Mitglied seit Feb '14

Englisch > Japanisch
Deutsch > Japanisch
Japanisch > Englisch
Japanisch > Deutsch

As your Japanese language gear

Lokale Zeit: 20:32 JST (GMT+9)

Muttersprache: Japanisch (Variant: Hiroshima) Native in Japanisch
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11 positive reviews
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Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifiziertes Mitglied,
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Dienstleistungen Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Transcreation, Copywriting, Desktop publishing, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling, Training, Project management, Sales, Operations management
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Finanzen (allgemein)Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)
WirtschaftswissenschaftenTourismus und Reisen

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 884
Freiwillige Arbeit / Ehrenamt Offen für freiwillige Arbeit für eine eingetragene gemeinnützige Organisation
KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 100, Beantwortete Fragen: 50
Von diesem Mitglied vorgenommene Blue Board-Einträge  14 Einträge

Payment methods accepted Visa, Banküberweisung, MasterCard, Payoneer, Veem
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 18. Angemeldet bei seit: Nov 2012. Mitglied seit: Feb 2014. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Qualifikationen N/A
Mitgliedschaften Deutsch-Japanischer Wirtschaftskreis (DJW), JTF, JAT, DVÜD
TeamsEnglish and Japanese translation
Software Across, Indesign, MateCat, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Richtlinien für die Berufsausübung Takeshi MIYAHARA befürwortet's Berufsrichtlinien.


Takeshi Miyahara received his B.A. degree in Economics from Hiroshima University of Economics (HUE), Japan, and a certificate in International Management from Pforzheim University, Germany. After graduating, he had worked as an in-house translator-interpreter in the quality control department of optical devices at Sony EMCS, and in the aerospace division at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) for about 3 years in total. Thereafter, he gained experience in International Education Exchange at HUE, and supported inbound and outbound international students between 2010 and 2019. He was assigned as Hiroshima Messenger in 2013 and 2014, and volunteered in supporting Hiroshima City for their long-lasting international cooperation with Hannover city, Germany. With his wide variety of international experiences at the companies, he offers professional translation services in English, German and Japanese, collaborating with his former peer translators. He also manages general affairs and finances of a facility maintenance company that his brother runs. He is a member of Japan Translation Federation, Japan Association of Translators and DVÜD e.V..

Japanese cultures and traditions; General Business and Education; Manufacturing and Engineering; IT and E-Commerce; Medical services and cares; IFRS; Accounting and Financing; Marketing; Literature

Records of interpreting (Excerpt) – as of September 30, 2024
Japanese <> English
- fulltime (8 hours + overtime) May 2007- March 2019
(Sony, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Hiroshima University of Economics)
- Business negotiation, Hiroshima & remote, April 2020
- Paralympic-related communication program, remote, February 2021
- Agriculture / social businesses, Kyoto & Hiroshima, December 2022
- Solar energy system training, Tokyo, January 2023
- Cash dispenser service at an international airport, Osaka, September, 2023
- Gardener Interview for creative media, Hiroshima, November 2023
- Clinical trial inspections, Chiba, December 2023
- factory tour and business meeting at a beverage company, January 2024
- Solar energy system training, Tokyo, February 2024
- Smart Energy Expo, Tokyo, February-March 2024
- IT related meeting, March 2024 
- A business meeting and Man/QA tour at a beverage company (audit), April 2024
- Solar energy system operational review (operational audit), Tokyo, May 2024
- A business meeting at a beverage company, July 2024

Records of Translations (Excerpt) – as of September 30, 2024
German to Japanese
- Website of distance selling products; ca. 13,000 wds
- Company website of precision braking torque; ca. 3,500 wds 
- Instructions and Manual of an iPhone App; ca. 100 wds 
- Adwords of Google website; ca. 50,000 wds 
- Business letters; ca. 800 wds 
- Ads of Facebook App; ca. 500 wds 
- Service Menu of a Hotel; ca. 1,500 wds
- Instruction Guide of Fueling Equipment; ca. 200 wds
- brief introduction leaflet of a city in Germany; ca. 1,000 wds
- a fantasy novel; ca. 50,000 wds
- Tourism Information of a city in Germany; ca. 4,000 wds seasonal
- Letter from a city in Germany to visitors; ca. 1,300 wds
- Certificate of product's reliability test result; ca. 500 wds 
- Brochure of museums in Germany; ca. 50,000 wds in total
- Corporate website of tungsten powder; ca. 15,000 wds 
- presentation/manual of automobiles; constantly ca. 10,000 wds (2017 - 2020)
- Communications/brochure of automobiles; ca. 1,000 wds/week (since 2021)
- Screwdriver tool catalogue; ca. 100,000 wds (2024)
- Web pages of machinery additive manufacturing; and
Software user-interface of 3D print; ca. 15000 wds/month (since 2022)
(both English/German into Japanese)
- Automation solutions of plant facilities; ca. 20,000 wds (2023)
- Corporate website of plasma coating solutions; ca. 40,000 wds (2023)

