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Italienisch > Englisch Musik Translation Glossary

Italienisch term Englisch translation
per terze alternate in alternating thirds
percussioni chiare pitched percussion
perorazioni epiche epic climaxes
personale serale a prestazioni casual evening staff
pervade il verbo virtuosistico pervades the virtuoso language of this alto and soprano saxophonist from Salerno
pianoforti da studio Practice pianos
Entered by: Shera Lyn Parpia
pilaccia pilaccia (but see explanatory notes)
postria (=potrebbe) could
prassi antica early music practice
preciso clean
prende le distanze dall’esperienza dodecafonica distances himself from twelve-tone (and minimalist) techniques
Pretesa a dir poco originale An original demand, to say the least
Entered by: Tom in London
prima es. ass. / prima esecuzione assoluta world premiere
primo ballerino senza obbligo di solista Principal dancer (with no soloist obligations)
primo violino first violin
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
primo violino di spalla concertmaster/leader
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
programmazione (dei suoni) sound programming
promuove la frequentazione (strongly) encourages students to take up/follow a Master\'s
prova d'insieme orchestra staging rehearsal
prove eliminatorie preliminary rounds
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
pulizia della mano destra cleanness of the right hand
punta di diamante con la Capitol Records the jewel in the crown at Capitol Records
punti di approdo point of arrival / destination
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Quando tutte le cose erano insieme when all things were one
racciuffa grasps again
raccordi (in a piece of music) bridges or transitions
rasoiate piazzate Razor-sharp licks
rassegna (see context) concert (series), festival
reggirullante snare stand
registrazioni eventualmente opzionate any recordings opted for
registri di timbro orchestrale register tone of orchestral timbre
respiro nel fraseggio breadth of his phrasing
rifunzionalizzazione restoring (an instrument) to playing condition
ripercorrere go back over (retrace)/offer a review of
riprendere la scena musicale regain the music scene/ make a comeback on the music scene
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
ripropone in chiave del tutto personale in their own highly personal interpretations...
Entered by: Tom in London
risalendo ascending (by semitones)
ritmi in battere e levare downbeat and upbeat rhythms
ritrovarsi in un\\\'esaltazione to find themselves again in an ever changing celebration of sound
rock cantautorale singer-songwriter rock music
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