The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanisch > Englisch Urkunden, Diplome, Zeugnisse, Lebensläufe Translation Glossary

Spanisch term Englisch translation
.... concepto expresado juntamente con .... ...the aforementioned document jointly with...(the undersigned...etc.)
actos públicos official documents
casados civil y religiosamente married by both civil and religious authorities
Espacios institucionales Institutional spaces
Laboratorio de Medio Interno Medical/Clinical laboratory - Clinical Chemistry Department
libre ejercicio de la profesión the free exercise of his/her profession
Entered by: liz askew
número... folio... del protocolo ha sido registrado el presente titulo this degree is recorded on the Register under number... on folio...
plan y programas de estudio curriculum and syllabus
Entered by: Marcelo González
red asistencial social service network
"C de E" or "C de B" Foreigner/Alien Identification Card or Baptismal Certificate
"corresponden en el carácter invocado" are those of XX XXX in the stated capacity
"CUATRO COMA SEIS" Four point six
"En nombre del Estado Libre y Soberano de Guanajuato" In the name of the free and sovereign State of Guanajuato
"haciéndose acreedor al título de Ingeniero Industrial" "thus obtaining/getting a degree in Industrial Engineering"
"Que la presente certificación literal, expedida con la autorización ..." That this actual certificate, issued under the authorisation...
Entered by: Edward Tully
"Revisado y confrontado" on a stamp on a document. Reviewed and compared
"s s" sub silicet/bajo el sello/a saber
"SOCIEDAD Y ESTADO" Society and State/Government
"T" Tarjeta de Identidad - Identity Card
"Testigos/Fdos/Ilegibles" Witnesses. Signatures (illegible)
"XX, PRIMER SECRETARIO, Res. DGRH Nº XX de la fecha XX" Chief Resident Secretary (DGRH) General Director of Human Resources
"y habiendo sido la funcionaria... para presenciarlo" "and having the undersigned officer been the one chosen by the bride and groom to witness it (the wedding)"
"y para los efectos consiguientes" for the appropriate purposes
'mo Es una referencia (ver nota) traducir
(...) se escalará (...) will be scaled..
Entered by: liz askew
(asignatura) cursada en Convenios Internacionales (course/subject) studied/taken under an International Exchange/Study Program/Agreement
(cumplo con señalar a) SS [Su Señoría >] The Court
(Curso) único single course/only course
(Duda de estilo, fechas) follow original style exactly
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
(E) (Encargada)/L.S. (después de signatura) acting/in charge of (depending on context)/L.S. is the abbreviation for Latinism locus sigilli
(el colegio) es oficial de Carácter Especial this institution is officially recognized as a Special Education school
(esta) de baja en el colegio por petición propia has withdrawn from the association at his/her own request
(HAB.) and (DEF.) Habilitada = Pass / Deficiente = Fail
(los datos son) dignos de comprobar Verifiable
(Prob. pol. y Soc. Ec. Pma.) y (Noc. de Econ. Com. y Adm.) Political and Socio-Econ. Problems in Panama/Commercial and Administrative Economic Studies
(RAZON): De conformidad con el Primer Testimonio de la Escritura Publica Pursuant to/In accordance with the First Transcript of the Document/Public Deed
*DGT* General Administration of the Treasury
*legalización* legalization
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
-Oficilia del Estado Civil- and -Oficial del Estado Civil- THNX! Office of Vital Records; Vital Records Officer
... (some school) confiere el título de Bachiller Académico... grants the high school diploma to...
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