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للعربي انظر في أسفل الموقع
To view the Arabic font click on "View" on your Internet explorer, then click on "Encoding" followed by "Arabic (Windows)
Adi Hatim Al-Ka'bi,
Mobile +971-50-5050683 (Always on) (previously +971-50-6332149, redirected and still working)
Telefax +971-4-2977112
email: [email protected]
Translation/Copywriting - Arabic <> English (personal)
Other Languages (In collaboration with translators, natives in other languages) - Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese,French,Chinese (Simplified Chinese - The Official Language).
Further collaboration is to be set up with other translators during and following 2004.
Having only registered very recently on ProZ (May, 2001), this profile is slowly being built up.
To quickly fill up this area on this profile, below is a short condensed list of my clients in the UAE as copy pasted from my normal business letter bottom margin (normally in small print):-
LIST OF CLIENTS: Mostly in United Arab Emirates (Emirates of Dubai & Sharjah) (Also overseas/see below).
Public Relation Companies - e.g. Temporary Stand-In for employee on leave at BatesPanGulf (Dubai). Orient Planet...
Seven Star, Five star and other hotels and their guests (plus first class restaurants) - World renowned only 7 Star Hotel - Burj Al-Arab ***** ++ (The highest hotel in the world), Emirates Towers Hotel, Royal Mirage, Crowne Plaza, Rotana Group {Al-Bustan Rotana Hotel, Jumeira Rotana, Rimal Rotana Suites, Rihab Rotana Suites}, Hotel Holiday International {Sharjah}, Dutco Group {Jebel Ali Hotel And Golf Resort, Hatta Fort Hotel}, Jumeirah Beach Club, Hilton Dubai Creek, Le Meridien Hotel, Ritz Carlton, World Trade Center Hotel, Ajman Kempinski, Ramada Continental, Gulf Inn, Howard Johnson...... The Meat Co. (at Souk Jumeirah), Ushna (at Souk Jumeirah).....
Eminent law and legal firms - Canadian Legal Services, Rycx Legal Consultants, ST&P...
Management consultants, Banks, Auditors, Investment Companies (Banking and Accountancy).Al Mashreq Bank, Metropolitan Bank, EAC, PIC, DMC, MBM...
Pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, clinics and health, beauty and sports clubs and salons - Medicament inserts, pamphlets, brochures, instructions… - Dumex, American Hospital…
Restaurants (Menu Translation see above for “Hotels etc”, e.g. Dubai World Trade Center restaurants, hotel restaurants etc).
Engineering consultant bureaus (Technical)- IRC, Next Engineering Consultant…
Magazines, Publishers, Printers, Film Productions - Technical, Political, Economical and Otherwise Articles - Prestige, Baghdad Productions...
Teaching and training institutes (Lectures and Manuals)
Other translation agencies
Manufacturers (Manuals and Instructions) - Polybit, MBTME, Pioneer, International Teas...
Trading firms, shipping firms, tourist and travelling establishments and agents (Documents, letters, transactions etc) - Megamart, Paradigm Gulf LLC, Al Nasar, Koprulu, National Gulf General Trading, Space Cargo Incorporation...
Similar overseas establishments (FRANCE, ENGLAND, DENMARK etc. - brochures etc. directed to the Arabian and other countries)
Not forgetting public offices (e.g. Municipality, Police Headquarters etc.) and individuals for translation of contracts, letters, degree, training and school certificates, curriculum vitae, medical reports, marriage certificates, translated official transactions and petitions, labour agreements etc.
Similar overseas establishments (FRANCE, ENGLAND, DENMARK etc. - brochures etc. directed to the Arabian and other countries).
Also public offices (e.g. Municipality, Police Headquarters etc.), translation of contracts, letters, degrees, training and school certificates, curriculum vitae, medical reports, marriage certificates, translated official transactions, petitions, labour agreements etc.
Having been requested a number of times for my CV/resume over ProZ, below are extracts from my CV prior to undertaking freelance translation as a full time occupation. It has not been updated since discontinuing to seek employment as an Electrical Engineer. It may be somewhat deformed from copy pasting it from original Word document into the entry box on ProZ, but will be attended to as opportunity allows for modifications.
Excellent fluency in Arabic & English (bilingual - Age 8-12 USA, Age 13-18 American Schooling, Age 18-23 UK College Education).
British Council Davies Test (TOEFL Equivalent) in English {First in Asia (1977), الأول في آسيا}
German (Ein Bischen Duetsch- 2000 Worter). I do not translate from or to German. A native German translator colleague does that. Also all languages other than Arabic<>English are translated by other bilingual level colleagues native of the non-English languages and who have spent 5-30 years (and more) of their lives in English speaking countries.
OWNER / SELF EMPLOYED. (Concurrent with employments further below) - In below businesses responsible for full range of activities associated with management and organisation of private business.
