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Third Translation Contest » Winners

Submission phase  
May 13 '07Jun 26 '07
Hybrid phase  
Finals phase  

About the Submission phase

During the Submission phase, entries may be submitted in any language pair, per contest restrictions. Contestants are allowed to edit their entries until the end of the Submission phase.

At the end of the Submission phase, all language pairs with submitted entries will be "paused" for review by the contest administrator.

About the Hybrid phase

During the Hybrid phase, individual language pairs can be placed in any of the Submission, Qualification, or Finals phases, depending on how many entries have been submitted.
  • Pairs which received fewer than 3 entries during the Submission phase will likely be placed in an "extended submission" period. If at least 3 entries are eventually submitted, the pair will be moved forward to the Finals phase.
  • Pairs which received between 3 and 7 entries will likely be placed directly into the Finals phase, where site users who list that language pair in their profile may vote for what they feel are the best entries.
  • Pairs which received more than 7 entries will likely be placed into the Qualification phase, where site users rate and tag entries in an effort to determine a smaller pool of entries which should move forward into the Finals phase.

About the Finals phase

During the Finals phase, all language pairs which have received at least 3 entries will be open for site users to vote for what they feel are the best entries. Pairs with fewer than 3 entries will not be able to have a winner determined.

At the end of the Finals phase, votes will be tallied by site staff, and winners in each pair will be announced.
Competition in this edition of translation contests is finished.

Congratulations and thanks to all the members who participated in this Third Translation Contest, and in particular, congratulations to the winners! You will find the winners below, as well as links to all language pairs that qualified. There is also a possibility to leave feedback and suggestions about the contest. In addition, the page corresponding to each language pair contains all the qualified entries plus room for specific feedback and comments.

Contest winners

Winners have been announced in 18 language pairs.

English to Arabic

7 entries
Entry #832
Hani Hassaan
Hani Hassaan

English to Chinese

7 entries
Entry #1199

English to Czech

3 entries
Entry #1040
Daniel Šebesta
Daniel Šebesta
Tschechische Republik

English to Dutch

4 entries
Entry #1172

English to Finnish

3 entries
Entry #1208

English to French

19 entries
Entry #962
Entry #980

English to German

14 entries
Entry #860
Undoer of Ba (X)
Undoer of Ba (X)

English to Hungarian

3 entries
Entry #776
Csaba Szenes
Csaba Szenes
Vereinigtes Königreich

English to Indonesian

4 entries
Entry #944
Hikmat Gumilar
Hikmat Gumilar

English to Italian

16 entries
Entry #1126

English to Portuguese (EU)

12 entries
Entry #1004

English to Romanian

7 entries
Entry #1046

English to Russian

23 entries
Entry #1142

English to Spanish

38 entries
Entry #928

Indonesian to English

5 entries
Entry #978
Ian Forbes
Ian Forbes

Italian to English

4 entries
Entry #1074
Vereinigte Staaten

Russian to English

11 entries
Entry #774
Paul Hirsh
Paul Hirsh

Russian to German

3 entries
Entry #1193