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Niederländisch > Englisch Umwelt und Ökologie Translation Glossary

Niederländisch term Englisch translation
*die onstaat door ophoping* *that is created by accumulation of*
aanpak van de bodemverontreiniging tackling soil contamination
ABM General Assessment Methodology
Entered by: Ali Alawadi
afvalwatercollector wastewater collector
afwegingsmethodieken assessment methodologies/methods
baggerspecie dredge spoil
beekvallei river valley
beeldmeetlat photographic grading scale/photographic likert scale
Entered by: Textpertise
belang incentive
Bergbezinkbekken/bergbezinkbassin detention and settling tank
bestemmingsgebieden destination areas
Entered by: Michael Beijer
bodemnulsituatie baseline condition of the soil
bodemstaalnemer soil sampler
calamiteitenkamer Milieu environmental crisis centre
containerbegrip umbrella concept
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
deponieën landfills
depotwerking residual effect
desaffectatie change of use
Diastaat Plant for diastatic products
ecologische verbindingen connection corridors / wildlife corridors / eco-corridors etc.
energiegebieden energy regions; renewable energy regions/zones
freatisch watervoerend pakket phreatic (or unconfined) aquifers
FTE FTU formazine turbidity unit
galetten (wafer) disks
Grondwaterverhang groundwater gradient
Handreiking industrielawaai en vergunningverlening (1998) Guide to Industrial Noise and Licensing (1998)
hindercontouren nuisance contours / isopleths
historisch bodembestand database of potentially polluted sites
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
Inbreiding infill development
kwikspeciatie Mercury speciation analysis
LArLt - Langtijdgemiddeld beoordelingsniveau Long-term average (assessment level)
leembezetter plasterer
luchtzijdig actieve kool activated carbon for air purification
m-mv meter beneden maaiveld: m-mv (niet vertalen, of --> below ground level)
Entered by: Evert DELOOF-SYS
meetput sample chamber
meteocorrectie (Cm), bedrijfsduurcorrectie (Cb), gevelcorrectie (Cg) meteo correction (Cm), corrected time (Ct), facade correction (dBA)
microbiologische betrouwbaarheid microbiological safety
middenvoet centre pier, centre footing
natuurzorgplicht environmental duty of care
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
niet in een getal te vangen is can't be expressed in numerical terms
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