1989 - 1998 Owner & Managing Director of Drug Store (Wholesale/retail business). Wholesale of Drugs (Pharmaceuticals/Medicines), Cosmetics and General Items.
1983 - 1998 Electrical Contractor
1975 - 1998 Electromedical Equipment Installation, Maintenance and Service Engineer.
Assistant Director of WHO (World Health Organisation - UN) Regional Training Center, (Middle East Area). Teaching & Training Instructor for electronics, basics of digital electronics, maintenance and service of X-Ray Machines, switchgear and electrical wiring of buildings. Organising Syllabuses. Ordering of books for library and laboratory equipment. Administration & Organising of student enrollments, tours; foreign and local correspondence for invitation of specialists to hold technical training seminars at Center.
1970 - 1975 Installation, Maintenance and Service Engineer (1000 bed, Middle East Teaching Hospital, Responsible for installing/maintaining/servicing of electronic/electrical eqpt. X-Ray Machines and full range of accessories (Cut Film Changer, Angiography & Catheterisation measurement equipment), building wiring and control eqpt. (emergency generators, air handling equipment)
University Qualification : B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, (1970)
Schooling and other Higher Education : Arabic, American and British Schools and Colleges up to ‘O’ & ‘A’ levels, H.N.D. (I & II in Elect. Eng.) & B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering.
TRAINING (Technical):
United Kingdom - DHSS, Penlon, Hewlett Packard, British Oxygen, GEC, Bristol Polytechnic.
Telephone: ++971 50 633 2149 (mobile)
Telefax : ++971 4 2977 112
Email : [email protected] (other email addresses for large attachments are also available)
Address : P.O. Box 80133, Dubai, U.A.E.
PC to PC verbal conversation via MSN Messenger.
For overseas payments they are to be made direct to “Auday Hatim Abdul Sahib” (name as spelt in passport), Current Account Number, 0697445573, Riqqa Branch, Mashreq Bank, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. An alternative payee name and/or account particulars may be named.
All transfer fees, charges, commissions, fax (where needed) charges, courier (for floppy, CD, printout etc.) and any non translation extras, to be borne by the client requiring the translation service. Depending on the size of the translation payments may be required in installments as the work gets emailed (within two days from being submitted by email). Small jobs of less than 4000 words must be paid within two days from being submitted by email. Fax charges, where necessary and unless alternatively agreed on, to be borne by the client (see CONDITIONS below). Minimum fee $ 50.00.
Translations will be done and submitted in Microsoft Word or "Text Only" formats.
The client must have the software to read the emailed translated documents.
If the job is to be faxed the estimated fax charges will be accepted and paid by the client.
The estimated charges for sending any floppy disc or CD output or printout to be sent by courier mail, will be borne by the client.
Once emailed, faxed or/and sent by courier the client agrees to pay within 2 days from being emailed with his/her translation request regardless of having the software to read it or not. Faxing or sending floppy etc. will be refused until fees are transferred and affected to the translator's account or the account instructed. Client accepts that once a translation is commissioned and emailed back as "done", no excuses will be accepted or considered valid to cover up any failure or delay to pay in full. Slight variations or amendments may be done freely once payment is made in full.
AS A ROUGH GUIDE FOR CHOOSING YOUR TRANSLATOR GO TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (For downloading, you'll need an Adobe Acrobat Viewer to read this):
The latter are sites by an independent organisation and the latter two will lead you to downloading the first site if not immediately downloadable. It will provide you with the basic guidelines on the matter of choosing the translator for your requirements.
There is no set price. Presently we are working at discounted prices from $ 0.15 per word downwards, at $ 50 minimum total for short text. Depending on a number of factors {language pair, season, topic, rush/slack jobs and periods, purpose, usage of text (public, private etc.) etc.}, the discount possible and minimum price may vary. Upon communication a price or discount is quoted, which will stand for the duration of your tender or for one week only or as stated in our reply.
