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Französisch > Englisch: Diabetes treatment in mice using NeuroD and Btc genes, 2003 General field: Naturwissenschaften Detailed field: Biologie, Biochemie, Mikrobiologie
Ausgangstext - Französisch Extract from an article in La Recherche, June 2003
Lawrence Chan et ses collègues du Bayor College of Medicine à Houston, aux Etats-Unis, one travaillé sur des souris aux cellules préalablement détruites - le meilleur modèle du diabète type I humain. A l'aide d'un vecteur viral, ils ont transféré aux cellules hépatiques de ces animaux deux gènes : NeuroD, indispensable à la différenciation des cellules bêta, et Btc, le gène de la bêtacelluline, une hormone qui favorise leur développement. Résultat : certaines cellules du foie ont acquis les mêmes capacités que celles du pancréas à sécréter de l'insuline et à corriger > la glycémie. C'est suffisant pour guérir, pour la première fois, totalement et durablement le diabète de ces souris.
Übersetzung - Englisch Lawrence Chan and his colleagues at the Bayor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, have been working with mice whose cells have been destroyed in advance – the best model of human Type 1 diabetes. With the help of a viral carrier, they transferred two genes into the animals’ liver cells: NeuroD, essential for the differentiation of beta cells and Btc, the betacelluline gene, a hormone which encourages their growth. The result was that some liver cells gained the same abilities as those in the pancreas to secrete insulin and manage glycemia ‘in real time’. This is enough to completely and permanently cure diabetes in these mice for the first time.
Französisch > Englisch: The refractive index of liquids /lasers in fibre optics General field: Technik Detailed field: Physik
Ausgangstext - Französisch Extract from an article by Cécile Michaut, La Recherche, June 2003.
Alexis Casner et Jean-Pierre Delville ont illuminé les deux phases à l'aide d'un laser. Ils ont observé que l'interface se creuse de plus en plus, jusqu'à former un jet plus fin qu'un cheveu, stable tant qu'on mantient le faisceau laser. Quand celui-ci traverse d'abord la phase supérieure, qui possède l'indice de réfraction (qui caractérise la propagation de la lumière dans un milieu) le plus grand, la déformation agit comme une lentille, et recentre la lumière à l'intérieur du jet. Ce dernier se comporte comme une fibre optique liquide, parfaitement adaptée a l'onde.
, raconte Jean-Pierre Delville. En outre, ces travaux peuvent toujours trouver des applications en optique : >, envisage le physicien. Pour sa part, Alexis Casner souligne que, >. Reste à trouver des mélanges plus propices aux applications, et à augmenter la longeur des fils liquides, aujourd'hui de l'ordre du millimètre.
Übersetzung - Englisch Alexis Casner and Jean-Pierre Delville used a laser to light up the two phases. They observed that the interface stretched further and further until it formed a jet, finer than a hair and stable for as long as the laser beam was applied to it. When the laser beam passes first through the upper phase, which has the highest refractive index (this characterises the propagation of light in a medium), the distortion acts like a lens and realigns the light inside the jet. The jet behaves like a liquid optical fibre, perfectly adapted to the wave.
“We are working with theorists to explain all the phenomena involved,” says Jean-Pierre Delville. Besides, this research can always find applications in optics. “If we shine a light from two opposite sides, the two distortions can meet, forming a liquid optic bridge. These jets of liquid could be used as fibre optic couplers, particularly because they change with the diameter and the trajectory of a laser beam in real time,” predicts the physicist. As for Alexis Casner, he emphasises that, “in the field of microfluids, it would be interesting to manipulate liquids at a micrometric level using lasers.” They just need to find the most suitable mixtures for any applications and to extend the length of the liquid threads, which today are about a millimetre long.
