Mitglied seit Sep '18

Deutsch > Französisch
Englisch > Französisch

Marianne Taulin
pharmazeutische/medizinische Übersetzung

Erstein, Alsace, Frankreich
Lokale Zeit: 14:04 CET (GMT+1)

Muttersprache: Französisch Native in Französisch
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What Marianne Taulin is working on
Jun 2, 2022 (posted via  Recently worked on a C.V., on medical devices and equipment, and on ultrasound equipment. Now working on renewable energy (for a change :) ) ...more »
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Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifiziertes Mitglied
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Verbindungen zu Auftraggebern This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Dienstleistungen Translation, Editing/proofreading
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Medizin: PharmazieMedizin (allgemein)
PsychologieMedizin: Gesundheitswesen
Freiwillige Arbeit / Ehrenamt Offen für freiwillige Arbeit für eine eingetragene gemeinnützige Organisation
Payment methods accepted Banküberweisung, Scheck
Übersetzerische Ausbildung Master's degree - ISIT, Paris, FRANCE - ITI-RI, Strasbourg, FRANCE
Erfahrung Angemeldet bei seit: Sep 2018. Mitglied seit: Sep 2018. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen N/A
Mitgliedschaften N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
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Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients

A graduate translator, I have been back to translation activities for a few years after having worked in various professional areas such as clinical trials, software development, IT asset management - where I continuously performed translation or linguistic works apart from my other responsibilities.

I specialize in clinical and pharmaceutical contents, such as product characteristics, patient information leaflets, informed consent forms, educational contents, etc.

However, I am also interested and involved in some other technical or scientific subjects, including software applications, industrial processes, etc. Just ask me whether I may be qualified for your project, as I am highly interested in technologies! :)

Having worked in pharmaceutical and IT areas, I am used to deal with confidential information and fully aware of data protection requirements. I have experience in project management as well.

I look forward to e-meeting you and helping you deliver your projects. 

Schlüsselwörter: French, pharmaceutical, medical, clinical trials, sciences, technology, industry

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
May 18, 2022

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