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Ausgangstext - Deutsch Für Änderungen auf den Datenbanktabellen ist eine graphische Benutzeroberfläche zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dieses Tool prüft etwaige Änderungen an den Tabellenwerten auf Konsistenz und warnt den Benutzer gegebenenfalls vor möglichen Inkonsistenzen.
Änderungen werden nur zugelassen, wenn ein entsprechender Änderungsgrund (wie z.B. Ticket-Nummer) angegeben wird.
Alle Änderungen an Werten in den Datenbanktabellen werden von dem Tool protokolliert. Ein Protokolleintrag muss mindestens Folgendes enthalten:
• Zeitstempel der Änderung
• Wer hat die Änderung vorgenommen (jeder User ist also identifizierbar; es gibt keine Gruppen-User)
• Der Name der Tabelle und Spalte, die geändert wurden.
• Der Wert vor und der Wert nach der Änderung des Tabelleneintrags
Übersetzung - Englisch A graphical user interface must be provided for modifications in the data bank tables. This tool checks possible changes in the table values regarding consistency and warns the user, if necessary, of possible inconsistencies. Changes are only allowed if a respective reason for a change (for example a ticket number) is listed.
The tool logs all value changes in the data bank tables. A log entry must at least contain the following information: All value modifications in the data bank tables are logged by the Tool. A log entry must at least contain the following information:
• Time stamp of change
• Who made the change (each user is also identifiable; there are no group users)
• Name of table and column that were changed.
• The value before and after the change of the table entry.
Englisch > Deutsch: Provided Subtitling for Southwest Microwave Video General field: Marketing Detailed field: Technik (allgemein)
Ensure that every translation you buy is a great translation, done by a human translator. Don't fall into the trap of cheap AI guesswork. Machines don't THINK. More information below and on my website.
Machines will never replace the human translator.
There is no way a robot or AI algorithm will ever THINK and therefore UNDERSTAND a text and be 100% or any number of % sure to translate it correctly. All it does is match up words and phrases of your text with words and phrases used before in other or similar contexts but not your context. It does not UNDERSTAND your text, or your context, and much less can give you an accurate translation.
You always run the risk of getting parts of your translation completely wrong. There is no guarantee at all that what you have is correct if it doesn't come from an expert human translator.
Unfortunately, that is not what we are told by developers of AI technology. Some people are even convinced they are receiving a text that is guaranteed correct because it came from a translation software, an online translation device, or an AI engine using an algorithm. Not so at all.
What many AI enthusiasts promise is a cheap and correct solution, but it is nothing but an empty promise. Correct in one sentence, completely wrong in the next.
Especially with medical and technical translations, these errors can have catastrophic consequences. Legal and marketing translations will fall way short of being professional. Riddled with wrong words, grammatical errors and stylistic flaws. Creativity, brevity, and clarity are other aspects of our work that a machine will never be able to achieve.
Why spend the time explaining this? Because we have an AI craze on our hands that is not justified, suggesting AI can compete with human translators regarding quality and price, which is absolutely untrue. Expert translators naturally will speak out against this because it hurts both, human translators' business as well as the clients who trust in AI and receive something they should never trust.
Trust a professional human translator!
I am a German native speaker and translator based in the United States (Bernhard Sulzer).
I work with my wife Susannah Sulzer, a German to English translator and native speaker of English
Out Now: My translation into English of Tamara Schenk's "Seelenkater."
Published as "Soul Cats." A #1 bestseller on Amazon during the week of June 22, 2022.
Are you an author looking for a translation of your book from English into German? I would like to partner with you and provide the translation that reads like an original text.
Sind Sie eine Autorin oder ein Autor? Sie möchten Ihr Buch gerne ins Englische übersetzen lassen? Ich würde gerne mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten. Mit Unterstützung meiner Frau und Kollegin Susannah Sulzer garantiere ich stilvolle Übersetzungen ins Englische, die Ihnen helfen, am englischsprachigen Markt erfolgreich zu sein.
My translation (German to English) of Erich von Däniken's latest book, "Confessions of an Egyptologist." (Original title: "Bekenntnisse des Ägyptologen Adel H.") For an audio sample of the text, please click here
Need your translations fast but also done professionally?
Charlotte and Aaron Elkins "Eine mörderische Kreuzfahrt- Ein Alix-London Krimi" (Original Title: "A Cruise to Die For - An Alix London Mystery Book 2")
It is my mission to provide accurate and stylistically flawless translations from and into German and English. I have honed my skills since 1998 and specialize in translating novels and non-fiction books. I also have much experience in translating texts in the following fields: law, business, marketing, social science, IT, and pharmacy.
My meticulous work guarantees excellent results.
As a professional, I am committed to best business practices, including business ethics and established fair pay in our industry.
I provide services and partner with authors and publishers, academic institutions, law firms, translation agencies, and serious direct clients who appreciate excellent work.
With my KudoZ translations (terms other translators need help with here on, I have assisted hundreds of colleagues for almost 15 years. As a KudoZ editor, I have ensured the correct posting of questions.
