Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Conversion of University Grades across Europe
The European Association of University Departments of Biology (EuroBio) |
Not a glossary as such, this is a table establishing equivalents for grades awarded in 19 European countries. Despite being set out by the biology departments, they should apply to university grades in general for these countries.
Postsecondary Education |
Glossary of higher education and student financial aid terms, US English - Standard Spanish. "There are concepts represented in the glossary that are unique to the American higher education and financial aid systems. Therefore, invention and compromise were required at times when translating terms that describe concepts having no precise equival... View more
Oscar Awards Bilingual
Newspapers El Pa�s and The New York Times |
Breve glosario de los premios del Oscar de la Academia de Hollywood, preparado por según las categorías utilizadas por El País y el New York Times Oscar Awards Bilingual Glossary