Archived polls

6119 polls, displaying 1201 through 1250
When I want to take a short break from work, I like to...
By Verónica Ducrey - featured on Feb 6, 2020
Go for a walk/run 29.7%
Browse the internet 18.7%
Other (please share) 12.0%
Do housework 11.6%
Take a nap 8.5%
Watch TV 7.9%
Play with my kid(s)/pet(s) 6.6%
Talk/meet with a friend 3.2%
Have a bath 1.9%
802 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you offer cultural review services?
By Christina Pauly - featured on Feb 5, 2020
No 39.5%
What is a cultural review? 29.0%
Yes 16.0%
No, but I'm considering it 10.0%
No, but I have in the past 3.2%
Other - N/A 2.2%
717 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you offered translation or technology consulting services to your clients?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 4, 2020
No 60.1%
Yes (please share) 17.9%
No, but I would like to 10.9%
Other - N/A 5.8%
No, but they have requested the service anyway 5.4%
626 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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"A foreign accent is a sign of bravery."
By anonymous - featured on Feb 3, 2020
What? 43.1%
Agree 24.2%
Not sure 15.4%
Disagree 14.2%
Other - N/A 3.0%
591 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Does your significant other ever help you with translation?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 2, 2020
Yes, occasionally 27.7%
No 26.6%
I don't currently have a significant other 22.0%
No, but they help me with other aspects of my work 10.8%
Yes, we are a team 5.0%
Other - N/A 3.5%
Not anymore 2.6%
Yes, all the time 1.7%
537 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Does seeing certain words repeated over and over cause you to doubt their correct spelling?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 1, 2020
Not usually 35.8%
I have no idea what you're talking about 20.8%
Yes 16.0%
No, never 12.8%
Yes, but only if I am writing/typing them 12.2%
Other - N/A 2.3%
639 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you say there is less human interaction during a translation project now than 3 years ago?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 31, 2020
No 39.7%
Yes 28.3%
I don't know 21.2%
Only in some cases (please share) 9.3%
Other - N/A 1.5%
755 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you consider yourself an expert on the CAT tool(s) you use?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 30, 2020
I'm familiar enough to get the job done 50.7%
Almost 15.5%
Yes 11.6%
I don't use them 10.2%
Not really 7.5%
No, I'm just getting started with them 3.8%
Other - N/A 0.7%
844 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you outsource work?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 29, 2020
Never 65.4%
Once or twice a year 21.6%
Other (please share) 6.1%
Once or twice a month 4.0%
Once or twice a week 3.0%
809 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many browser tabs do you have open right now?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 28, 2020
2 - 7 55.0%
8 - 12 13.1%
Just one 10.8%
13 - 20 8.3%
None 5.4%
Over 40 3.4%
21 - 30 3.0%
31 - 40 0.9%
853 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When was the last time you got a new client from a colleague's referral?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 27, 2020
Never 28.0%
In the last year 20.0%
I don't remember / don't know 19.8%
It's been more than a year 16.7%
In the last month 8.7%
In the last week 4.5%
Other - N/A 2.3%
575 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you keep most of your work files locally, or online?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 26, 2020
Mostly or all locally 71.4%
About half and half 11.5%
Mostly or all online 11.5%
Other - N/A 5.7%
548 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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“Humor is the first gift to perish in a foreign language.”
By anonymous - featured on Jan 25, 2020
Not sure 36.1%
Agree 34.8%
Disagree 29.0%
617 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My tagline highlights what makes me special to potential clients.
