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Spanish, French, English, general, medical, legal
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3 |
English, Spanish, French, Translation, Interpretation,
4 |
francés, turismo, marketing, viajes, medio ambiente, traducción, revisión, corrección, transcripción
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translation, in company training, interpreter, evaluation, english, spanish, portuguese, french, legal translator, technical translator, ...
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English, French, Spanish, marketing material, webpages, social media content, technical product information, documents for suppliers, fashion industry, beauty industry, ...
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Kosmetik, Schönheitspflege, IT (Informationstechnologie), Linguistik, Dichtung und Belletristik, ...
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fcocitoNative in Französisch (Variant: Standard-France)
Architektur, E-Technik/Elektronik, Technik (allgemein), IT (Informationstechnologie), ...
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Astronomie und Weltraum, Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Malerei, Landwirtschaft, Druck und Satz, Verlagswesen, ...
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Linguistik, Psychologie
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Legal, Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Energy
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Kochen/Kulinarisches, Kosmetik, Schönheitspflege
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Idiome/Maximen/Sprichwörter, Namen (natürlicher oder juristischer Personen), Slang, Musik, ...
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Sicherheit, Psychologie, Ernährungswissenschaft, Medizin (allgemein), ...
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Are you looking to hire a professional Haitian Creole Translator? a polyglot who speaks English, Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole, or a linguist with experience in the Interpretation Industry?
As per my professional summary, such as Medical, Legal, General Business, Marketing, Education, ...
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Juan CletiNative in Spanisch (Variants: Rioplatense, Mexican, Uruguayan, Latin American, Standard-Spain, Argentine)
english, spanish, french, law, contracts, finance, localization, double-blinded surveys, pharmacie
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Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Malerei, Sicherheit, Psychologie, Ernährungswissenschaft, ...
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Sofía PesaresiNative in Spanisch (Variants: Argentine, Latin American)
Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Malerei, Internet, E-Commerce, Linguistik, Kochen/Kulinarisches, ...
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Telekommunikation, Textilien/Kleidung/Mode, Transport/Logistik/Versand, Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Malerei, ...
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French, finance, insurance, business, engineering, development, economics