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Italienisch > Englisch Energie/Energieerzeugung Translation Glossary

Italienisch term Englisch translation
attualizzando discounting to present values / by calculating present values
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
ausiliari di bordo on-board auxiliaries
Entered by: Jo Macdonald
auto-produzioni self-generation (wood for combustion)
Entered by: Tom in London
autoconsumo own use/personal use
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
autoportante self-supporting
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas
Entered by: EirTranslations
avvarrà will avail himself of
avviso utenza notice to users/customers
avvolgimenti statorici stator windings
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
azoto di bonifica nitrogen used for purging
’impacchettamento delle lamelle drawing the slats together and raising them
Entered by: EirTranslations
barrature di sostegno per le apparecchiature DIN rails
Entered by: EirTranslations
batteria battery limit
batticarrello di serie standard bumper-rail
battiture e meggeraggio cavi cables continuity and insulation resistance test
bilanci energetici energy accounts /electricity accounts
Entered by: EirTranslations
bilancio di materia balance of matter
billotti billet(s) /rods
Entered by: Ivana UK
biocombustibili e biocarburanti biofuels
Biorario Two hour schedule
blindoluce (lighting) busbar
blocco delle manutenzioni maintenance stoppage
bobina di apertura a mancanza di tensione no-voltage tripping relay, shunt coil
bocchettoni (pipe) unions
Boccola di derivazione "per misure" test point socket
bollitori monoserpentino single coil boilers
C.le centrale
c.p. mass-specific heat capacity
cabina di allacciamento grid connection substation
cabina di ricevimento transformer substation
cabina elettrica di campo field switchboard cabin
Entered by: Federica Banzola
cabina primaria blindata isolated primary station
cabinato TG gas turbine enclosure
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
calce viva quicklime
calcolo protezioni protection device sizing
caldaia a biomasse dotata di griglia mobile a gradini biomass boiler with removable step-grate
caldaia CCT, funzionante a biomasse e CDR CCT boiler, operated with biomass and biowaste
caldaia supercritica supercritical boiler
cambiamento di scala rationalization
camera treccia packing chamber
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