Englisch > Deutsch
Polnisch > Deutsch

English to German, Polish to German

Lokale Zeit: 12:37 CET (GMT+1)

Muttersprache: Deutsch Native in Deutsch, Polnisch Native in Polnisch
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2 positive reviews
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Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifizierter Nutzer
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Verbindungen zu Auftraggebern This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Dienstleistungen Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Training
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
LinguistikComputer: Software
Recht: Verträge

Englisch > Deutsch - Standard Preis: 0.12 EUR pro Wort / 30 EUR pro Stunde
Polnisch > Deutsch - Standard Preis: 0.14 EUR pro Wort / 30 EUR pro Stunde

KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 19, Beantwortete Fragen: 21
Von diesem Mitglied vorgenommene Blue Board-Einträge  3 Einträge

Payment methods accepted Banküberweisung, PayPal
Portfolio Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 5
Glossare communication terms for authors plus songtexts writers and people who like to listen to fine literature, "szenekram", watch streetart and listen to so, IT and Telecommunication, Veterinärmedizin, Zootierpfleger, Kinderbauernhöfe, Stadtgärten, Guerilla Guardening und mehr - terms about animals and plants
Übersetzerische Ausbildung Other - Studies: German Language (Linguistics) and Literature plus Journalism at Freie Universität Berlin
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 6. Angemeldet bei seit: Jun 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen Englisch > Deutsch (FU Berlin ABV credentials, verified)
Polnisch > Deutsch (FU Berlin ABV credentials)
Mitgliedschaften N/A
Software Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Anaphraseus, Libre Office, Open XML Writer, OpenOffice, SDLX Lite, Other CAT tool, Wordfast, XTM
Forumbeiträge 250 forum posts
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Richtlinien für die Berufsausübung apk12 befürwortet's Berufsrichtlinien (v1.1).
What you get:

- German native language
- translator residing in target country (Berlin, Germany), i.e. in vivid daily contact with the language
- Educational background: studies of German Linguistics and Literature plus Journalism at the Freie Universität Berlin 2005-09. (A selection of published studies is available on amazon.) (However, as amazon is still sueing the German Betriebsrat, I ask and advise any interested reader and prospect amazon customer to buy it as an ebook deliverable to your email inbox in order to save the people working for amazon in Germany the extra delivery work for printed material. Refers to the years 2013/2014, we need to observe how the situation develops in the upcoming years and whether I'd be able to delete this note on my profile anytime in the future.)

Delivering professional translation services in the language pairs EN>DE and PL>DE since 2009. (Sure, started as a student a bit earlier but official pro level translations since 2009 definitely.)

Offered variants:
EN(US) to DE(DE) (no Swiss or Austrian offered)
EN(UK) to DE(DE)
PL(PL) to DE(DE)

Core specialization: Media/PR/Journalism/Editorial Content

"Hobby specialization": I do love arts and literature, so projects in this fields are extra welcome and get some preference.

Fields of expertise and intense experience: Marketing, Website and Software Localization, Law General (Contracts, T&C), IT, Financial/Business

Fields of experienced interest: Arts/Literature, Humanities, Social Sciences, Education/Training

Specialized in the translation workflow steps: content.
File formats: I accept also .txt. Even .rtf. ;)

I am an LSP, not belonging to the pool of "free self-destructive marketing personnel with degree in IT necessary in order to catch up with software bug frequencies", meaning that requests a lá "willing unpaid advertisement helpers for a big translation business software company wanted" will -not- be answered, or at least not yet.

Offered workflow steps:

1) translation with concentration on the content and proofreading for requests where this makes sense.

2) I offer free back-checking of proofreading results of my own translations. This proofreading results are in my case detailed reports. This free service is an exception, but it is a service I love to offer because it has a story, a reason. There was a PR letter once for an interesting company as the end client that was delivered ready-for-print. And then something happened, a "proofreader" changed a crucial word, therefore presenting the company at the CeBiT as "We are absolute morons! Total no-names, rocking rock bottom-feeders, we have no clue, really. Anyone interested?" - This happend by changing one crucial word, the proofreader obviously was not qualified for this job. So I do offer free proofreading back-checking (for the proofreadings of my own translations), detailed.

In case you prefer a specialist for the content phase and a specialist with a core specialization, with additional extensive experience in other fields as you see in the translation samples, please feel free to contact for the workflow steps:
-content translation- (without DTP)
-proofreading- for cases where this makes sense- [no MT editing, but you can order a retranslation of MT results for my usual rates.]
and for
-free backchecking of proofreading results for the proofreadings of my own translations-.

Please do note that for first orders by clients without a convincing BB entry, the client will be required to register an Elance account for processing of the first order as this is necessary for my business risk management. Payment will be then done via Elance's escrow system, which means you will have to pay the negotiated fee "upfront", but you will have the option to release the payment after delivery of the result to your satisfaction (it will be released automatically after 2 weeks only if you forget about it).

Rates (direct clients):
0.12 EUR per word for EN to DE
0.14 EUR per word for PL to DE

Agency rates (rates for agency clients):
0.09 EUR per word for EN to DE
0.10 EUR per word for PL to DE
(Agency project managers please kindly note that these ARE my best rates.)

Proofreading rate (no MT editing offered):
0.05 EUR per word

Arts/Literature (some arts related documents, literary translation): discounts apply, please get in contact for details.

Review rate: 30 EUR per hour (agency rate) and 40 EUR per hour (direct clients rate)

Rates for business relevant language related consulting services (Product names [new and localization], startup company names, marketing [slogans etc.]: 60 EUR per hour

In case I did not answer all of your questions in this short service overview, please check my FAQ on the statements page FAQ/Statements

If this FAQ page does not cover your question which you would like to have clarified upfront, please feel free to contact via the mail feature (which, as far as I know, does not require registering but can help avoiding spam, phishing and fraud messages).
Dieser Nutzer hat Kollegen beim Übersetzen von schwierigen Begriffen geholfen und dadurch KudoZ-Punkte erworben. Auf Gesamtpunktzahl(en) klicken, um Übersetzungen zu sehen.

Gesamtpunktzahl: 23
Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 19

Sprachrichtungen (PRO)
Englisch > Deutsch11
Polnisch > Deutsch8
Allgemeine Gebiete (PRO)
Rechts- und Patentwesen3
Fachgebiete (PRO)
Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Malerei4

Alle Punkte ansehen >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects6
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Englisch > Deutsch5
Polnisch > Deutsch1
Specialty fields
Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)2
Kino, Film, Fernsehen, Theater1
Umwelt und Ökologie1
Computer: Systeme, Netzwerke1
Computer: Software1
Kunst, Kunsthandwerk, Malerei1
Other fields
Schlüsselwörter: übersetzung, übersetzungen, übersetzer, übersetzerin, übersetzen, übersetzt, deutsch, polnisch, englisch, von englisch nach deutsch. See more.übersetzung, übersetzungen, übersetzer, übersetzerin, übersetzen, übersetzt, deutsch, polnisch, englisch, von englisch nach deutsch, aus dem englischen ins deutsche, von polnisch nach deutsch, aus dem polnischen ins deutsche, polnisch zu deutsch, englisch zu deutsch. See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Jan 22, 2015

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