English to Japanese
- Manual of Furniture CAD software; ca. 7,000 wds 
- Business letters; over 100,000 wds 
- Failure report of products; over 100,000 wds 
- Ads of iPhone App; ca. 500 wds 
- Materials and documents of companies; over 30,000 wds 
- Quality assurance specifications; over 100,000 wds 
- E-mail correspondence; over 100,000 wds
- Educational Materials: over 100,000 wds
- Online Game Apps: over 100,000 wds
- letter from an educational institute; ca. 1,000 wds
- EC Declaration of Conformity; ca. 1500 wds
- IT Marketing/blogs; constantly ca. 20,000 wds (2018-2021)
- accounting software; ca. 2000 words
- Manual of energy related devices; ca. 5000 wds every month (2017 – to date)
- privacy policy/terms & conditions/other legal documents; 4,000 wds seasonal
- economic report; 3,000 wds every month (2020 – to date)
- business correspondences; 3,000 wds every month (2016 – to date)
- Risk management related blog articles; 3,000 wds every month (2020 - 2022)
- Transcreation copies on tourism; ca. 10 hrs every month (2021 to date) 
- Products marketing, transcreation; ca. 3,000 wds every month 
- Product brochures and presentation materials for lab tools; ca. 20,000 wds

Japanese to English 
(Sony, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Hiroshima University of Economics)
- Corporate profile; ca. 5,000 letters 
- Presentation material of products; ca. 4,000 letters 
- Failure report of products; over 1,000,000 letters 
- Quality assurance specifications; over 30,000 letters 
- E-mail correspondence; over 1,000,000 letters

Study Abroad and Schools:

1. Goethe Institut Tokio, Japan (German, 2009/2-8)

2. Pforzheim University of Applied Science, Pforzheim, Germany (2006/9-2007/2)
I have been to Germany for exchange. Since I was majoring in Accounting
at the home university, I mainly studied International Accounting during my
study abroad.
3. English Language Academy, Auckland, NZ (English, 2006/2-3)


1. TOEIC 975 (2016); and
2. Goethe Zertifikat C1(2009)

Click here for more about me

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Gesamtpunktzahl: 126
Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 100

Sprachrichtungen (PRO)
Englisch > Japanisch44
Japanisch > Englisch40
Deutsch > Japanisch8
Japanisch > Deutsch8
Allgemeine Gebiete (PRO)
Punkte in 2 weiteren Gebieten >
Fachgebiete (PRO)
Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)8
Medizin: Pharmazie8
Medizin (allgemein)8
Technik (allgemein)4
Computer: Hardware4
Punkte in 13 weiteren Gebieten >

Alle Punkte ansehen >
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    Schlüsselwörter: german, deutsch, doitsu, ドイツ, ドイツ語, english, englisch, eigo, 英語, japanese. See more.german, deutsch, doitsu, ドイツ, ドイツ語, english, englisch, eigo, 英語, japanese, japanisch, 日本語, translation, translator, translate, translating, uebersetzen, übersetzen, übersetzung, 翻訳, honyaku, interpreter, interpret, interpretation, interpreting, dolmetschen, dolmetscher, dolmetschung, 通訳, language, sprache, 言語, 言葉, business, culture, tradition, General Business, Education, Manufacturing, Engineering, IT, E-Commerce, Medical service, medical cares, IFRS, Accounting, Financing, Marketing, Literature, mobile application, website, appliances, device, punctual, punctually, punktlich, puntlichkeit, punctuality, quality, best, . See less.

    Letzte Profilaktualisierung
    Dec 11, 2024