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Spanisch > Englisch Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Ethik usw. Translation Glossary

Spanisch term Englisch translation
comunarios Ver explicación
Entered by: Joaquim Siles-Borràs
comunidad (pls see context) socioeconomic/social group (or class)
comunidad ciudadana civil society
Entered by: Paola Giardina
Comunidad PEC Community-executed projects
Entered by: Edward Tully
COMUNIDADES CAMPESINAS, COMUNEROS peasant communities, comuneros
comunidades precordilleranas (adj. precordillerano) Andean foothill communities
comunitarista communitarian
con carga comparativa alta with relatively high incidence
con edad productiva para la sociedad of productive age within/for society/community
con gran valor heurístico y hermenéutico with great heuristic and hermeneutic implications
con menos arte y menos mármoles with less art and less marble
Entered by: EirTranslations
con pocos recursos económicos with little money / with modest means
con un fuerte arraigo cultural deep-seated cultural roots
con una involucración solidaria a nivel mundial that is involved in providing support at world level
Con vistas a la elaboración de este trabajo For the purposes of this study [or paper]
concepción “capilar” \"capillary\" conception of power
concepción metodológica dialéctica dialectics/the dialectical method
conceptos estancos concepts in isolation
conceptuación conceptualization
conciliar con la aspiración (proved to be) incompatible with ...... ambition
concurrencia de situaciones especiales combination of special circumstances
Concurso anual de 2 espacios annual competition for 2 positions/vacancies
concursos y convocatorias a la financiación exclusiva de proyectos sociales competitions and tenders for the financing of social and cultural projects
condena disapproval
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
confluyen converge
Confrontar....con compare/contrast
conjuntos ajenos different groups of immigrants
conllevan acciones compartidas imply collaboration
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
Conoce [Tabasco] Discover [Tabasco]
conocerlas address them
Consentimientos Consent forms
consistencia sustantiva, y hasta cierto punto delimitada substantive -- and up to a certain point delimited -- consistency
consoliden condiciones socio–organizativas de gestión autónoma when the socio-organisational conditions (necessary) for self-management are established
constituyen un aporte significativo a represent a significant contribution to......
construcción de diagnósticos defining baselines
constructo construct
consumo de significaciones consumption of meanings
contemplar instancias de evaluación include evaluation sessions
contemporáneo a tus semejantes (being) the same age as your peers
contra la violencia en las aulas against classroom violence
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