croatian; German <>Croatian) of text from the areas of medicine and tourism
- E-Word Translations - translation of correspondence from German to English and Serbian
- Montako Projekt d.o.o. - translation of business correspondence and documents (English <> Croatian; German <>Croatian)
- Horizont Internacional d.o.o. - translation of texts from the areas of human resources, pedagogy and marketing; website translation from Croatian to English
- Prijevodi Benčević translation agency - translations of financial and banking texts and press statements for Raiffaisen Bank Austria and web portals and from Croatian to English; proofreading English translations
- Lingua Centar, Karlovac - teaching English and German as foreign languages to children and adults
- Skakavac elementary school - German teacher
- Braća Seljan elementary school - German teacher
- Class school for foreign languages, Zagreb -teaching Business English to professionals
Translation projects web site translation (translation of Contents to German)
Additional language training
German foreign language courses
- GLS, Berlin (2007)
- A-viva, Frankfurt a. Main (2009)
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