The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanisch > Englisch Technik (allgemein) Translation Glossary

Spanisch term Englisch translation
a nivel horario hourly
bomba auxiliar dedicada al lavado de ciclo cerrado a closed-loop back-up flush pump
en condición monofásica using a single phase
frente al (in this context) embedded in
lanza espuma foam fire extinguisher
lo determinado en la misma (pursuant) thereto......
se debe instalar de canto el aislamiento insulation should be installed standing on edge
sistemas de desapilado unstacking systems
"cabecera del gaseoducto" gas pipeline header
"discriminando por categoría sometida a control" (hazardous wastes) separated by regulated class/classification
"entradas asignadas" assigned entries
"temperatura maxima del agua en llenado" maximum water temperature during the filling phase
Entered by: Maria Elena Martinez
(Diagrama de flujo) Sistema C/I I/C System (air-)flow chart
(engineering) tetón lug
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
(Especificación de Procura/Construcción) - TIE - INS Tuberías
Entered by: Robert Mavros
(vía de) mango shunting neck
**alturas geométricas de elevación** geometric heights
*por lo que se disponga en ellos* in this context [shall be governed] by the provisions set forth therein
- L-hidráulica L-shaped hydraulic lift
.... no pasarán a poder de CCC a título de pena shall not become property of CCC as penalty
....PANEL DE MANO CON MUESTRAS DE CERAMICA.... hand panel with ceramics samples
...para el tipo de explotación macro bloque... ... for the type of macro block exploitation... fit both / do not fit correctly Ver...
...y momentos a los cuales está solicitada la fundación. ... torque to which the foundation is subject
2 décimas de milímetro 0.2 mm
20 Mpa nanométricos 20 Mpa nanometric
25 mm ca (columna de agua) 25 mmWC (of water column/water head)
6 milésimas de pulgada por pie six thousandths of an inch per foot
a la luz del impacto potencial... in the light of / taking into account / bearing in mind/ the potential impact
accesorio portabalones An accessory [carrying?]device for an inflatable [gas] balloon
Entered by: liz askew
accesorios tipo encolar glue-type fittings; cement joint fittings
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
acción comercial do business
Accidentabilidad accident rate
acciones de apoyo público public support actions, actions for public support
aceite hidraúlico y guías hydraulic oil and guideways / hydraulic circuits and guideways
acero de armadura pasiva passive reinforcement steel
acero para armaduras de hormigón (ferralla) Concrete Reinforcing Steel
Entered by: Ruth Ramsey
acometida no redundante a cero (0) metros non-redundant connection at zero (0) meters
acondicionamiento del agua desalada treatment of desalinated water
Acostaje along the contact area
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