Powwow Report for Spanien - Tarragona (Apr 16 2009)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Mar Brotons
Maria Rosich Andreu
Teresa Miret
Pablo Bouvier
Natalia Pedrosa (X)
Gemma Sanza Porcar

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Apr 18 '09  Berni Armstrong: Shame I missed it!
Sounds like a good time was had by all. I enjoyed my brief afternoon catch up with my brother though.... Sigh.. See y'all next time!
Apr 18 '09  Teresa Miret: Una bona estona
Bon menjar a bon preu en bona companyia, què més es pot demanar? Fins i tot el temps ens va acompanyar...
Moltes gràcies, Natàlia, per haver organitzat aquesta trobada, i més tenint una altra festa el mateix dia!
Una forta abraçada,
Teresa Miret
Apr 17 '09  Katherine Oliphant: I had a great time too!
It was nice to meet you all and I hope we can do it again soon.

Many thanks to Natalia for doing all the organising!

Apr 17 '09  Gemma Sanza Porcar: Cute place
Hi Alls,

Cute place, peaceful restaurant and beautiful people.

I see you soon.

Un abrazo,

Apr 17 '09  Mar Brotons: Thank you all!
This was also my first Powwow and it's been really nice meeting everyone. I've had a great time chatting and dining in the great Tarraco. :-)

Special thanks to Natalia for organising this!

Hope to see you all on some other occasion.
Apr 17 '09  Pablo Bouvier: Hi, all
Hola a totes,

he estat encantat de conèixer-vos i, per a ser el meu primer powwow, ha estat molt agradable. ;-)

Així que espero veure-us a totes aviat de nou i el meu agraïment a la Natalia per fer-ho possible.
Apr 17 '09  Maria Rosich Andreu: Encantada d'haver-vos conegut!
I d'haver tornat a veure a qui ja coneixia. Espero que hagi anat bé la resta de dinar!

En pic que buidi la càmera penjaré les fotos. Salut a tothom!
Apr 17 '09  Maria Rosich Andreu: A quina hora hem quedat?
Hem quedat a la 1 al final?
Apr 17 '09  juga (X): today
I am sorry but I will not be able to come, as I have an urgency and I have to be in Barcelona at 15 o'clock.

Anyway, I hope You will enjoy the meal and maybe till soon!
