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Spanisch > Englisch Geschichte Translation Glossary

Spanisch term Englisch translation
al cumplirse seis años de la IV Cumbre de las Américas Six years after the fourth/4th Summit of the Americas
¿Por qué asimilaban dejar descubierto un ojo con lo musulmán... Why do they conflate leaving one eye uncovered with Muslim tradition...?
Entered by: David Ronder
con ellas se sostienen la libertad y la igualdad which uphold freedom and equality
que la jugada en su contra that the manoeuvre against him
"...las traxeren aquellos de donde ellos vienen" in the form and manner worn by those from where they come
"erudito a la violeta" sham scholar; farcical scholar
"europeizarnos y sumergirnos en el pueblo" Europeanize ourselves and submerge ourselves in the community
"lo que no hizo" in this sentence for/to which he was not attached/appointed/ascribed
"pROvenir," used as a verb descend
'no hay cuerpo del víctima ni del delito' 'there is no body nor body of evidence'
... y que propuso..... distribuir de modo más equitativo la riqueza reform intended/designed to promote a more equitable/equal distribution of wealth...
30 de hoy de 1694 (documento antiguo) 30th day of the current month, 1694
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
A caballo entre Astride two worlds
a inciativa de la afición on the initiative of supporters
a la sombra de españoles in the shadow of the Spaniards ; in the guise of Spaniards
a manera de escoria de herreros like a (blacksmith's) slag heap
A raiz del acceso... los ricos comenzaron a migrar Given the access of the lower classes to Mar de Plata, the wealthy began to migrate toward Pinamar.
A su fin To this end
Abastecimiento Provisioning
acantonamiento / acantonar tropas quartering / to quarter troops
acarreo transporting
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
acogerse a follow in the tradition of
acometidas perplejas fits of confusion/bewilderment
acta de detención detention/arrest/custody record
Adelantado (frase) Governor
Entered by: David Ronder
adrestaremos we will give instructions to (order)
aeropuerto terrestre y marítimo land and marine airport
agatirsos Agathyrsi
agenciar to tackle
agentes de cambio en el mercardo inmobiliario exchange agents/brokers in the real estate/property market...
agonística agonistic
agora (in this context) now
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
airón emblem (here)
al primer contraste at the first setback
al sancionar un novedoso Estatuto del Peón by instituting / implementing the revolutionary Estatuto de Peón
Alanos y Suevos Alans and Swabians
alarde de demagogia display of demagoguery/demagogy
albacar turret
albeítar (animal) leech / animal doctor
alcalde de realengo senior local judge (of first instance) appointed by the Crown
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