By anonymous - featured on Jan 24, 2020
I'm not sure 39.3%
Agree 38.5%
I didn't know we had a tagline 11.9%
Disagree 5.7%
Other - N/A 4.6%
636 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The last work-related event I attended was:
By anonymous - featured on Jan 23, 2020
Translation/interpreting-related 42.4%
I've never been to either 36.1%
Specific to my field(s) 12.2%
Other - N/A 9.3%
656 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The main project I am working on right now came from:
By anonymous - featured on Jan 22, 2020
A large translation company 29.3%
A small translation company 27.6%
I don't have any projects at the moment 21.0%
A large end client 10.7%
A small end client 9.8%
A non-profit 1.7%
786 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Most of my new clients come from:
By anonymous - featured on Jan 21, 2020
Passive marketing of my services 29.8%
Active marketing on my part 26.6%
Referrals from colleagues or existing clients 20.6%
I don't know for sure 15.0%
Other - N/A 7.9%
751 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When was the last time you had to pull an all-nighter to finish a project?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 20, 2020
Never 27.7%
Years ago 23.2%
Just recently 18.5%
In the past year 18.5%
It's been a year or two 9.5%
Other - N/A 2.6%
611 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How busy are you this January, compared to last January?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 19, 2020
Less busy 35.4%
About the same 33.3%
Busier 27.2%
Other - N/A 4.0%
570 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How old is your (main) work computer?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 18, 2020
3 - 4 years old 27.5%
1 - 2 years old 26.0%
5 - 6 years old 15.8%
Older than six years 11.4%
Less than a year old 11.2%
It's brand new 8.2%
816 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many languages do you speak fluently?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 17, 2020
2 44.6%
3 38.1%
4 - 6 12.7%
1 4.2%
7 - 9 0.2%
More than ten 0.2%
10 0.0%
931 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which one of the following would most lead you to believe that a translator is qualified?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 16, 2020
A good portfolio of previous work 34.9%
Satisfactory completion of a sample text 26.7%
Two satisfied clients 12.2%
A tested credential 10.9%
Three years of experience 8.3%
A university degree 7.0%
769 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your income do you invest into your business?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 15, 2020
Less than 10% 50.9%
10 - 20% 21.4%
None of it 10.6%
I don't know 7.3%
25 - 50% 5.4%
Other - N/A 2.7%
50 - 75% 0.8%
More than 75% 0.8%
737 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your income are you able to put into savings?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 14, 2020
10 - 25% 26.0%
Less than 10% 23.7%
None of it 20.3%
25 - 50% 11.9%
I don't know 7.2%
50 - 75% 5.2%
Other - N/A 3.1%
More than 75% 2.7%
976 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are most of your work resources digital or hard copy?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 11, 2020
Entirely digital 45.7%
Mostly digital 44.1%
About half and half 7.7%
Mostly hard copy 1.0%
Other - N/A 0.9%
Entirely hard copy 0.6%
1002 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Freelancers need never retire if they don't want to.
By anonymous - featured on Jan 9, 2020
Agree 70.6%
Not sure 17.0%
Disagree 12.3%
770 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Does an outsourcer's Blue Board record / average feedback help you decide whether to work with them?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 8, 2020
Yes 84.4%
It depends on... (please share) 7.3%
No 4.7%
Other - N/A 3.6%
758 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many Translation Units are in your largest TM?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 7, 2020
I don't know 42.6%
I don't have a TM 18.0%
Between 10,000 and 49,000 6.6%
Fewer than 10,000 6.3%
Between 100,000 and 299,999 5.8%
Between 50,000 and 99,999 4.8%
Between 300,000 and 599,999 4.4%
More than 1,500,000 (please share!) 3.2%
Other - N/A 3.2%
Between 600,000 and 899,999 2.6%
Between 900,000 and 1,499,000 2.5%
727 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How well does your profile picture represent you professionally?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 5, 2020
I could be a bit better 30.3%
I'm not interested in representing myself professionally though my picture 19.6%
I don't know 16.8%
It couldn't be better 16.6%
It could be worse 10.0%
Other - N/A 4.9%
It couldn't be worse 1.8%
511 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you sometimes feel you need more training in the business side of freelancing?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 4, 2020
Yes 55.5%
No 36.2%
Other - N/A 4.2%
I used to, but... (please share) 4.1%
636 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much time off do you usually grant yourself per year?
By Elodie Bonnafous - featured on Jan 3, 2020
I don't keep track 25.5%
3 - 4 weeks 19.1%
2 - 3 weeks 14.7%
1 - 2 weeks 14.3%
1 - 2 months 11.9%
Less than a week 7.9%
Other 3.7%
More than 2 months 3.0%
707 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do most of your clients stop activity on or around the 31st of December?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 2, 2020
Yes 41.2%
Yes, and so do I 24.7%
No 13.0%
Not sure 10.5%
No, but I do 3.7%
Other - N/A 3.5%
No, quite the opposite 3.3%
514 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of the work you receive do you think is created by non-native speakers?
