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Englisch > Kroatisch: SG6 General field: Technik Detailed field: Maschinen/Maschinenbau
Ausgangstext - Englisch The integrated Right Angle Shear in Shear Genius ® cell is used for shearing off the finished work pieces from the blank sheet. The shear has two blades mounted at an angle of 90 degrees, and it is possible to shear off max. 1,000 x 1,500 mm (X x Y) component with a single stroke. In X-direction it is possible to make longer cuts using the automatic half stroke function. Shearing length is calculated according to part size and sheet thickness. Therefore the machine will reach always its maximum operating speed.
The outstanding benefits of integrated punching-shearing are saving both material and manufacturing time and producing quality parts without nibble marks.
Übersetzung - Kroatisch Integrirane pravokutne škare omogućavanju Shear Genius ćeliji odsjecanje gotovih komada od ostatka lima. Škare se sastoje od dvije oštrice međusobno postavljene pod kutom od 90° i sposobne su u jednom prolazu odsijecati komade do 1000 x 1500 mm ( X x Y). U slučaju potrebe odsijecanja duljih komada uzduž X osi, to je moguće postići korištenjem funkcije djelomičnog vertikalnog hoda. Duljina reza se izračunava u skladu s duljinom samog proizvedenog komada i debljine materijala što osigurava najveću radnu brzinu stroja.
Iznimna učinkovitost postignuta integriranjem pravokutnih škara i probijačice se očituje u istovremenoj uštedi i materijala i vremena pri proizvodnji gotovih komada velike kvalitete bez tragova probijanja.
Englisch > Kroatisch: Zimbabwe General field: Kunst/Literatur Detailed field: Anthropologie
Ausgangstext - Englisch In the central rainforests, a multitude of gatherer-hunter
societies pursued their traditional ways of life. In the highland
regions to the east, tribes of pastoral nomads still travelled
with their cattle from pasture to pasture. In the area around
the River Limpopo, on the borders of present-day Zimbabwe
and Mozambique, the wealth generated by such herds sup-
ported a state whose capital city, Great Zimbabwe, was home
to a permanent population of something like 20,000. Through
its ports on the east coast, it exported gold and ivory across the
Indian Ocean, and imported glass beads and cotton textiles
from India, and porcelain from China. In the Bantu-speaking
regions of the southern half of the continent, kings whose
wealth lay in vast herds of cattle ruled over a multitude of
highly developed farming cultures that between them sup-
ported populations measured in millions.
In northern and western Africa, the most important trade
was the trade in slaves. It was also one of the oldest, dating
back to Roman times. In some parts of North Africa, nearly
half the population consisted of slaves, and in addition there
was a substantial export trade in slaves to Muslim countries
around the Mediterranean, to Arabia and into South-west
Asia. Some of these were captives taken in war, but many were
the product of raids mounted for the specific purpose of
acquiring them. In the mid-fifteenth century, villages in the
western part of the continent were still plagued by raiders who
appeared out of the blue to carry off the able-bodied young.
Within a hundred years, these slave-traders would find a huge
new market in the Americas. But in 1455, the existence of the
Americas was still unknown to the rest of the world.
Übersetzung - Kroatisch Prašume u unutrašnjosti su bile naseljene raspršenim nomadima koji su živjeli tradicionalnim sakupljačkim načinom života. Nomadska stočarska plemena su se na visoravnima istoka kretala u potrazi za ispašom. U porječju rijeke Limpopo, na granici današnjeg Zimbabwea i Mozambika je njihovo bogatstvo bilo dovoljno veliko za uspostavu stalnog naselja Velikog Zimbabwea koji je bio dom nekih 20.000 stanovnika. Kroz svoju luku na istočnoj obali je izvozio zlato i slonovaču trgovačkim vezama preko Indijskog oceana kojima je uvozio indijske pamučne tkanine i staklene perlice i kineski porculan.
Na južnoj polovici kontinenta na kojoj su prevladavali Bantu jezici, kraljevi čija su bogatstva proistjecala iz nepreglednih stada stoke su vladali mnoštvom visokorazvijenih poljoprivrednih kultura koje su milijunima značile život.
Najvažnija trgovina zapadne i sjeverne Afrike je bila trgovina robljem. Ujedno, to je bila i jedna od najstarijih trgovina jer je potjecala još iz Rimskog doba. U nekim dijelovima sjeverne Afrike su robovi činili gotovo polovicu stanovništva, a roblje se k tome još prodavalo kao izvozna roba muslimanima Sredozemlja, Arapima i jugozapadnoj Aziji. Neki od njih su bili ratni zarobljenici, ali mnogi su bili uhvaćeni u pohodima s namjerom njihovog zarobljavanja. Sredina XV. stoljeća je još viđala upade zločinaca koji bi po zapadnu kontinenta napadali sela u potrazi za zdravim mladim tijelima. U toku sljedećih stotinu godina će trgovci robljem doživjeti otvaranje ogromnog novog tržišta u obje Amerike, ali 1455. godine ostatak svijeta još nije znao za njih.
Englisch > Kroatisch: Connected General field: Kunst/Literatur Detailed field: Anthropologie
Ausgangstext - Englisch We tend to think of such cases as quaint curiosities, like Appala-
chian feuds, or as backward practices, like the internecine violence
between Shiite and Sunni tribesmen or the cycle of killings in North-
ern Ireland or the reciprocating gang violence in American cities.
But this grim logic has ancient roots. It is not just that the impe-
tus to revenge is ancient, nor even that such violence can express
group solidarity (“we are Hatfields, and we hate McCoys”), but that
violence—in both its minor and extreme forms—can spread through
social ties and has done so since humans emerged from the African
savanna. It can spread either in a directed fashion (retaliating against
the perpetrators) or in a generalized fashion (harming nondisputants
nearby). Either way, however, a single murder can set off a cascade of
Übersetzung - Kroatisch O takvim smo primjerima skloni razmišljati kao da spadaju u neobičnu prošlost brđana Divljeg zapada, ili su ograničeni na krvave sukobe Sunita i Šiita, zaraćenih skupina u Sjevernoj Irskoj ili možda bandi velikih američkih gradova. Ipak, ta surova logika ima svoju pradavnu povijest. Ne radi se samo o drevnoj sklonosti nasilnim rješenjima, pa ni o tome da takvo nasilje može djelovati na jačanje osjećaja pripadnosti skupinama ("Mi smo Hatfieldi i mrzimo MyCoyeve"), nego i o tome da se nasilje bilo kojeg oblika može razmnožavati prenošeno nitima društvenih međuodnosa baš kako se uistinu i razmnožavalo još otkako je ljudski rod nastao u savanama Afrike. Može se prenositi usmjereno (osvećivanjem počiniteljima) ili nasumično (pogađajući one koji su se samo zatekli u blizini). Jedno jedino ubojstvo u oba slučaja može uzrokovati čitav niz posljedičnih ubojstava.
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 31. Angemeldet bei seit: Feb 2010.
Across, Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Anaphraseus, SolidWorks, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Wide area of experience and expertise. Thorough business awareness and feeling for subtle means of conveying message by means of written or spoken word. Absolutely superb fine-tuning for published translations in Croatian.
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Gesamtpunktzahl: 1020 Punkte Schwierigkeitsgrad PRO: 1016