Powwow Report for Vereinigte Staaten - Washinton DC (Dec 20 2001)

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Report from  Jeff Skinner
On Thursday, 20 Dec, the Washington DC Powwow was held at the Brickskeller, a beer restaurant that features hundreds of beers from around the world - an appropriate setting for a translators' get-together!

Seven people had expressed interest in attending, but as it turned out only 4 showed up - Ksenia Boitsova, the organizer, John and Ellada Guchemand, and Jeff Skinner. As it turned out, all of us spoke Russian to one degree or another - Ksenia and Ellada were from Russia and Uzbekistan, respectively; John had spent time in Uzbekistan with the Peace Corps, and Jeff had studied for a year at St. Petersburg State University. So most of the evening was spent speaking Russian.

There was no lack of conversational subjects, and the three hours we were there seemed to fly by. We shared information on other professional organizations we knew about, compared experience, and swapped information for further contact. We also decided to have a Russian movie night sometime in the next month, and plan to keep up the ProZ Powwow plans so that others will have more opportunities to show.
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