What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

So proud, I just finished to subtitle my second documentary for Arte in German!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on German subtitles for a French broadcast about "The Fables of La Fontaine". Humorous, nuanced and ironical. Love it!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Creating German subtitles for a meeting in English of a big and well known oil compagny changing their leader structure to "leading by the many". Challenging!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just working on German subtitles for a Canadian broadcast about the the evolution of men's image in Quebec, intersisting!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating subtitles for a film about Joseph Stalins only daughter, passionating and instructive!


2 users

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BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating 24 short stories about chocolate from FR to GER for an advent calendar for a chocolate brand, delicious!


1 userI Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating subtitles from FR to GER for a broadcast about pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela across France, full of culture and beauty.


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com mobile shared:

Just finished subtitling a interesting film about country boys and girls, great ride!


I Do That

  • Kino, Film, Fernsehen, Theater
  • Other
BKautz posting from ProZ.com mobile shared:

Subtitling in German the French documentary "summer of revolution" from Annette Lévy about feminism in the 70s. Passionating!


1 userI Do That

  • Französisch > Deutsch
  • Bildungswesen/Pädagogik
BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating the explanations for the trackless train of Toulouse from French to German, vive la ville rose!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com mobile shared:

Translating and subtitling a broadcast about jobs that has disappeared, very interesting!


I Do That

  • Französisch > Deutsch
  • Bildungswesen/Pädagogik
BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating and subtitling a broadcast about french creole food from the island La Réunion. Delicious!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished subtitles from Fr to GER for a great documentary film about a paraplegic sportswoman and trapeze artist. 77 min of pure inspiration.


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com mobile shared:

Translating subtitles FR > DE of a investigation broadcast about weapons from Switzerland in conflit zones all over the world, coming soon on TV5MONDE


I Do That

  • Französisch > Deutsch
  • Medien/Multimedia
BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating subtitles of a broadcast about Valencia in Spain, let the sun come out....


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished translating subtitles of the broadcast "Des Racines et Des Ailes - CHAMPAGNE", right in time to open one bottle tonight!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com mobile shared:

Translating subtitles of the broadcast "En train à travers la Suisse". Feels like traveling 😍

train Switzerland


I Do That

  • Französisch > Deutsch
  • Tourismus und Reisen
BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating subtitles for a travel broadcast in Haute-Loire in France coming on TV5MONDE soon, beautiful landscapes!


1 userI Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished subtitles about a community living on an old sailor in Canada, great!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Pretty proud subtitling a portrait of Bernard Challandes, football trainer from Switzerland in Kosovo. I love football!!!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on the French to German translation of a synopsis of a film from Rachel M'Bon about black women from Switzerland.


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just started translating French subtitles into German for the tv serie "Ennemi Public", inspired by Marc Dutroux's crimes which traumatised Belgium and the whole world.


1 userI Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating subtitles from French to German for "Jardin et Loisirs" - how to have good veggies in your own garden, yummy.


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Very proud to do the subtitling for "THALASSA - Hommage à Georges Pernoud", friday 1st of february on TV5 Monde


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating subtitles from French to German of "Arletty - Soehring, hélas, je t'aime", the true love story between a french actress and a german officer during WW2.


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Subtitling "36.9° MAGAZINE SANTE" in German for TV5 Monde


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on German subtitles for "Maisonneuve - Une école du vivre ensemble"


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

German subtitles for "Voyage à travers les couleurs: la France en jaune", sur TV5Monde le 20/12!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Started working with the German group of "The Inside Story" of Proz.com, let's go, girls!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Starting a great documentary about the bay of Morlaix in France, looks wonderful!


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating subtitles for an ecological programme on TV5 Monde.


I Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Subtitling a documentary about ecotourism. Let's dream!


1 userI Do That

BKautz posting from ProZ.com shared:

Subtitling a TV report about environmental sustainability and new pedagogy, 26 minutes. Great subjects, love it!


I Do That