Translation Glossaries from the Web
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English Idioms Sayings and Slang
An open English Turkish idioms dictionary project with a preloaded English idioms index. Currently, there are more than 10,000 entries in the index database of which some 1,400 idioms, phrasal verbs and proverbs are already translated. The dictionary is open to moderated user contributions. The author plans to implement a remote dictionary lookup b... View more
Idiomsite |
Very nice site of English idioms
English idioms
Glossary of English Idioms (The site is free with no membership requirement) |
This glossary explains the meanings of idioms that are used in everyday conversational English.
Italian to English Idioms
Great site for idioms
Translation of English idioms into Spanish. Traducción de modismos del inglés al español.
Visit this link for some great Portuguese and English idioms..
English Idioms
Wayne Magnuson |
Idioms: Slang and Sayings. Good definitions.