Powwow Report for Ukraine - Kharkiv (Oct 22 2011)

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The report by Lucia Leszinsky has not been submitted yet

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Elena Kivshik
Oleg Rudavin
Petr Eremenko
Andriy Bublikov
Lucia Leszinsky
Alexey Levadniy
Helen Shepelenko
Yana Dovgopol
Sergey Sukhoviy
Bogdan I.
Stacy Shinomoto

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 22 '11  Helen Shepelenko: Фото
Добрый день!

Фото с паувау готовы и доступны с этой странички, http://www.flickr.com/photos/69078868@N02 .

Если у кого-то есть фотографии с мероприятия, высылайте обязательно!

Я также хочу пригласить вас на очередной паувау, http://www.proz.com/powwow/4076, который состоится 21го января. Ждем вас на встрече с отчетами, кто и как провел Новый Год!:)

С уважением
Nov 4 '11  Lucia Leszinsky: As promised...
I\'m back in Argentina and, as promised, I\'m sending you a few useful links:

Those interested in learning more about the ProZ.com Certified PRO Network, visit http://www.proz.com/cpn. Also, start completing your application here: http://www.proz.com/pro-tag/info/express-interest

Then, to learn how to meet clients at ProZ.com, don\'t miss the chance to attend one of the free webinars offered by site staff on a weekly basis: http://www.proz.com/post/1827290#1827290

And if you need help with using the site, or if you have any doubts, don\'t hesitate to submit a support request via the ProZ.com support center at any time: http://www.proz.com/support

It was great to meet you all in person and hope to see you around!

Kind regards,

Oct 22 '11  Ksenia ILINSKA: Спасибо
за приятный день! Ждем фото:)