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Search results: (146 matches)
Trados support Accents not displayed when cleaning xml in TagEditor Fiddle with DTD Hello, You have probably already tried to
change the DTD, but maybe you skipped a step in
the procedure. So here is what I would
do: When the file is opened in TE, go to
Marek Buchtel Jan 11, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: When do you make an LWA entry for an outsourcer? Call for entries I make LWAs based on calls for entries Marek Buchtel Jan 6, 2008
Czech Členství Stojí to za to Souhlasím s Veronikou. Jsem členem už
poměrně dlouho, takže už nemohu přesně
srovnávat se situací nečlena. Faktem ale je,
že většina zakázek je vyhrazena po nějakou
Marek Buchtel Aug 20, 2007
Trados support Navigating between segments in Trados Not possible AFAIK, there's no easy way to navigate to the
previous segment in Trados. You really need more
keystrokes. The navigation is one of the
advantages of Wordfast.
Marek Buchtel Jul 11, 2007
Trados support quotation marks in Tag Ed Use ALT + Hello Leena, I don't know about any setting,
which would help in this case (and I don't think
there's one). I use ALT sequences (hold ALT and
press the sequence of numbers on the num
Marek Buchtel May 9, 2007
Trados support Installation Trados 2007 failed New Installer for SDL Trados 2007 SDL says they have updated the installers. See
r/std_adp.php?p_faqid=2132 Has anybody used the
new installer already? Does it work?
Marek Buchtel Apr 21, 2007
Wordfast support Wordfast and Punctuation List of abbreviations You can put the abbreviations to the list of
abbreviations (it is under Setup->Segments). It
does not work always, but in about 80-90% I would
guess. You can either enter the abbreviatio
Marek Buchtel Jan 19, 2007
Trados support Trados 6.5 source text problem Read the manual You can also have a look at the document "Getting
Started with TRADOS 6.5 Freelance", which you can
download at
Marek Buchtel Nov 30, 2006
Trados support Erratic spelling checker behavior in MS Word for doc files saved with Tag Editor TagEditor usually sets a wrong language That happns quite offten, most of the time I would
say. After the export from TagEditor, the
language of the whole text in Word is set to
English (which happens to be the source language<
Marek Buchtel Nov 21, 2006
Trados support Repagination in Word 2003 & Trados 7.5 Tools menu in Word It's in the Tools menu in Word You must be in
the Normal view Tools -> Options > General ->
(uncheck the first checkbox)
Marek Buchtel Nov 17, 2006
Wordfast support Word keeps changing TARGET language to French - sorry, I'm clearly having one of those days! Language codes Hi, Just another guess :-) Are you sure you
are entering the correct language codes when
asked? The code for Italian is IT-IT (not just
IT) and the code for British English it EN-GB (
Marek Buchtel Oct 30, 2006
Trados support Excluding Notes when using Tageditor for PPT files Filter settings Well, there is a simpler way. In the "SDL
Trados 2006 Freelance" program group, go to
Filtres and select Filter Settings. Under
"PowerPoint filter settings" go to "Order of
Marek Buchtel Oct 12, 2006
Wordfast support TM doesn't get updated Pretranslated targets If the document has been partially translated,
then the target segments already contain some text
(those &&&). When Wf opens such segment, it does
not rewrite the target with the segment f
Marek Buchtel Aug 31, 2006
Trados support MS Word crashes when opening new segment with Trados Look in the MS office section of Add/Remove programs [quote]Minna Wood MITI (Purring CAT Ltd.)
