This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow:

July 27, 2013, 2:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichBristolIn personFranzösisch

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Interested members (14) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
emmanuelle groom  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Hi! I've been told the Harbour Festival is on that week-end. As the Watershed's going to be packed, I've now booked a table at the Tobacco Factory (same time) in the Green Room. I believe a Powwow was held there before so you may know the place! See you!  y
Sandra Mouton   Good idea, Manue! See you there.  y
Karine Leroux   Thanks for organising this, Manue. I'll be there from 2.30pm.  y
Alexandra Reuer   ...  
Louisa King   Hello, I'm really sorry for not showing up today, even though the Pow wow was in my diary it completely went out of my mind. I hope you all had an enjoyable time.   
jarka_m   ...  
Ata Arif   i really loved to but i shall be on holiday at thst time.Enjoy  n
XJade L J Boy (X)   A family commitment has come up, but look forward to next time!  n
XCressida Wordsworth (X)   Cressida Wordsworth  
Alice Jones   Thanks for organising, Manue - looking forwarding to catching up with everyone!  
Liliana Marquesini   Looking forward :). Fri: complications, I´ll try my best to make it :)  
Xld8423 (X)   ...  
Kinga Macalla   ...  
Amparo Torregrosa   Looking forward to meeting you all  y

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