Medical translation mentoring

Anfrage - Beratung
Von: Serena Marangoni
Veröffentlicht am:Oct 28, 2016
Beschreibung:I'm a young translator, with experience in marketing and e-commerce. I've been translating part-time for a long time but now that I've finished my studies I would like to make it my full time profession. I'm trying to specialize in EN>IT medical translation (well, in a sub-field of medical translation - I feel it's too vast to consider doing it all). Before becoming a translator I've studied veterinary medicine for 4 years. I feel that there's plenty of work in my field, but it's difficult to get started. I'm looking for someone to point me in the right direction, doesn't have to be someone working in my language pair, just someone who can help me to understand which sub-field to choose, where to find study material and courses to become more specialized, and which skills and knowledge are really relevant.

Diese Anfrage diskutieren mitSerena Marangoni
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