Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Translation and definition of words. phrases; English grammar; business English.
Bi-Directional English-Japanese Dictionary
Pacific Software Publishing |
To look up a Japanese word, you must type in kana or kanji to find the definition. The dictionary is not designed to accept romanized Japanese input. You can also use wildcards ( * ) in your search.
This dictionary is based on EDICT by Jim Breen and is powered by ALISE (A Little Internet Search Engine).
This is an excellent Japanese-English/English-Japanese dictionary. It requires a Japanese enabled browser. It is especially useful as you can search for word combinations and it will provide sentences they appear in.
This page provides English-Japanese dictionary for English Speaking People. When we seek a Japanese word, we refer English-Japanese dictionary and then Japanese-English dictionary to confirm its meaning. Kanji character is major obstacle on the second process. Therefore, every Kanji character has its correspoinding Kana on this dictionary.