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Spanisch > Englisch Landwirtschaft Translation Glossary

Spanisch term Englisch translation
aceituna de aderezo table olive
bioestimulante biostimulant
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
Bolsa Agropecuaria Agricultural Exchange
dotatorias [land] endowment [actions]
el postre llega cuando el gourmet ya no tiene hambre \"The dessert has to be spectacular, because it comes when the gourmet is no longer hungry\"
inestabilidad del invierno uncertainties of the rainy season
insumos cerificados certified inputs
precios libres free-trade prices
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
protección de zonas altas de captación protection of upland catchment areas
"Caravana Individual" individual ear tag (in some S. Am. countries)
"el riesgo de "no" obtener una buena producción es muy alto." the risk of not obtaining a good yield is very high
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
"industria de agropartes" Agricultural sparepart industry/Sparepart agro-inductry
"polvo de la estopa" coir dust
"sembradora a chorrillo" fine grain seeder
Entered by: Marina Soldati
"zafe a fusible" fuse safeguard
(asignaturas) clave core or basic (subjects)
(los frutales muestran) un buen aforo a good (an adequate) coverage of fruits
(poniendo en marcha) el sistema de secado sin carga (operating) the drying system whilst empty
1.saturacion de bases / 2.capa vegetal 1. Base saturation / 2. Vegetation layer
205 caberίas 205 caballerías (a unit of land equivalent to 45 hectares)
a todo nuevo latido de un recién nacido correspondiera... with every heartbeat of a newborn, new plant life will spring from the land
año agrícola crop year
ac. húmico humic acid
aceite de oliva ecológico organic olive oil
aceite de oliva virgen lampante lampante virgin olive oil
acero especial antidesgaste special antiwear steel
acero reforzado reinforced steel/strengthened steel
acidez de cambio exchange acidity
Entered by: Carolina Grupe
acidos humicos y fuluicos humic and fulvic acids
Entered by: Edward Tully
acolchado plastic tunnel (plant cover)
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
acomodar match
acondicionamiento (see context) storage (in this context)
acopiador de granos grain middleman / grain broker
acopio stocking, pooling
acopio, almacenaje y acondicionamiento de cereales stocking, storage and screening/processing of grains
acta de retención holding record
activo agrario agricultural worker
acude yield
Acude (Cotton production) useful cotton fiber ratio/split
acumular los sobreprecios resultantes de to accumulate the surcharges resulting from
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