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Spanisch > Englisch Produktion/Fertigung Translation Glossary

Spanisch term Englisch translation
cortadoras de material de cable wire cutters
corte de turno cutting (raw material and cutting quality inspector for the ___ shift.)
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
cuaderno de descarga del proyecto project specifications
cuarcita serrada jagged/serrated green quartzite
cuartos de recanteado edge finishing / milling rooms
Entered by: Ruth Ramsey
cubas de impresión print beds
Entered by: Mary Bauer
curtido artesanal traditional tanning (methods/techniques)
cuya calidad es insuperable with an unbeatable quality
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
de lana, provenientes de peinadoras (\"blousses\"). wool from combing machines (noils)
de lo estricto depending on how strict one should be in terms of the quality......
de medio proceso partially processed
de modo vinculante must abide by
decoración a trepa stencil decorations
definición de plantillas definition of staff rosters
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
definición de tiempos y movimientos time and motion criteria
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
Degollar (ver contexto) Sticking
departament de tubadoras extrusion department
Entered by: Sarah Weston
Deposito tank
Desarmador plano flathead screwdriver
descalibre (Mexico) uncalibration
deslizante friction reducer//low friction material//non-stick material
desmoldante release agent
despachar camiones to dispatch trucks
Despachos office space / Directors' offices
Despliegue territorial Geographical reach
detallado finished
Entered by: Daniel Frisano
Devolución en línea Return to production line
dictamen de materia prima y materiales report on raw material and other materials
dimensiones en planta de la paleta pallet dimensions (LxW)
dirección de obra project management
dirección del espinazo direction of the backbone
Dirección: Cremallera Steering: rack-and-pinion
disminuyéndose deducts/subtracts (from inventory)
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
dosifico / dosificaciones dosing / dosage
dulces de loza china cake moulds
E.R. Sphericity and Roundness
efectue el armado del troquel y formato correspondiente set the die and corresponding format
eje cónico tapered shaft
Entered by: Robert Mavros
ejecución de olas (with the) completion of each wave/batch
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