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Virtual memoQ Day 2012

May 31, 2012


Introducing memoQ 6.0

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Schedule:This session ended at 19:00

Kilgray's most recent release - memoQ 6.0 - will be available soon. No memoQ 6.0 webinars are planned prior to the Virtual memoQ Day, so you’ll be the first to learn about the features and concepts behind version 6.

The main concept behind the development of memoQ 6 is refactoring: analyzing and optimizing the main areas within the tool. We did this because we believe that an improved core will allow you to achieve even more with the software: the process of analyzing and optimizing can lead to a better, more cost effective process.

Join us and learn firsthand about memoQ. You will be glad you did! The presenters will answer questions via TEXT on this page from 18:45 GMT - 19:15 GMT. Submit questions on this page.

Speakers:Istvan Lengyel
István is the CEO of Kilgray, and thinks that there is nothing more important than channeling the customers’ business challenges to development and coming up with innovative yet easy-to-use solutions. He loves to work with customers who can articulate what they are looking for and believes that the best way of learning is through interaction.

István has a degree in economics, a postgraduate degree in translation and interpreting, and a PhD in translation studies. István also translated several books on business and IT into Hungarian and also designed a translation workflow system prior to joining Kilgray. He is a great fan of problem-solving expert selling.
Denis Hay
Denis Hay has been a freelancer translator and editor for more than 15 years. His extensive experience of CAT tools and localization lead him to progressively focus his career to consulting on workflows and CAT tools. He joined Kilgray Translation Technologies as a pre-sales technical consultant and trainer, where he guides people in their first steps with memoQ server.
Gábor Ugray
Gábor is the head of development, but you’d hardly dare to call him a geek. Besides his mother tongue Hungarian he speaks a fluent English, German, Spanish and some Dutch and Chinese as well. He translated many thousands of pages as a freelance translator and he also wrote a machine translation engine for MorphoLogic. He’s got a lot of experience with language technology - not only the statistical technology language-independent translation tools are using but also rule-based language specific technologies -, and his mantra is software ergonomics. Besides managing a team of over ten developers, he remains involved in the program code: during specification he carefully designs the user interface and during testing he identifies and fixes any performance bottlenecks.

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Discussion for Virtual memoQ Day 2012 session (2012): Introducing memoQ 6.0
Anthony Green
Anthony Green  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:07
Italienisch > Englisch
+ ...
previews in ver 6 without Office Jun 24, 2012

As there appears to be no more need for Office 2007 in ver. 6, does this mean that all documents will be previewable regardless of the Office version I have?


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