Powwow Report for Spanien - Santiago de Compostela (Sep 30 2007)

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Report from  Ekaterina Guerbek
The powwow took place in Santiago de Compostela, capital of the autonomous region of Galicia, and was held in the cafe of the elegant and historic “Hostal de los Reyes Católicos”, which dates back to 1499 and is considered to be the oldest hotel in the world. There were six of us: native speakers of Czech, Galician, French, Russian and Spanish but also translating into Catalan, English, German, Italian and Portuguese in various combinations.

The powwow day was September the 30th, the International Translator’s Day, which in Galicia was celebrated this year with various activities (see <a href="www.galicia-hoxe.com/indexCanales.php?idMenu=456&idNoticia=215682">www.galicia-hoxe.com/indexCanales.php?idMenu=456&idNoticia=215682</a>).

We spoke about various problems we face, including CAT programs & its functioning, conversion of pdf-documents, necessity of more training courses of CAT, etc.

“Moitos powwows, unha soa tribu”: this is our translation into Galician of the motto of the International Powwow Day and thus distinguishes this powwow in Santiago-de-Compostela from the other powwows.

I think it was a very good experience: to meet other proz-translators in person and exchange experiences and opinions. Some of us had already known each other through friendship or working relations, and this was a chance to meet more people.

Photos from  Ekaterina Guerbek

Photos from  Ekaterina Guerbek

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Lenka Zamisova
Laura Iglesias
Ekaterina Guerbek
aurelie garr
Maruxa Zaera

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 5 '07  Laura Iglesias: Hi! Just a quick note!
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed meeting Ekaterina, Lenka, Aurelie, Blanca and Maruxa. It was a great experience!