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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Assemblée Générale Annuelle

June 18, 2011, 2:00 pm
FrankreichLa BruniéIn personEnglisch
cet endroit : lieu-dit La Brunié, 81220 Damiatte, à 43.6926 N, 1.9962 E

pour les old-fashioneds entre nous :

cherchez la RD 112 entre Lavaur et Castres
cherchez la RD 84 entre Graulhet et Puylaurens
notez qu'elles se croisent à un endroit nommé St Paul Cap de Joux

si vous venez de Lavaur, Castres ou Puylaurens : allez à St Paul Cap de Joux et continuez vers Graulhet. Après env. 6 km vous verrez (si vous venez de Graulhet : continuez vers St Paul Cap de Joux. Après env. 10 km vous verrez) :

une petite maison aux volets bleus à côté de la route principale ; une petite route avec un panneau "Lacapelle"; et à quelques cent cinquante mètres sur cette route vers Lacapelle un pigeonnier et, en face dudit pigeonnier : La Brunié !

bon, si cela est trop compliqué il restent :
1) le co-voiturage avec des prozien(ne)s plus expérimenté(e)s ou
2) le car de Toulouse vers Mazamet qui fait halte à St Paul Cap de Joux : on viendrait te chercher si tu le signales...

Si vous venez avant 12H (avec plaisir !) vous risquez seulement être réquisitionné(e) pour aider...

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (21) / Confirmed: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
XRod Darby (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Jowita Wiese   with pleasure :) z przyjemnością !  y
XCaroline SCOTT (X)   Mince, je serai à Paris pour la SFT... Have fun!!!  n
Katrin Nell  \"Photographer\" Aber gerne doch! :)  y
Sunny Sky   Avec plaisir, mais avec les mêmes réserves que Caro. Qui sait ...? // Comme j'avais dit : Qui sait ? Alors, pour moi c'est non, puisque nous serons déjà rentrées en Allemagne. Snif !  n
Xellenbelle (X)   ...  
Susan Schneider   Oh dear! I'm invited to a wedding on the same day. So sorry to miss the annual gathering of the clans...  n
Anglais Aide   Sorry, but it's a little too far for me to come.  n
Marianne Germain   Ça devrait le faire ! Should be able to make it!  y
phillip slater   Trying to find the place on a map....  
Natasha Dupuy   Afraid I'm going to have to sit this one out. Je ne pourrai malheureusement pas être des vôtres cette fois-ci. Amusez-vous bien et à la prochaine fois !  n
XTong Zhang (X)   Désolée, je ne pourrai pas venir à cause de mon poids de plus en plus lourd pour me déplacer! Amusez-vous bien!  n
Schtroumpf   Merci à Rod qui organise - n'ai malheureusement plus assez de "trous" sur mon agenda ! Avec plaisir pour une prochaine occasion !  n
Jackie Doble   Sorry, have to cancel - 90,000 word translation project on my plate! A great shame, next year!  n
Laure Delpech   Sorry, won't be going after all.  n
Béatrice Noriega   Je suis désolée, mais un contre-temps familial m'empêche d'être finalement parmi vous. Bonne AG à tous et toutes et à très bientôt!  n
Anja SCHOLZ   malheureusement pas dispo   n
Xian ward (X)   à suivre  y
Olaf Jansen   Bin dabei!  y
Cathia Zeoli   Désolée, c'est la deuxième fois que je vais manquer cette rencontre que j'attendais tant, mais il vaut mieux que je vous épargne à tous mes vilaines bactéries.   n
Joanne Nebbia   I'm back  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: La Brunié - France
Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
plus d'infos Jan 17, 2011

@Anglais Aide
the regular powwows at La Brunié are just an opportunity to meet other translators in the area, and have a chat about the things that occupy our minds, in a pleasant (ok: idyllic) setting ( or will give you a rough idea).
We don't have any presentations or fix
... See more
@Anglais Aide
the regular powwows at La Brunié are just an opportunity to meet other translators in the area, and have a chat about the things that occupy our minds, in a pleasant (ok: idyllic) setting ( or will give you a rough idea).
We don't have any presentations or fixed topics ( I last tried this in 2004: but see also ), but you'd be amazed at how informative these sessions can be all the same - you just need to talk to the right people.
La Brunié is out in the sticks: one would-be participant wrote: "mais.....comment arriver à cet endroit?.... ", and, receiving no help, didn't come. Later she made this comment: "quel dommage de n'avoir pas pu ["ne pas avoir pu" is more correct, but never mind] être avec vous samedi dernier, mais c'était un peu loin cet endroit!" Well, "tant pis pour elle" is all I can say. I manage to find "cet endroit" quite regularly from wherever I'm coming from, and it's worth the effort every time.
Oh and one other thing: after two years of Jowita slaving in the kitchen for days beforehand and being too stressed to enjoy the powwow, we switched to "auberge espanole", so you'll need to think about what you are planning to bring...
Voilà, c'est tout !

[Edited at 2011-01-17 16:02 GMT]

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
ahem Jan 18, 2011

can people stop calling my home "cet endroit" or "the place" ?

to all (potentially) lost souls: La Brunié is located at 43.6926 N, 1.9962 E
in 2007 (powwow 1292) over 20 people found it
in 2008 (powwow 1865) over 30 people found it
in 2009 we didn't hold a powwow
in 2010 (powwow 3145) over 30 people found it
could it be you ain't no good at lookin' ?

[Edited at 2011-01-18 16:56 GMT]

[Edited at 2011-04-15 05:42 GMT]

Natasha Dupuy
Natasha Dupuy  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:57
Französisch > Englisch
ahem bis Jan 19, 2011

Sir Rod,

La Brunié might be a lieu-dit, a château, a maison de maître or whatever you want to call it, but the first time I tried to locate it on a map, I couldn't find iticon_wink.gif
It might be worth stating the postcode next to La Brunié, or at least that it is in the 81? Wotcha think?


Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 02:57
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Coux-et-Bigaroque ? Jan 19, 2011

Does that sound familiar?

I suppose it could be considered to be "near Toulouse", but it's also, more importantly, near where I live in the Dordogne, and since I, too, live "out in the sticks", it seems possible.

Please advise - I'd love to come! It would be my first pow-wow, and I'll bring some homemade foie gras!icon_wink.gif

Natasha Dupuy
Natasha Dupuy  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:57
Französisch > Englisch
Homemade foie gras is always welcome Jan 19, 2011

It would be great to finally meet you, verslanglais. I've been seeing you around the forums (fora, yeah yeah) for years.

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 02:57
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
How kind of you! Jan 20, 2011

Natasha Dupuy wrote:

It would be great to finally meet you, verslanglais. I've been seeing you around the forums (fora, yeah yeah) for years.

Okay, so I really need to find out where "this place" is (erm - sorry, Rod)!

Can't wait to meet you, too, Natasha!

[Edited at 2011-01-20 13:45 GMT]

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 02:57
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
ahem ter Jan 20, 2011

Natasha Dupuy wrote:

Sir Rod,

La Brunié might be a lieu-dit, a château, a maison de maître or whatever you want to call it, but the first time I tried to locate it on a map, I couldn't find iticon_wink.gif
It might be worth stating the postcode next to La Brunié, or at least that it is in the 81? Wotcha think?


P.S. @ Natasha

Just figured out how to find "this place" - feeling silly now not to have figured it out before, but ne'er ye mind.
Go to Google maps and paste the longitude and lattitude details on the search engine. Bob's your uncle!icon_biggrin.gif

Bonne continuation et à bientôt !

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa Jan 21, 2011

but that's all you're getting out of me by way of an apology (if any were needed)
well (a) I did say plus d'infos au printemps and (b) if you check out my previous notices about La Brunié powwows (powwa?) you'll see I always (bless my cotton socks) provide copious details of how to reach "cet endroit".
I just felt hurt and slighted, you know, by comments along the lines of: "this guy lives, like, nowhere" (sousentendu : "I, of course, live somewhere very important just everyone has he
... See more
but that's all you're getting out of me by way of an apology (if any were needed)
well (a) I did say plus d'infos au printemps and (b) if you check out my previous notices about La Brunié powwows (powwa?) you'll see I always (bless my cotton socks) provide copious details of how to reach "cet endroit".
I just felt hurt and slighted, you know, by comments along the lines of: "this guy lives, like, nowhere" (sousentendu : "I, of course, live somewhere very important just everyone has heard of").
And when I've stopped ranting I'll probably remember to say "welcome on board" to ellenbelle, Anglais Aide, PSTranslations and verslanglais icon_wink.gif

[Edited at 2011-01-21 20:18 GMT]

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 02:57
Französisch > Englisch
+ ...
Thank you, Rod! Jan 24, 2011

Thanks for the warm welcome - will stay tuned in for details!

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
welcome... Jan 25, 2011

back, Tong Zhang, and also welcome to "new faces" Herr/Frau Schoeniger and MaidofMoreton (what happened to the Hall, fair maid?)
in spite of earlier grumpy remarks, you are all, of course, welcome
malgré mes commentaires grincheux préalables, vous êtes tous, bien sûr, les bienvenues
trotz meiner früheren gnatzigen Bemerkungen, ihr seid selbstverständlich alle willkommen
verslanglais - do try to make it down here from the Dordogne, La Brunié is a must-see (we'll organis
... See more
back, Tong Zhang, and also welcome to "new faces" Herr/Frau Schoeniger and MaidofMoreton (what happened to the Hall, fair maid?)
in spite of earlier grumpy remarks, you are all, of course, welcome
malgré mes commentaires grincheux préalables, vous êtes tous, bien sûr, les bienvenues
trotz meiner früheren gnatzigen Bemerkungen, ihr seid selbstverständlich alle willkommen
verslanglais - do try to make it down here from the Dordogne, La Brunié is a must-see (we'll organise an overnight solution if the journey is too long), and as a matter of fact the details are all out now. we'll organise a list of goodies to bring (yes, yes, the home-made foie gras is on the proposed list) nearer the time. worked very well last year. indeed, instead of the feared 21 pizzas we had: none!

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
wow ! Jan 26, 2011

Laure - ça serait très chouette si tu pouvais venir, on ne s'est pas vus depuis une éternité, et à mon humble avis (c'est ça : IMHO ?) c'est toi la fondateur des powwows Toulousaings, pcq

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
@Béatrice Feb 9, 2011

cela nous fait grand plaisir, Béatrice !
en effet, difficile de dire ce qui se passera d'ici juin, mais "on" m'avait demandé de préciser bien en avance, pour permettre aux participants de planifier...

Joanne Nebbia
Joanne Nebbia  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:57
Französisch > Englisch
Rod's Place Apr 6, 2011

Allo Rod - notwithstanding the fact that I get lost every time I come to your's (but then I can't always find my own house these days) - I will be there ... may even have Massimo in tow for once as the Music school gala will already be a distant memory. Do you intend posting a list of offerings like you did before? If you do I promise to bring something which is actually on it this time.

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
my place Apr 10, 2011

allo Jo! - come on, Jo, don't encourage people to say I live in the sticks... It would be very good to see Massimo again. Yes, yes, I expect Jowita will come up with one of her magic lists of things to bring, and, yes, it would be absolutely smashing if you brought something that was on it...icon_smile.gif

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:57
Deutsch > Englisch
+ ...
@Sue Apr 10, 2011

so sorry you won't be coming : we'll miss you

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