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Rumänisch > Englisch Energie/Energieerzeugung Translation Glossary

Rumänisch term Englisch translation
a aduce în clasă un contor to configurate/calibrate a meter
a scoate de sub tensiune to cut off the power/to unplug
aductiune penstock
Amonte /aval (electricitate) Upstream / Downstream
amplasament de receptie destination site
ardere autoîntreţinută self-sustained combustion
Entered by: Ioana Costache
Autorizaţie de înfiinţare electric energy (retail) provider permit/license
Aviz de amplasament (building) site approval form/notice
Aviz de gospodărire a apelor Water Rights Permit
aviz prealabil de oportunitate Notice of opportunity
Aviz tehnic de racordare Connection Technical Evaluation Report
axul barajului dam centerline
şef de promoţie valedictorian
baraj din beton in dublu arc concrete double arched dam
barele centralelor power plant busbars
bilant electroenergetic electrical energy balance
captare catchment system
centrală termică, punct termic thermal power plant, thermal substation
Entered by: Cristiana Coblis
Certificat de descarcare de sarcina archaeological discharge certificate
clemă de tensiune power clamp
clientul este pus in intarziere de drept ... (pana la sfarsit) the client shall be deemed in default automatically/ipso jure
compensare echilibrată pe faze Balanced phase compensation
conducere operativa operations management
conducerea prin dispecer dispatch (management) system
conductor funie cable core
consemn de putere power set point
consumator casnic domestic consumer
Convenţie de exploatare operation agreement
cota de obligaţie binding quota
cu continut BPC containing PCB
culturi energetice energy crops/energetic cultures
Entered by: Claudia Coja
curent de rupere breaking (current) capacity
cutii cu eclise wiring cleat box(es)
decontare settlement
decuvare drainage
dopuire plugging
Entered by: Andrei Albu
energie solara termica, fotovoltaica si energie eoliana Solar thermal energy, photovoltaic energy and (a)eolian energy
fişă de reţea mains power/electric plug
fişă de soluţie project proposal
fişă de soluţie written approval
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