Working languages:
English to Catalan
Italian to Catalan
Spanish to Catalan

Aïda Garcia Pons
Translating Books since 2002

California, United States
Local time: 02:15 PST (GMT-8)

Native in: Catalan Native in Catalan, Spanish Native in Spanish
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I am a freelance translator for a series of publishing houses in Spain and England and an ESOL (ESL) & EFL tutor.

As a freelancer I translate fiction (children, teen (YA) & adult), from English into Catalan. I also translate teachers' books for teachers of English in Spanish-speaking countries; these translations are from Spanish into Catalan and English into Spanish.

As a freelancer I have also written over 50 reviews on children's Italian and English originals. My job was to decide whether such novels should be translated into either Spanish or Catalan.

My teaching career began in the People's Republic of China in 1999. During the three years I lived in the country I taught a series of undergraduate courses to students doing a BA in English studies, and to those qualifying to become middle-school English teachers.
In Bangladesh I taught EFL to both Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy students at the Bangladesh Health Professions Institute. Back in Europe I taught ESOL and ICT in Oxford for four years before moving to the US.

I currently live in California where I mostly do literary translations and teach Spanish and Italian to English speakers. 

Some of the novels and picture books I have translated:

Simone VISITA EL MUSEO, by Dr Kelsi Bracmort, Mayhew Pursuits LLC, Washington DC, 2019 

Forever You, by Estelle Maskame, Fanbooks, Barcelona, 2019 

Sempre ens quedarà l'estiu, by Jenny Han, Fanbooks, Barcelona 2019  

La filla que no existia, by Natalie C. Anderson, Fanbooks, Barcelona, 2018

Blackthorn 2. L'any de la pesta, by Kevin Sands, Grup62, Barcelona, 2017 

Ever After High 2. Destí reial, esperit rebel, by Shannon Hale, Estrella Polar, 2014

Divergent 3: Lleial, by Veronica Roth, fanbooks, Barcelona, 2014

Ever After High, el Llibre del Destí, by Shannon Hale, Estrella Polar, Barcelona, 2013

L'aniversari secret, (The Secret Keeper), by Kate Morton, Suma de Letras, Madrid, 2013

Scarlet. Cròniques lunars II, by Marissa Meyer, fanbooks, Barcelona, 2013

Insurgent, by Veronica Roth, Estrella Polar, Barcelona, 2012

Cinder, by Marissa Meyer, Grup 62, Barcelona, 2012

Aigües tèrboles, (Fateful) by Claudia Gray, Grup 62, Barcelona, 2012

Divergent, by Veronica Roth, Grup 62, Barcelona, 2011

Caçadors d'ombres 4, Ciutat de l'àngel caigut, (City of Fallen Angels) by Cassandra Clare, Grup 62, Barcelona, 2011

Caçadors d'ombres 1, Ciutat d'ossos, (City of Bones) by Cassandra Clare, Grup 62, Barcelona, 2010

Gènesi, (Genesis) by Bernard Beckett, Grup 62, Barcelona, 2009

Jandy Nelson
Veronica Roth
Veronica Roth
Veronica Roth
Michael Reisman

For the complete list of published translations and my CV please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address provided above.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 1064
PRO-level pts: 965

Top languages (PRO)
English to Spanish461
Spanish to English178
Italian to English71
English to Catalan70
Catalan to English47
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Social Sciences80
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Poetry & Literature75
Education / Pedagogy49
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters43
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama31
Medical: Health Care30
Cooking / Culinary28
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Keywords: traducció literària, traductora literària, català, anglès, italià, castellà, educació, professora d'anglès com a llengua estrangera, Barcelona, Anglaterra. See more.traducció literària, traductora literària, català, anglès, italià, castellà, educació, professora d'anglès com a llengua estrangera, Barcelona, Anglaterra, Estats Units, literatura infantil, literatura juvenil, literary translation, literary translator, Catalan, English, Italian, Spanish, EFL, ESOL, ESL, Education, teen novels, children's books, England, United States, traducción literaria, traductora literaria, catalán, inglés, español, castellano, italiano, educación, profesora de inglés como lengua extranjera, Inglaterra, Estados Unidos, freelance. See less.

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