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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Summer picnic

June 2, 2018, 1:00 pm
Vereinigtes KönigreichCardiffIn personEnglisch
Annual 'bring and share' summer picnic :-)

Meet from midday at main play area in Roath Park

Bring a plate of food to share - please leave a comment with what you might bring...

Hope/wish/pray for sunshine!

Kids, dogs, partners, friends welcome

More info at

Contact me on 07740795462 - see you there x

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (13) / Confirmed: 9 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Alexandra Chapman  \"Organizer\" Chips n dips, brownies  y
Victoria Porter-Burns  \"Photographer\" Some sort of grainy salady thing, roasted potatoes and cherry toms  y
Dr Andrew Godfrey-Collins FITI   ...  
Juliet Haydock   Something savoury - will do pizzas if I have time  y
Lloyd Bingham   ...  y
Lowri Lewis   I'll bring some sweet treats from the Portuguese bakery  y
Jemma Pullen   ...  y
Ed Ashley   ...  m
Jason Shilcock   ...  y
Daniel Pearce   Maybe me, maybe Pia...  m
XSuzanne Smart (X)   crisps, strawberries, juice & cups!  y
Gabriele Cablitz   I'll bring quiche or something similar.  y
Trinidad Clares Flores   ...  

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