Englisch > Deutsch
Französisch > Deutsch

Bärbel Schrader-Prinz
Technical translator

Braunsbach, Deutschland
Lokale Zeit: 21:20 CET (GMT+1)

Muttersprache: Deutsch 
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Graduate and sworn translator for English and French into German (mother tongue)
Member of the German Translators Association „Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer“ (BDÜ)
Freelancer since 2004
Professional translation work since 1992


Legal texts:
1. Sales contracts, agreements, warrants
2. Certificates
a) Civil status certificates (birth-death-marriage-divorce)
b) Attestations from educational institutions and employers, certificates of good conduct
c) All kinds of documents for presentation at court

Medicine: Homoeopathy, naturopathy, complementary medicine.

Technics: User manuals for engineering and semiconductor industry, spare parts lists, IT: mobile apps; robotics/automation

Marketing texts and brochures

CVs, letters of application, general correspondence


For more information, please visit my website

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Gesamtpunktzahl: 12
(Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO)

Sprachrichtungen (PRO)
Französisch > Deutsch8
Englisch > Deutsch4
Allgemeine Gebiete (PRO)
Rechts- und Patentwesen4
Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften4
Fachgebiete (PRO)
Recht (allgemein)4

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    Schlüsselwörter: English and French, certificates, diploma, IT, robotics/automation, technical texts, manuals, art, literature, yoga. See more.English and French, certificates, diploma, IT, robotics/automation, technical texts, manuals, art, literature, yoga, Eastern religions, psychology, alternative medicine, homoeopathy, naturopathy, film, TV, cosmetics, nutrition, education, pedagogics. See less.

    Letzte Profilaktualisierung
    Oct 5, 2022

    More translators and interpreters: Englisch > Deutsch - Französisch > Deutsch   More language pairs