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Niederländisch > Englisch Technik (allgemein) Translation Glossary

Niederländisch term Englisch translation
12-voudige slang set of 12 hoses
aangevuld filled in/filled
aankoppelbok headstock
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
aanlanding berming
aanloopgebied approach area
aanspankoppel torque
aanvoerstrang supply strand (of cable)
actueerstang activation rod / actuator handle
afblinding blinding off
afslag (automatic) cut-off switch; autostop switch; (automatic) cut-off switch
Entered by: Michael Beijer
aftakmof (cast/moulded) spliced cable tap
afvulprocess, afvulruimte filling process / filling chamber
Entered by: Edirel Susanna
aktiekrant promotional brochure / pamphlet
ampèretangen current clamp
Analysergebouw Analyzer building
ankerrek anchor rack
asbus axle bearing / axis bushing / axle box / axlebox
aspassages axle passages
Entered by: Edirel Susanna
Asweeginstallaties (dynamic) axle weighbridge
Entered by: Edirel Susanna
“statistisch” invallend geluid 'randomly' incident sound
bagger- en ruimingsspecie dredging and clearing material
barre -/- Barré test -/-
Entered by: Luca Tutino
bediening in de wacht switch at the control panel / in the control room
bedieningsregister Operator\'s Logbook
Entered by: Michael Beijer
bedrijfsmechanisatie production mechanisation
beluchtingskader aeration frame
benuttingscoefficient utilisation factor, load factor, effectieve machine time coefficient, capacity usage ratio, capacity-to-usage ratio
beugel van stroomafnemer bow collector
bijtrekrol (secondary) pinch roll
Binnenbandijk BOZ installatie 206 installation 206 at the Binnenbandijk in BoZ
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
bokstandaards horse (standard), trestle (standard)
Entered by: Henk Peelen
boorparker Self-drilling screw
bordes landing
borrelpot scrubber
borstel-krokodil "the crocodile" (railway terminology)
Bouwkundig normaal Building factor, normal
brandschakelaar fire switch
breukproef stress test; (tensile strength) break test
Entered by: Michael Beijer
bufferbak buffer tank
cilinderopvulling; opvulling cylinder core filling; fillings; plug
Entered by: Michael Beijer
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