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Rumänisch > Englisch Sport/Fitness/Erholung Translation Glossary

Rumänisch term Englisch translation
baza agrement recreational facilities
calităţi motrice physical qualities
Campionatul Naţional de Viteză pe Traseu Montan National Hillclimbing Championship
cantonament training camp
centrare cross
Comisie de arbitraj board of officials/board of stewards
diorama stand-up figure
elan la gropi de nisip long jump runways
etapa round
extragere draw
șaisprezecimi de finală 16th-finals
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
In sezonul viitor, de la Rocar nu vor pleca decat Victoras Iacob si Cezar Dinu, ambii la Universitatea Craiova, si Daniel Prodan In the next season, only Victoras Iacob AND Cezar Dinu will leave Rocar, to go both to Universitatea Craiova, and Daniel Prodan.
incep sa-i intre loviturile The Romanian starts hitting winning shots
Entered by: Cristiana Coblis
joc de serviciu-voleu serve-and-volley game
meci în deplasare away/road game
mers pe loc tread or walk in place
Entered by: Alina-Maria Zaharia
mingile capata consistenta his shots become more and more effective
Entered by: Cristiana Coblis
motricitate motor skills
ocolire in plug snowplow turn
optimi de finală eighth-finals
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
proba de traseu track test
secţiune de legătură connecting portion/stage
trasul parâmei tug of war
tusier assistant referee
vânătoare la pândă hunting (game) from a hide
zone largi de teren open up the court
Entered by: Cristiana Coblis
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