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What I want is me. For real. I want me and my self. And what that is is what I be and what I see and feel and who is me in the. What it is, is who it is, and when it me its what is be….I’m gone be here, if I want, like I said, self determination, but I ain’t come from a foolish tribe, we wants the mule the land, you can make it three hundred years of blue chip stock in the entire operation. We want to be paid, in a central bank the average worker farmer wage for all those years we gave it free. Plus we want damages, for all the killings and the fraud, the lynchings, the missing justice, the lies and frame-ups, the unwarranted jailings, the tar and featherings, the character and race assassinations. historical slander, ugly caricatures, for every sambo, step and fechit flick, we want to be paid, for every hurtful thing you did or said. For all the land you took, for all the rapes, all the rosewoods and black wall streets you destroyed. All the mis-education, jobs loss, segregated shacks we lived in, the disease that ate and killed us, for all the mad police that drilled us. For all the music and dances you stole. The styles. The language. The hip clothes you copped. The careers you stopped. All these are suits, specific litigation, as represent we be like we, for reparations for damages paid to the Afro-American nation.
Übersetzung - Baskisch Zergatik gara Gu amerikarrak? Zergatik gara Gu amerikarrak?
Bu-de-daaaa. Bu-de-daaaa. Bu-de-daaaa. Bu-de-daaaa. Bu-do-do. Be-De-De-De-Bu-De-Bu-Bup-Boo-Boo.
Ni bera naiz nahi dudana. Benetan. Ni eta ni neu. Eta hori ni naizena naiz eta ikusten dudana eta sentitzen dudana eta nor naizen. Zer den, nor den da, eta ni naizenean zer den izaten da... Hemen egongo naiz, nahi baldin badut, esan bezala, autodeterminazioa, baina ez nator tribu ergel batetik, mandoa nahi dugu, eta lurra, blue chip-eko hirurehun urtetan egin dezakezue eragiketa osoa. Debalde egiten genuen garaiko nekazari bakoitzaren batez besteko soldata ordaintzea nahi dugu, banku nagusi batean. Gehi kalteak, hildako guztiengatik, iruzurrengatik, lintxamenduengatik, justizia ezagatik, gezur eta muntaiengatik, bermerik gabeko atxiloketengatik, zigorrengatik, izaera eta arraza hilketengatik. Historian zehar eginiko irainengatik, karikatura itsusiengatik, ‘sambo’ izenagatik eta Fetchiten filmengatik ordainketa nahi dugu, esan edo egin dituzuen gauza mingarri guztiengatik. Hartu zenituzten lur guztiengatik, bortxaketa guztiengatik, Rosewoodeko gertakizunengatik eta suntsitu dituzuen Wall Street beltz guztiengatik. Hezkuntza kaskarrarengatik, lanen galeragatik, bizi garen txabola segregatuengatik, suntsitu eta hil gintuzten gaixotasunengatik, txikitu gintuzten polizia ero guztiengatik. Lapurtu zenituzten musika eta dantza guztiengatik. Estiloengatik. Hizkuntzagatik. Bereganatu zenituzten jantzi modernoengatik. Gelditu dituzuen karrera guztiengatik. Hauek denak nazio afro-amerikarrari eginiko kalteak ordaintzeko eskakizun zehatzak dira.
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Bachelor's degree - Universidad del País Vasco
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 13. Angemeldet bei seit: Jun 2010.
Baskisch > Spanisch (University of the Basque Country) Baskisch > Englisch (University of the Basque Country) Spanisch > Baskisch (University of the Basque Country) Deutsch > Baskisch (University of the Basque Country) Englisch > Baskisch (University of the Basque Country)
Englisch > Spanisch (University of the Basque Country) Deutsch > Spanisch (University of the Basque Country) Galicisch > Baskisch (University of the Basque Country)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
My name is Galder Ruiz Alvarado and I work as a freelance translator from German, English, Basque and Spanish into Basque and Spanish. Right now I live in Leipzig, Germany and my translating fields are mainly Legal, Literature, Marketing, Journalism, Linguistics, Technical, Informatics and Tourism.
I obtained my degree in Translation and Interpreting studies at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) in July 2013. Since then, I have been working as a translator and as voice actor in different fields.
You will find extended information on my professional career in my CV.
Thank you for your visit and please do not hesitate to ask for further information.