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Niederländisch > Englisch Immobilien/Grundstücke Translation Glossary

Niederländisch term Englisch translation
gagarandeerd eindkapitaal guaranteed capital at maturity
garantiepolis met winstdeling with-profits policy with guaranteed payment at maturity; with-profits policy with maturity guarantee
Entered by: Michael Beijer
gedeelten van het gehuurde parts of the rented/leased property
Entered by: dmesnier
Gedoogplicht obligation to tolerate / tolerance oblogation
gelijk verhuurder aan huurder in huur zal geven and Lessor leases to Lessee
Entered by: Michael Beijer
gespackt Sprayplastered
Entered by: Textpertise
herkaveling -> herverkaveling reallocation
hoogstedelijk karakter densely populated urban/urbanised area; dense urban area
Entered by: Michael Beijer
houdende kwijting voor recording the full settlement of
hypothecair ingeschreven registered as a mortgage, mortgage-registered, registered for mortgage purposes
in slag gelegd put up for Dutch auction (Amsterdam system)
ingenottreding upon taking possession (of the property)
inlegvrij maken make or leave paid-up
juridische afwikkeling Legal formalities
koophuur hire-purchase
koopovereenkomst / koopcontract agreement for sale / contract of sale
kosten koper; k.k. plus costs; purchasing costs payable by the purchaser; with costs for the purchaser’s account
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Kwalitatieve rechten qualitative rights (registered legal interests)
lijdende servient
medeveiler joint bidder
meefinancieren include in the mortgage
meetbrief registry certificate
moeilijk vastgoeddossier challenging real estate market
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
naakte eigendomvruchtgebruik pure/simple property usufruct
netwerkaanduiding cadastral registration (ID) of cross-boundary infrastructural objects
onderhoudsbedrijf maintenance company
onroerende goederen door bestemming fixtures (see def.)
ontruimd, als oninbaar afgerekend evicted, written off as irrecoverable
op en aanbouw constructions and extensions, additions and extensions
ophouding (van vruchtgebruik) cessation (of the usufruct)
Entered by: Anne Lee
opstalgever freeholder, lessor/landlord, superior landlord
opstalwaardevergoeding appraisal value compensation
parkeerbanaan Banana-shaped car park
passeerrente completion interest rate ('at execution')
passeren van een hypotheekakte execute a mortgage deed
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
portefeuillerecht broker’s right to a portfolio/portfolio entitlement
prognosekapitaal projected capital; forecast capital
Entered by: Michael Beijer
quotiteiten van de gehuurde vertrekken size of the rented units, rented rooms, rented areas,
Raad voor Onroerende Zaken (ROZ) Real Estate Council
rangwisseling change in priority (ranking)
Entered by: Michael Beijer
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