Französisch > Englisch: Poetry on the French Métro General field: Kunst/Literatur Detailed field: Werbung/PR
Ausgangstext - Französisch Extract from Le Figaro, March 2005
Comment le métro est passé au vers
A la RATP, les PDS passent, la poésie demaure... Parmi les millions d'usagers du métro parisien, lequel n'a jamais lu, un jour ou l'autre, l'un des poèmes affiches par la Régie dams les rames ou sur les mures des stations ? Difficile d'y échapper, en effet. Deouis douze ans, au rhythme d'une campagne par trimestre, ce sont dix à douze poèmes qui sont reproduits sur 1000 à 1600 affiches et 2500 petits panneaux situés au ras du plafond des voitures. Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Walt Whitman, Péguy, Adonis, des centaines de poètes contemporains et classiques, français et étrangers, ont été ainsi placardés dans des espaces réservés d'ordinaire aux messages de la publicité. A qui doit'on cette floraison saisonnière de messages gracieux dans ces lieux souterrains où
Übersetzung - Englisch How the Métro turned to verse
At the Parisian transport authority (RATP), CEOs come and go, but poetry remains… Who, among the millions of Métro passengers, has never read, one day or another, one of the poems posted by the authority in the underground trains or stations? Quite honestly, they’re hard to miss. For the last twelve years, at the rate of one campaign every three months, ten to twelve poems have been reproduced on between 1000 and 1,600 posters and 2,500 small overhead panels in the carriages. Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Walt Whitman, Péguy, Adonis – hundreds of poets, classical and contemporary, French and foreign, have been displayed in spaces normally reserved for advertising. To whom do we owe this seasonal bloom of gracious messages in underground places, where, in the words of Yann Queffélec, “the absurdity of the human condition and solitude” are intensified? Does the RATP have a staff poet in its midst, a manager-cum-poet? The reality is, of course, more mundane. Nonetheless, the story is worth telling.
Französisch > Englisch: Software algorithm for comparing DNA / Molecular phylogeny General field: Naturwissenschaften Detailed field: Computer: Software
Ausgangstext - Französisch Extract from an article by Sebastián Escalón, published in Journal du CNRS, November 2005.
Vous êtes biologiste et vous voulez savoir quel est le degré de parenté et l'histoire évolutive entre les différentes espèces le levures (ou de vers, ou d'insects, ou d'oiseaux) que vous êtes en train d'étudier. La méthode la plus fiable, celle qui ne vous induira pas en erreur par des ressemblance morphologiques superficielles, c'est la phylogénie moleculaire : comparer le génome de vos bestioles. Pour ce faire, disposez désormais de banques de données regroupant des millions de séquences d'ADN correspondant à des dizaines de milliers d'espèces vivantes. Mais, sans outils adaptés pour les comparer, elles resteront une suite muette de A, T, C et G. C'est là qu'interviennent Olivier Gascual et Stéphane Guindon, chercheurs au Laboratoire informatique, de robotique et de microélectronique de Montpellier (Lirmm). Ces chercheurs ont mis au point en 2003 un puissant algorithme. Il permet d'estimer les relations évolutives liant un ensemble d'organismes à partir de la comparaison de leur ADN ou bien des acides aminés de leurs protéines.
Übersetzung - Englisch You are a biologist, and you want to know the degree of relationship and evolutionary history between the different species of yeast (or worms, or insects or birds) which you are currently studying. The most reliable method, the one that won’t mislead you with superficial morphological similarities, is molecular phylogeny: you compare your creepy-crawlies’ genomes. To do this, you now have access to databases containing millions of DNA sequences, corresponding to tens of thousands of living species. But without the tools designed to compare them, they remain a silent sequence of As, Ts, Cs and Gs. This is where Olivier Gascuel and Stéphane Guindon, researchers at the Montpellier IT, Robotics and Microelectronics Laboratory (LIRMM), come in. In 2003, these scientists developed a powerful algorithm. It enables you to work out the evolutionary connections linking a group of organisms by comparing their DNA, or the amino acids in their proteins.