wrote: I removed the MS Office update KB908531
that is mentioned on SDL Trados website (I don't
seem to have the update KB917335 on my computer
Marek Buchtel Aug 9, 2006
Trados support How to count bilingual files Search and replace I assume we are talking about MS Word,
right? What I mean is that each sentence has
the appropriate language assigned to the text,
i.e. when you run the spellchecker, it will, for
Marek Buchtel Aug 9, 2006
Trados support How to count bilingual files I can be done Hi Fernando, It can be done, provided that the
appropriate language (for the spellchecker) is set
for the respective language. Then you can use
search and replace to search for the t
Marek Buchtel Aug 9, 2006
Trados support MS Word crashes when opening new segment with Trados Remove MS Office update Hi Minna, This is most probably caused by the
June security update of MS Office. Please have a
look at this thread for
Marek Buchtel Aug 7, 2006
Wordfast support Wordfast is not downloading Proceed to installation Hello Giovanna, After the file downloads to
your computer, unzip it, and install WordFast by
following the instrucitons in WfReadMe.txt (one of
the two files in the zip file you
Marek Buchtel Aug 6, 2006
Trados support Error message claims Translators Workbench is not running but it is Admin rights? Nicol, Does your account in XP have the
administrator's rights? It may be necessary for
the registration... Regards Marek
Marek Buchtel Jun 28, 2006
Trados support Error message claims Translators Workbench is not running but it is Re-register Trados in the system Hi Nicole, Try registering Trados in the system
again. What version of Trados/OS are you
using? For SDL Trados 2006 on Windows XP: In
the Start menu, choose the group SDL Internati
Marek Buchtel Jun 27, 2006
Trados support Word will not work with Trados any more My mistake [quote]David Evans wrote: ... following your
advice I looked in Add/Remove programmes and
didn't find this fix but did find KB917334.
[/quote] Dear David, Sorry, I made a
Marek Buchtel Jun 27, 2006
Trados support Word will not work with Trados any more MS security fix KB917334 [quote]Ivana Micheli wrote: Under another
similar post, someone mentioned that a recent
Microsoft update is not compatible with Trados
(updated of 12 June) and could cause this problem.
Marek Buchtel Jun 27, 2006
Wordfast support Differences highlighted/underlined in fuzzy matches Display memory Hi, Press ctrl+alt+m (or use the corresponding
button in the menu) and WF will display the
contents of the relevant TU above the proposed
segment, highlighting the differences in yellow
Marek Buchtel Jun 14, 2006
Wordfast support Another WF & PowerPoint issue Update after end of block Hello Daina, WF updates the PPT file only at
the end of each "block" (usually frame), which is
taken from the ppt file. For example, there is a
frame with 5 bullets, 2 sentences in eac
Marek Buchtel May 30, 2006
Trados support Urgent: TagEditor does not function in SDL Trados 2006 Freelance Locate the licence file Hello Natascha, Maybe you entered a wrong
location of the licence file, or you have moved
the licence file after the installation of
Trados. Locate the licence file on your
Marek Buchtel May 27, 2006
Office applications Installing fonts Use TagEditor Hi A smart alternative may be to use the
TagEditor - it will not change the
font. Regards Marek
Marek Buchtel May 25, 2006
Trados support Trados doesn't work any more after reinstallation Look at Trados support site Hi, Some times, you can find answers at the
Trados support site. In this case, you may
Marek Buchtel May 19, 2006
Wordfast support How to read .xml.ttf file for translation with WF Was it ttx? Hello, ttf is "true type font" - this is not a
Trados file, as far as I know. Do you mean ttx?