By Annett Hieber - featured on Jan 1, 2020
I'd say 10% or less 20.4%
Between 25 and 50% 17.9%
Between 50 and 80% 15.7%
Probably 10 to 25% 13.0%
Somewhere around 80 to 99% 11.2%
Other - N/A 9.0%
None at all 8.4%
All of it 4.5%
491 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the current trend in terms of the projects you receive?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 31, 2019
Fewer projects / smaller volume 27.2%
I don't know 19.9%
Fewer projects / larger volume 14.4%
More projects / smaller volume 13.2%
More projects / larger volume 9.1%
Other - N/A 7.7%
No change in number of projects, but smaller volume 4.9%
No change in number of projects, but larger volume 3.5%
569 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What contributes most to frustrating you in translation projects?
By Thomas Johansson - featured on Dec 30, 2019
Low rate 33.1%
Long or messy instructions 23.1%
Tight deadline 21.2%
A slow or cumbersome web interface 10.3%
Other - N/A 6.5%
Nothing I can think of 5.7%
523 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often does a client assign a project to you after you have completed a test?
By Mario Laima - featured on Dec 29, 2019
I don't know / don't keep track 21.0%
Between 50 and 80% 18.1%
I don't do tests 13.8%
Less than 10% of the time 13.6%
Always, or almost always 11.9%
Between 25 and 50% 10.3%
Between 10 and 25% 6.2%
Other - N/A 5.1%
514 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you made any professional "New Year's resolutions" for yourself for the coming year?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 28, 2019
No, and I won't 44.1%
No, but I'm thinking about it 30.5%
Yes (please share) 20.5%
Other - N/A 4.8%
560 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you planning to adjust your rates in the coming year?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 27, 2019
No 39.5%
Yes 32.9%
I haven't thought about it yet 25.2%
Other - N/A 2.4%
575 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever contacted administrators of your favourite websites to offer your services?
By Francesca Battaglia - featured on Dec 26, 2019
No, and I would not 42.1%
No, but I have thought about it 34.7%
Yes, but nothing came of it 11.3%
Other - N/A 8.7%
Yes, and I ended up working with them 3.2%
435 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you happy with your field(s) of expertise?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 25, 2019
Yes, 100% 53.7%
Yes, but I wish I also worked in... (please share) 20.0%
Not happy, but not discontent either 14.0%
Never thought about it 7.8%
Other - N/A 2.9%
No, not really 1.6%
514 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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This week, I am:
By anonymous - featured on Dec 24, 2019
less busy than usual 30.9%
taking some time off 29.3%
as busy as usual 21.0%
busier than usual 14.6%
Other - N/A 4.2%
644 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At the moment, my favorite time of day to translate is...
By Karina Rafter - featured on Dec 23, 2019
Morning 47.5%
No preference 16.5%
Afternoon 14.2%
Night 11.1%
Evening 9.5%
Other - N/A 1.2%
569 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever sent a personal document to a client by mistake?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 22, 2019
No 81.4%
Not that I know... 12.3%
Yes 4.9%
Other - N/A 1.4%
511 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you sometimes wish that more people spoke your mother tongue?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 21, 2019
No 42.1%
I've never thought about it 36.4%
Yes 19.6%
Other - N/A 2.0%
649 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The lower the rate, the less work/attention to detail one is likely to put into a translation:
By anonymous - featured on Dec 20, 2019
Agree 45.5%
Disagree 27.8%
Neither agree nor disagree 16.6%
I don't know 6.1%
Other - N/A 4.0%
717 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use a footrest while you work?
By Eduard Urgell - featured on Dec 19, 2019
No 60.2%
Yes 17.4%
Sometimes 12.3%
No, but I've considered trying one 7.1%
I used to, but... (please share) 1.5%
Other - N/A 1.5%
723 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you dedicate as much time as you would like to translations?
By Flavia Martins dos Santos - featured on Dec 18, 2019
Yes 47.9%
Not quite 26.6%
No 11.4%
Never thought about it 8.0%
Not at all 4.6%
Other - N/A 1.4%
710 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you used a CAT solution on your phone?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 17, 2019
No 81.5%
No, but I would consider it 12.0%
Yes (please share) 5.1%
Other - N/A 1.4%
952 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In my source language(s), I prefer to communicate by:
By anonymous - featured on Dec 14, 2019
Writing 45.6%
No preference 36.5%
Speaking 12.4%
I prefer not to communicate at all 3.7%
Other - N/A 1.8%
712 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you have to live somewhere else if you were not a freelancer?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 13, 2019
Probably not 27.1%
Definitely not 26.4%
Yes, probably 16.9%
I don't know 16.1%
Yes, definitely 11.1%
Other - N/A 2.3%
727 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6119 polls, displaying 1201 through 1250