Französisch > Englisch: LCD and DLP videoprojectors General field: Technik Detailed field: E-Technik/Elektronik
Ausgangstext - Französisch Extract from an article by G. Martin, La Recherche 2005
Les vidéoprojecteurs à DLP (Digital Light Processor) reposent sur un montage très différent qui relève plutôt de l'électromécanique. À la base, un circuit électronique sur lequel est fixé un damier de 1024 x 576 = 589824 miroirs microscopiques, d'où son nom de DMD (Digital Micromirror Device). Chaque miroir est monté sur un support flexible juste au-dessus de deux électrodes. Comme l'écart est très faible, dès qu'une tension électrique est appliquée à l'une ou l'autre, le miroir bascule de son côté par l'attraction électrostatique.
Übersetzung - Englisch DLP (Digital Light Processor) projectors are assembled rather differently, drawing more on electromechanical engineering. They use an electronic circuit, onto which a grid of 1024 x 576 = 589824 mirrors is fixed, hence the name DMD (Digital Micromirror Device). Each mirror is mounted on a flexible yoke, just above two electrodes. As the distance is negligible, as soon as an electric current is applied to one or other of the electrodes, the mirror is tilted towards it by electrostatic attraction.
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Graduate diploma - Dip Trans from IOL
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 23. Angemeldet bei seit: May 2010. Mitglied seit: Aug 2010.
Deutsch > Englisch (University College London) Französisch > Englisch (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Französisch > Englisch (University College London)
I am a qualified and reliable French/German to English translator and academic editor with extensive professional experience in education, industry and IT. My key skills include an aptitude for focussed subject research, a flair for writing and accuracy. I hold the CIOL Diploma in Translation with Distinction (Technology) and Merit (Science).
Preferred CAT tools: Trados Studio and XTM.
Translation Experience
• Full time freelance technical translator, based in France. I currently work with agencies in the UK, Canada, Germany and Spain.
• Academic editing for US-based academics for publication in the Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies
• 1 year in-house with APT Transtelex, London. Translation and editing (of other translators’ work) prior to delivery.
- IT: user documentation; system specifications; network architecture and security including anti-virus technology; business user feedback surveys; mobile phone networks;
- Legal: leasing contracts for fleet/rental vehicles; powers of attorney; Articles of Association; distribution and sales contracts; government decrees; legal proceedings; civic paperwork; patent litigation;
- Medical: Covid test certificates, academic articles; clinical trial documentation for patients, investigators and ethics committees; package inserts; medical devices including stents and catheters; robotics in neurosurgery; plasma extraction; dental implants; chemical analysis; heart health campaign materials; eye health; cryogenic skin treatments; diabetes treatment interviews
• Academic editing for Italian contributors to JICMS and book publications (word count to date: 100,000+)
• Translation of general documents such as academic course content and certificates
Education and Qualifications
2010 Chartered Institute of Linguists
Diploma in Translation: French-English. Passed Technology examination with Distinction and Science with Merit. Member of the Institute.
2005-2006 GTC Graduate Teacher Programme
Qualified Teacher Status for Primary Teaching with French from the GTC
1993-1997 University College London
BA (Hons) French and German: 2:1
Universität Wien, Austria: Translation & Literature Studies;
1996 Trinity College London
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate
Other Professional Experience
- 3 years as an English teacher and TOEIC examiner (since 2020) for CESI Postgraduate School of Engineering, Montpellier
- 4 years as an IT trainer and documentation writer for a web content management software house in London
- 3 years as a Business & Technical English trainer for big name firms in France and 1 year at Montpellier University
- 4 months as a Technical Translator of process management software documentation in Savoie.
- 5 years as a specialist UK qualified primary school teacher, including 3 as an official regional advisor on primary language teaching
Thank you for your interest.
Schlüsselwörter: french, diptrans, mcil, software, localization, science, biology, genetics, computers, user manuals. See more.french, diptrans, mcil, software, localization, science, biology, genetics, computers, user manuals, documentation, training manuals, user guide, programming, technology, distinction, medical, scientist, programmer, reliable, skilled, thorough, qualified, german, contracts, BRE, construction, ethics committee, drug trial, IMP, investigator, CPP, . See less.