If you, I think it's no use trying to translate
this with WF. You could tag the file u
Marek Buchtel May 5, 2006
Wordfast support Use of Alt+up arrow to go back in Wordfast What hardware/software do you use? Some software programs/drivers hijack the
shortcuts used by WordFast. It is also possible
that the shortcut is assigned to another
function/command in Word. You can also try to
Marek Buchtel Apr 13, 2006
Wordfast support what is the difference in license bought at Wordfast VS the 3 year license bought through Choose from two benefits [quote]PaulinaRich wrote: If I can get all of
those benefits from buying it directly from
wordfast, what is the deal then that Proz is
getting? It is a more expensive license for
Marek Buchtel Apr 6, 2006
Czech Paypal pro uzivatele z Ceska Nejde Ahoj Prokope, Co já vím, situace je taková,
že PayPal se v ČR (ani SR) nedá používat k
přijímání plateb, takže je nutno používat
jiné systémy. Donedávna nebylo možn�
Marek Buchtel Apr 6, 2006
Wordfast support what is the difference in license bought at Wordfast VS the 3 year license bought through Renewal at half price [quote]Antje Harder
wrote: ----------------------------------------
------------------- All licenses include, from
date of purchase: 1. email support (e-hotline)
for one year;
Marek Buchtel Mar 29, 2006
Wordfast support Help!!! Fully licensed Wordfast stopped working!!!! Fill in the licence number again [quote]Piotr Wargan wrote: after a couple of
months successful use Wordfast suddenly displayed
a message that it cannot process my TM of over 500
something!!!! I am desperate as the job
Marek Buchtel Mar 1, 2006
Wordfast support How to find "reversed concordence" ContextSearch in Pandora Box [quote]Heinrich Pesch wrote: Do I have to
reverse my TM or is there an easier method to find
the occurences in the target segments of my
TMs? [/quote] If you want to find occurences
Marek Buchtel Feb 21, 2006
Wordfast support Changing cap of personal Excel gloss for Wordfast Use Pandora's Box [quote]Dianne Holmes Brown wrote: Hello, I've
recently started learning Wordfast and have
imported my personal glossary - but... it's in
capitals which means changing cap every time I u
Marek Buchtel Feb 9, 2006
Wordfast support Can I extract a PDF document with wordfast? Use PlusTools Conversion from PDF used to be a feature in Wf,
but it did not work in 100%, so Yves has moved it
to PlusTools (which are for free). You can
download PlusTools at Open
Marek Buchtel Dec 15, 2005
Wordfast support WF5.1m7 - PDF extraction no longer possible Moved to PlusTools Hello Sonja, The funcition has been moved to
PlusTools. See the PT manual for
details. Regards Marek
Marek Buchtel Sep 30, 2005
Wordfast support Increasing source segment size character by character ForceSegment [quote]Colin Bowles wrote: Could anyone plse
tell me how I can increase or decrease the source
segment size char by char. I am doing a job where
the original text has lots of full stops
Marek Buchtel Sep 28, 2005
Wordfast support Using wordfast glossary - newbie problem Change the "Graphics properties" in XP Hello Mihailo, This is probably caused by the
video driver of your graphics card. Here I copy
the explanation from
r=179553 "
Marek Buchtel Aug 23, 2005
Wordfast support Licensed Version, but Wordfast insists it isn't Have you re-licensed? [quote]sylvie malich wrote: Version 5 latest
build, licensed version. After setting up my new
computer I inserted my license number (bought in
2003). In the past 3 weeks I got the
Marek Buchtel Aug 18, 2005
Wordfast support Wordfast not running after installation regular installation necessary [quote]Dan Marasescu wrote: Dear Jean
Michel, Have you tried to use the regular
install procedure described in the manual? You
don't need to copy the file in a specific
Marek Buchtel Jul 31, 2005
Wordfast support Impossible to disinstall Wordfast demo version!!! just delete a few files [quote]Barbara Baldi wrote: It is still in my
system and even a very skilled technician couldn't
do it. This is also creating problems to my Word
as I visualize some strange lines betwe
Marek Buchtel Jul 31, 2005
Wordfast support How do I analyze Excel files with WF? Copy/paste to Word [quote]Edward Potter wrote: When I go to Tools
> Documents I cannot see the Excel files I have
open in order to select them and then analyze
them. How do I get Excel files to show in
Marek Buchtel Jul 11, 2005
Wordfast support Import of Trados TM´s Ask a friend / the client Hello Tanja, The procedure is simple - ask a
friend, who uses Trados, to convert the 5 files
into one TMX file, which you can import into WF
(you simply open it as if it was a .txt - it
Marek Buchtel Apr 27, 2005
Wordfast support Supposedly dowloaded the trial version of Wordfast but it shows up nowhere Have you *installed* Wordfast? The correct procedure is: - you download the file to your computer - remember to what
folder you download the file - unpack the file
into the repsective folder, and read the f
Marek Buchtel Oct 31, 2004
Wordfast support WF not recycling Please specify What do you mean by "not recycling"? Does it mean
that WF does not propose any matches? If so,
reorganizing the TM might help. Or do you mean
anything else? Please explain :-)
Marek Buchtel Oct 13, 2004


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