السيرة الذاتية
(ملخصة إلى صفحة واحدة)
الإسم : عدي حاتم الكعبي
تلفون (خلوي) : -5050683-50(0)-971 ++
فاكس وتلفون : 2977112-4(0)-971++
اللغات : العربي والإنكليزي - جيد جدا نطقا وكتابة
الأول في آسيا في اللغة الإنكليزية منذ سنة 1977 بموجب إمتحان في المعهد البريطاني
الألماني - مبتدئ بمعجم 2000 كلمة
العمل الحالي والأعمال السابقة
(من 1975 - للآن عمل حر بأعمال متداخلة)
من 1978 - للآن
عمل حر في الترجمة
(في دبي منذ 1998). هذا العمل كون لي علاقات مع أكثر من 500 مصلحة من مصالح مختلفة في دبي
من 1989 لغاية 1998
مالك ومدير لمستودع بيع الأدوية ومواد التجميل بالجملة إلى الصيدليات
من 1983 لغاية 1998
مقاول تأسيسات (تمديدات) كهربائية للمباني
من 1975 لغاية 1998
متعهد تركيب وصيانة وتصليح الأجهزة الطبية
من 1975 لغاية 1978
مالك ومدير لورشة تصليح السيارات
من 1977 لغاية 1979
معاون مدير المركز الإقليمي للتدريب على تركيب وصـــيانة وتصليح الأجهزة الطبية/منظمة الصحة العالمية
من 1970 لغاية 1975
مهندس تركيب وصـيانة وتصليح الأجهزة الطبية في مستشفى تعليمي (بحجم 1000 سرير). المسئوليات: التمديدات الكهربائية/الأجهزة الكهربائية/أجهزة الأشعة السينية وملحقاتها/الأجهزة المختبرية/أجهزة السيطرة (مولدات طوارئ القطع الكهربائي/أجهزة التكييف)
المؤهلات الجامعية : بكالوريوس في الهندسة الكهربائية
المدارس والكليات : مدارس عربية وأمريكية و بريطانية
دورات تدريبية : بريطانيا - إدارة الصحة والشؤون الإجتماعية/إنتداب للتدريب على أصول التدريس للكبار/شركة بنلون/شركة هيولت باكارد/شركة بريتيش أوكسجين/الكلية التقنية في بريستول
ألمانيا - شركة سيمنس
هولندا - شركة فيليبس
فرنسا - شركة تومبسون ميديكال تلكو
إيطاليا - شركة جينيراي/شركة هونيويل
بعض الزبائن(غالبية الزبائن في دبي في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة)- فنادق الدرجة الأولى وضيوفها (فندق برج العرب، فندق أبراج الإمارات، فندق رويال ميراج، فندق كراون بلازا، مجموعة فنادق روتانا (البستان روتانا، جميرا روتانا، رمال روتانا، رحاب روتانا)، فندق هوليداي إنترناشيونال (الشارقة)، مجموعة فنادق داتكو (فندق ومنتجع جبل علي للجولف، فندق حصن حتا)، فندق لا ميريديان إلخ. مكاتب حقوقية مرموقة (ترجمة قانونية) مكاتب إستشارية في الإدارة، مصارف، مكاتب محاسبة وتدقيق، شركات الإستثمار، شركات أدوية، مستشفيات، عيادات، نوادي صحية وصالات رياضية (شركة ديوميكس الدنمركية، المستشفى الأمريكي - تعليمات إستعمال الأدوية، كتيبات طبية)، المطاعم (قوائم الأطعمة لمركز دبي التجاري العالمي ومطاعم معظم الفنادق المذكورة آنفا)، شركات الدعاية، منظمو المواقع على شبكة الإنترنت العالمية، منظمي المعارض، (فاينلاين، بابليلنك، بوتنشيال، أكسبريشينـز إلخ الدلال.نت ، مركز دبي التجاري العالمي، آي إي سي، مكاتب إستشارية هندسية، مجلات، ناشرون (مقالات تقنية وإقتصادية وغيرها، معاهد تدريسية وتدريبية (محاضرات وكتالوجات، مكاتب ترجمة أخرى، شركات مصنعة (كتالوجات وكتيبات الإرشادات والتعليمات)، شركات تجارية وشركات شحن ومكاتب السياحة والسفر ومكاتب الوكلاء (وثائق، رسائل، معاملات إلخ. شركات السياحة والراحة والإستجمام والفعاليات (شركة "البوم" لمعدات اللعب المائية، شركة صانوي للسياحة والسفر). شركات تأجير السيارات (شركة فاست لتأجير السيارات). شركات مشابهة خارج دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة (فرنسا، بريطانيا، الدانمارك - كتيبات موجهة للعالم العربي. كذلك طلبات فردية أو شخصية رسمية (دائرة البلدية، دوائر الشرطة والإقامة). طلبات ترجمة رسائل شخصية وشهادات وسيرة ذاتية وشهادات زواج وشهادات طبية ومعاملات دوائر العمل والعقود إلخ