I hold university degrees from Salzburg University in Austria (BA in Political Science, Mass Communication) and Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio (MA in Mass Communication, emphasis in Film and Film Theory).
I taught German language classes (in German) and German culture courses (in English) for many years at the University of Toledo (until 2019). I have lived half my life in Austria (until 1985) and have lived since then mainly in the United States. My wife Susannah Sulzer is an editor of English texts and collaborates with me. She is a native English speaker and fluent in German.
Feedback about my services is provided following a link at the top right corner of my profile page.
For a quick quote, please submit your document(s) to
To contact me, you can also click on "Send email" at the top of this profile page,
or call or text +1 419 320 7745
Fields of Experience
Book translations
Since 2015, I have translated and published book translations (fiction and non-fiction) and am always working on new material.
I recently completed the translation of Erich von Däniken's most recent book, which will be published in 2022. Another one of his books I translated was just published (see above).
Legal texts/Law
Business contracts, terms and conditions, court documents such as complaints, divorce decrees, and many other legal texts; personal documents such as birth and marriage certificates, wills, prenuptial agreements and more for the following jurisdictions: United States, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, and Austria; certified translations for the United States
Medical/Pharmaceutical texts
Diagnoses, medical and psychological reports, medical certificates, instructions for medical procedures and devices, descriptions and explanations of medications and instructions for their use, court documents involving patient histories, complications after surgeries and use and misuse of medications, certified translations of court decisions, and much more.
Website translations, marketing and advertising materials, company and product presentations, business and financial reports, public relations texts, compliance and ethics statements, online training courses and training manuals, terms and conditions, corporate communications and much more
I have provided many translations in other areas. See my KudoZ achievements for additional fields of expertise.
Dieser Nutzer hat Kollegen beim Übersetzen von schwierigen Begriffen geholfen und dadurch KudoZ-Punkte erworben. Auf Gesamtpunktzahl(en) klicken, um Übersetzungen zu sehen.
Gesamtpunktzahl: 2996 Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 2988
Schlüsselwörter: book translations, Buchübersetzungen, marketing translations English to German, market translations German to English, Marketing Übersetzungen Deutsch Englisch, Marketing Übersetzungen Englisch Deutsch, Legal translator English German Toledo Ohio, Legal translations English German Toledo Ohio, English to German, German to English. See translations, Buchübersetzungen, marketing translations English to German, market translations German to English, Marketing Übersetzungen Deutsch Englisch, Marketing Übersetzungen Englisch Deutsch, Legal translator English German Toledo Ohio, Legal translations English German Toledo Ohio, English to German, German to English, Deutsch - Englisch, legal texts, law, marketing, business, literature, engineering, book translations, Buchübersetzungen, legal translations, Übersetzung von Rechtstexten und Vertragstexten ins Englische, Professional German translator Toledo Ohio, professional English German translations, professional German English translations, Buchübersetzungen aus dem Englischen und ins Englische, book translations from German to English and English to German, literary translations into German and from German into English, literarische Übersetzungen aus dem Englischen und ins Englische, German native speaker, legal translations German to English, legal translations English to German, Übersetzungen Verträge, Übersetzungen im Bereich Recht, Professional translations from English to German and from German to English Toledo Ohio USA, German to English and English to German marketing and business translations, literary translation and movie scripts English to German and German to English translations Toledo Ohio USA, Übersetzungen Englisch Deutsch USA, deutsch englisch, englisch deutsch, Korrekturlesen, proofreading, Website Lokalisierungen, Übersetzungen vom Deutschen ins Englische - deutsch - englisch - auf den Gebieten Wirtschaft - Handel - Recht - Marketing - Marktforschung - Technik - IT - Informationstechnik - SAP - Werbung - Tourismus - Touristik - Reisen - Sport - Fitness - Erholung - Finanzen - Linguistik - Sozialwissenschaften - Soziologie - Literatur - Dichtung - Bellestristik - Kunst - Kunsthandwerk - Architektur - Philosophie - Geschichte - Politik - Staatswesen - Ethik - Religion - Engineering - Ingenieurwesen - Kino - Film - Fernsehen - Theater - Idiome - Maximen - Sprichwörter, genaue und effektive Übersetzungen, accurate, high-quality translation services, localization services, proofreading, html, website localization, the arts, film, script writing, video, photography, literature, book translations, business, marketing, information technology, law, contracts and patents, chemical and electrical engineering, general medicine, general science, history, political science, social sciences, Übersetzungen von höchster Qualität und Genauigkeit, Deutsch Englisch, Englisch Deutsch, Kunst, Film, Video, Fotografie, Photographie, Literatur, Wirtschaft, SAP, Marketing, Informationstechnik, IT, Recht, Rechtswissenschaft, Verträge, Patente, Chemie, Elektrizitätswissenschaft, allgemeine Medizin, allgemeine Wissenschaft, Geschichte, Politikwissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaften, Lokalisierungen, Buchübersetzungen, Drehbücher, Korrekturlesen.. See less.
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