Deutsch > Portugiesisch
Englisch > Portugiesisch
Spanisch > Portugiesisch

osmelia cesar
German,English,Spanish,Portuguese-BR Tra

São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brasilien
Lokale Zeit: 14:32 -03 (GMT-3)

Muttersprache: Portugiesisch Native in Portugiesisch
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Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Dienstleistungen Translation, Interpreting, Transcription, Training
Allgemeine Fachgebiete Fachgebiete nicht angegeben
KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 4, Beantwortete Fragen: 2, Gestellte Fragen: 3
Payment methods accepted Visa
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 36. Angemeldet bei seit: Dec 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen Deutsch > Portugiesisch (Sindicato Nacional dos Tradutores)
Deutsch > Portugiesisch (Associação Brasileira de Tradutores)
Englisch > Portugiesisch (Associação Brasileira de Tradutores)
Englisch > Portugiesisch (Sindicato Nacional dos Tradutores)
Englisch > Portugiesisch (Associação Brasileira de Tradutores)

Mitgliedschaften N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume Englisch (DOC)
Richtlinien für die Berufsausübung osmelia cesar befürwortet's Berufsrichtlinien (v1.0).
Osmélia Siqueira César

Av. Robert Kennedy, 3571 – Ap. 41
Bairro Assunção – S. B. do campo – S. Paulo – S. P.
Tel.: (00-55-11) 963946287  E-mail: [email protected]

Translator for German English into Portuguese -BR a Bachelor in Translations and Interpreting German – English - Portuguese by Faculdade Ibero-Americana -São Paulo, 1983
Graduated in Pedagogy – Special Education – FASB – Graduated in Languages in São Bernardo do Campo – S. Paulo -1985
Specialization in International Commerce – ESAN – Escola Superior de Negócios - Graduated in Psicology and Psichoanalysis-1999

Language Knowledge
German: Goethe Institut Boppard – Germany, 1977 (Diploma GDS)
English: Cultura Inglesa – 1999 – (First Cambridge Certificate) and Language Training – Canada Toronto - 1999
Interchange Program in Germany (Sept 1977 to Dec. 1978) involving part time working and studying activities, including visits to Switzerland, Austria, London, Cambridge, Italy, Belgium, Nederland and France.
Many Travels to USA, Canada, France, Germany and Switzerland.

Word, Excell, Power Point, Internet – advanced - Specialization fields
Automotive Industries, Production, Body & Assembly, Quality Assurance, Sales & Marketing, Customer Care - Finance -Budget - Investments, Mechanics and Automation, Medical Report related to Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Psycology and Psichoinalysis, Cinema and Psichoanalys  Education and Psichoanalysis -Business, International Trade, Tourism, Education (Special education), training, business letter, informations memo and reports.

Professional Background
Executive Secretary, Translator and Interpreting at Volkswagen do Brazil, Daimler Chrysler and Ford do Brazil – Engineering, Finance, Quality, Production, Sales and Marketing, After sales, Customer Care and Construction of the new plants – São Carlos and Audi in Curitiba – Brazil
English and German teacher at several language schools.
Free-lancer translator jointly to several translation bureaus and private companies (since 2000 until today):
Translation of memos, letters and all company's internal and external communication materials, in German, English and Portuguese, coming through several languages schools and translations.
Consecutive Interpreting German>Portuguese>German: 1998 - 2000 accompanying the executive's foreign service from Volkswagen, Daimler, Ford in several meetings (technical and business) by customers and delivers of many products involving the production.

Written Translation
Large experience in the translation of texts in the fields engineering, finance, price building, budget, industrial automation, automobiles, quality, Sales and marketing, Customer Care, foreign trade, business letters, education (special education) and training.
Recent projects completed: Translation of Training Manual from DaimlerChrysler, the well the multiple product catalogs of the same company; the Operation Manual of the (industrial automation) at KUKA automation in Brazil, and Volkswagen of Brazil.
Translation of the manual of repairs VW models new version – 2009 - for the technical support
IMK-Translations Agency - Manual of industrial technical equipments for Mechanical Industrie.
Value Parners - International Events (Translations of the Documentation of FIFA)
Bureau Translations - in São Paulo.
Reception of Foreign Executives at Melia Hotel, Renaissance, Ibis Network, etc.

I recognize the strong capabilities on the speed in learning new subjects, the interaction with diverse types of languages, and professional maturity and responsibility.
Special ability translating technical texts from German, English into Portuguese. Preparing of glossaries and talented the interpreter in meetings and in welcoming foreign partners of the company.
USP-University (many international events (2003-2007 Bilingual Receptionists
Participated on several events the bilingual assistant, welcoming clients and explaining about the university‘s new projects using German and English Languages. Project of inplementation of e-learning - german an english languages trhorugh vifro classes an e-book.. couching languages education. Special education - Institutional Pedagogy - Improvement of comunication between areas of a company.  Translations of contract of Import of many products - processes.
Schlüsselwörter: Specialization fields Automotive Industries, Mechanics and Automation, Finance, Budget, Business, International Trade, Tourism, Education (Special education), training, Customer care. I recognize the strong capabilities on the speed in learning new subjects. See more.Specialization fields Automotive Industries, Mechanics and Automation, Finance, Budget, Business, International Trade, Tourism, Education (Special education), training, Customer care. I recognize the strong capabilities on the speed in learning new subjects, the interaction with diverse types of languages, and professional maturity and responsibility. Special ability translating technical texts from German, English into Portuguese.. See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Aug 18, 2021