Schlüsselwörter: translator, english, arabic, dubai, uae, translation, english, arabic, english, dubai. See more.translator,english,arabic,dubai,uae,translation,english,arabic,english,dubai,translation,arabic,english,dubai,arabic,english,translation,english,translator,english,interpreter,interpretor,dubai,uae,&,04,2977112,050,5050683,6332149,999,a,about,Abu,Dhabi,Accountancy,acronyms,adi,Adi,Advertising,airport,airport's,Albanian,Ali,alphabetical,Also,American,And,Arab,Arabian,arabic,ARABIC,Armenian,asian,automobile,Bahrain,Banking,beirut,best,bilingual,books,Bulgarian,business,cairo,calendar,calligraphy,Canada,Care,Category,cheap,Chinese,City,computation,Cooperation,cosmetics,Croatian,culinary,culture,CV,CVs,Cyrillic,Czech,Danish,Denmark,desk,desktop,Deutschland,dictionaries,dictionary,digest,directory,document,Documents,Dubai,dubai,Dutch,edinburgh,education,educational,Educational,egypt,Emirates,Engineer,Engineering,England,english,English,exact,excellent,farsi,female,Finnish,first,food,menu,translation,Food,Foods,foreign,France,french,French,Fujairah,German,german,Germany,glasgow,glendale,global,glossaries,Graphic,graphic,Greek,guide,Guide,Health,History,holiday,Holland,Hotel,hotel,Hotels,hotels,I,i,Insurance,international,internet,Interpretation,Interpreter,Interpretor,into,islamic,Italy,Italia,Italian,Japan,Japanese,jargon,Jabal,Ali,Jebal,Ali,Jersey,Jordan,KG,kids,language,Languages,learning,Learning,lebanon,legal,Legal,letter,localization,machine,Magazines,maidenhead,making,Manama,Manuals,math,mathematics,media,medical,Medical,Menu,translation,meteorology,microsoft,Middle,East,multilingual,multimedia,native,Nederlands,need,Needs,New,Zealand,Norway,Nutrition,office,Oman,online,Optical,pdf,Peninsula,people,persian,Pharmaceutical,photographs,Portreference,,publishing,qamoos,Qatar,Recognition,reference,Reference,desk,religion,require,renowned,Resources,Restaurant,menu,translation,restaurants,resume,resumes,russian,Riyadh,Saudi,Arabia,scan,scanning,School,script,SEARCH,Secondary,seeking,service,services,seven,star,Sharjah,Shipping,sites,skills,software,Spain,spanish,Spanish,speaking,Specialists,spell,spellchecker,spoken,standard,Sweden,Switzerland,system,Tagalog,Teachers,technical,Technical,terminologies,terminology,text,time,titles,tools,top,renown,renowned,require,Tourist,Guide,Tradition,trainer,translate_it_at,Translated,translation,food,menu,menus,Translator,translator,Translater,transliteration,transportation,turkish,tutor,typesetting,typing,uae,UAE,UK,U.K.,Ukrainian,UNICODE,United,universal,urdu,well,Windows,English,England,UK,U.K.,London,Birmingham,Manchester,Liverpool,Bristol,Oxford,Cambridge,Gloucester,Bayswater,Hyde,Park,Cromwell,Earl's,Earls,Court,Edgware,Notinghill,Gate,U.S.A.,USA,New,York,Chicago,California,Ca.,San,Francisco,Los,Angles,Pittsburgh,Texas,Solon,Cleveland,Ohio,Australia,Sydney,Perth,Melbourne,Canberra,New,Zealand,Canada,Toronto,Montreal,Arabic,Egypt,Cairo,Iraq,Baghdad,Basrah,Mosul,Oman,Kuwait,Qatar,Doha,Masqat,Muscat,Saudi,Arabia,Riyadth,Bahrain,UAE,Abu,Dhabi,Dubai,Jebal,Ali,Diera,Bur,Dubai,Sheikh,Zayed,Rd,Free,Zone,Area,Sharjah,Um,Al,Quwain,Fujairah,Ain,Ajman,Ras,Al,Khaimah,China,Peking,Bejing,Shanghai,Hong,Kong,Taiwan,Malaysia,Moscow,France,Paris,Marseilles,Germany,German,Hamburg,Frankfurt,Munich,Stuttgart,Italy,Italian,Rome,Milan,Milano,Torino,Japan,Japanese,Tokyo,Switzerland,Geneva,Lausanne,Madrid,Toledo,Canary,Islands,Gibraltar,Holland,Nederland,Amsterdam,Sweden,Stockholm,Stokholm,Denmark,Copenhagen,Portugal,Philippines,Tagalog,Wales,Scotland,Ireland,Adi,Hatim,Abdul,Sahib,Al,Kabi,translation,arabic,english,arabic,translation,arabic,to,english,translation,translation,from,english,to,arabic,free,arabic,translation,from,Thai,Indian,Cuisine,Australian,Tex,Mex,Aussie,Seafood,recipe,breakfast,lunch,dinner,dessert,soup,soups,wine,meat,main,dishes,ala,carte,sizzler,chicken,poultry,cereal,cereals,sweets,دليل,عربي,إنكليزي,قانوني,طبي,أدوية,دعاية,مصارف,محاسبة,كتالوجات,أدلة,أخصائيون,ترجمة,قوائم,طعام المطاعم,الفنادق,سياحي,لغات,أخرى,بالتعاون,مع, مترجمين,آخرين,روسي,ألماني,إسباني,إيطالي,ياباني,فرنسي,انكليزي
. See less.