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Englisch > Lettisch
Lettisch > Englisch
Russisch > Englisch

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Muttersprache: Lettisch 
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9 positive reviews
Profilart Freiberufliche Übersetzer bzw. Dolmetscher, Identity Verified Verifizierter Nutzer
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Dienstleistungen Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization
Allgemeine Fachgebiete
Recht: VerträgeRecht (allgemein)
Tourismus und ReisenPersonalwesen
Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein)Maschinen/Maschinenbau


KudoZ-Aktivität (PRO) Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 1736, Beantwortete Fragen: 768, Gestellte Fragen: 303
Portfolio Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 9
Glossare Freimanis
Übersetzerische Ausbildung Master's degree - Latvia University
Erfahrung Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 35. Angemeldet bei ProZ.com seit: Aug 2005.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Qualifikationen Lettisch > Englisch (University of Lativa BA English language and lit, verified)
Englisch (University of Lativa BA English language and lit, verified)
Lettisch > Englisch (University of Lativa MA Philology, verified)
Englisch > Lettisch (University of Lativa BA English language and lit, verified)
Englisch > Lettisch (University of Lativa MA English Philology, verified)

Mitgliedschaften N/A
TeamsNative Translations, Latvian localization
Software Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Excel, Illustrator, Trados Studio 2011, Word MS, Wordfast, Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Website http://nativetranslations.net
CV/Resume CV/Resume (DOC)
Richtlinien für die Berufsausübung Freimanis befürwortet ProZ.com's Berufsrichtlinien (v1.0).
My experience spans over two decades of linguistic and extra-linguistic exposure to the Latvian, English, Russian and German speaking world in areas such as business and management, sales and marketing, economic and management consultancy, telecommunications, forestry, aviation, building and construction, commercial law, consumer protection law, property management (condominiums), mechanical and electrical engineering, sheep farming and medicine.

As a translator, proof-reader and reviser, I do not claim utmost perfection, competence, and knowledge in any of these areas. Instead I offer real world translations backed by sound academic background (BA, MA, MBA with distinction – University of Latvia, University of Leeds, UK), informed by a range of hands-on experience from various fields and capacities (staff translator turned business manager for international companies turned freelance translator) and assisted by thorough research (where knowledge and experience lacks).

So with me every translation is an inch towards greater perfection, competence and knowledge to deliver what I believe the client needs: a linguistic product that effectively operates in the target language and environment. The mechanics of translation – crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s – is also in place. All work is performed and thoroughly checked by me, a native Latvian speaker. For translations into English I enlist the help of my partner, a native English speaker and former medical rep. We ensure uncompromised reliability and availability – all inquiries are answered promptly and, once committed, your project will be unfailingly delivered by the deadline specified.

Here are some details of my work by language pair in the last five years or so:

Technical regulations for the European Commission (under the 98/34 procedure), competition law (telecoms), consumer protection law, calls for tenders, annual reports, divorce cases, maintenance and custody claims, social benefit claims, property management disputes, birth, death, marriage divorce, medical and academic certificates, discharge summaries, medical trials, informed consents, back-translations of medical questionnaires.

Promotional texts for renown IT, internet, Hi Tech and automotive brands, EU citizenship and citizen rights, EU aviation regulations, industrial relations (European Works Council), human resources and trade unions, summaries of product characteristics (SPC’s), patient information leaflets (PIL’s), general medical texts, patient surveys, user manuals for automotive, medical, power generation and electrical equipment, brand checks.

Owner manuals and maintenance procedures for trucks, wood working, gardening, agricultural, forestry and road construction equipment, oriented strand board production plant and equipment, industrial relations (European Works Council).

Commercial contracts, general legal texts, annual reports, birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates.

Dieser Nutzer hat Kollegen beim Übersetzen von schwierigen Begriffen geholfen und dadurch KudoZ-Punkte erworben. Auf Gesamtpunktzahl(en) klicken, um Übersetzungen zu sehen.

Gesamtpunktzahl: 1736
(Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO)

Sprachrichtungen (PRO)
Englisch > Lettisch1506
Lettisch > Englisch161
Deutsch > Lettisch45
Russisch > Lettisch12
Russisch > Englisch8
Punkte in 1 weiteren Sprachrichtung >
Allgemeine Gebiete (PRO)
Rechts- und Patentwesen395
Punkte in 4 weiteren Gebieten >
Fachgebiete (PRO)
Recht (allgemein)266
Industrielle Technik72
Technik (allgemein)67
Punkte in 53 weiteren Gebieten >

Alle Punkte ansehen >
Schlüsselwörter: Latvian, English, Russian, German, translations, translating, interpreting, proofreading, proofs, revising. See more.Latvian,English,Russian,German,translations, translating,interpreting,proofreading,proofs,revising,editing, legal, business and management, marketing and technical, Contracts and agreements,laws,rules,regulations,articles of incorporation,by-laws, insurance,underwriters,guarantees, warranties,disclaimers. Business plans,proposals,tenders,annual reports,financial management,project management,quality management,crisis management,real estate,property management, organisational development,human resources, team building,training manuals,language training,international business and trade, export development,inward investment,retail and wholesale. Websites,internet,intranet,extranet, localisation,user manuals,instructions, guides,aerospace, commercial aviation, timber,forestry and furniture,clothing and textiles,building and construction, mechanical and electrical engineering, printing,pre-press,post-press,bakery. Promotional literature,promotions, advertising,tourist brochures,tourism,PR, leaflets,product sheets,fast moving consumer goods (FMCG),over the counter pharmaceuticals (OTC),market intelligence, marketing plans,event organizing.. . See less.

Letzte Profilaktualisierung
Jul 9, 2024