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Spanisch > Englisch: Entrevista con Heraldo Muñoz General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Journalismus
Ausgangstext - Spanisch Heraldo Muñoz, el canciller chileno, es un diplomático de amplia trayectoria. Fue representante en la OEA, embajador en Brasil y en la ONU y también subsecretario general del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) para América Latina y el Caribe. Con posgrados en Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales en las universidades de Harvard y Denver, ha sido profesor visitante en Estados Unidos, Europa y América Latina. Es autor de más de 20 libros, entre ellos La sombra del dictador, que es su memoria personal e histórica de la dictadura de Pinochet.
De habla fácil, educada y dulce, recuerda que a los 22 o 23 años formó parte del gobierno del presidente Salvador Allende como Supervisor General de los Almacenes Generales del Pueblo. Vino a México para afinar, con sus homólogos mexicano, peruano y colombiano, los detalles de la Cumbre de jefes de Estado de la Alianza del Pacífico, la cual tendrá lugar el 19 y20 de junio próximo en Punta Mita, Puerto Vallarta. En seguida, la conversación que sostuvo con EL UNIVERSAL.
¿Cuál es la importancia de la Alianza del Pacífico?
Chile bajo la administración de la presidenta Michelle Bachelet lo que quiere es ratificar su interés en participar activamente en la Alianza, porque creemos que es una plataforma de proyección comercial de los distintos países de la región a la zona de Asia Pacífico que es el horizonte del futuro y, al mismo tiempo, una instancia de integración económica en distintos planos que nos parece interesante, de modo que en la medida en que se mantenga como una instancia de integración económica y de plataforma comercial, vamos a participar con entusiasmo y vamos a cumplir con los compromisos que viene de la administración pasada.
Lo que sí creemos importante es entablar un diálogo con otras instancia de integración en América latina porque hoy día a nivel mundial lo que están negociando son bloques de países, y los vemos con el TTP, con el tratado trasatlántico que están negociando Europa y Estados Unidos, aisladamente no vamos a tener voz, si bien es cierto que la Alianza del Pacífico Cumple un papel significativo, por lo menos en la perspectiva de Chile, creemos que hay que ampliar el horizonte y tratar de entablar un diálogo mirando hacia una convergencia, sabiendo que hay diversidad den América Latina hoy día, que no son todos los mismos caminos para avanzar en el desarrollo, pero pese a las diferencias yo creo que hay posibilidades de avanzar en aquello que sea posible. Así que nuestra actitud es pragmática.
La política exterior de Chile, bajo la presidencia Bachelet, no va a ser ideológica, y va a tratar de tender puentes sobre las diferencias.
¿Usted ve en el horizonte un sueño tipo JeanMonet-Robert Schuman, una integración tipo Unión Europea para América Latina?
Quizás no tanto, porque ya se ha tratado en otros momentos y por distintas razones hemos fracasado en América Latina. Yo aspiraría a algo menos ambicioso, aspiraría a una suerte de tratado translatinoamericano; cuando se está hablando de un tratado transpacífico, un tratado transatlántico, por qué no pensar en un tratado translatinoamericano que busque la convergencia de los países que estén disponibles, sin pensar en esa integración que se planteó en los años 60, una integración mucho más realista, sobre la base de los elementos en que efectivamente podemos avanzar.
¿Cómo está la relación bilateral México-Chile?
La relación bilateral está excelente. Y eso es un elemento de continuidad con la administración pasada y con la administración de la presidenta Bachelet. Hay que recordar que este es el segundo mandato de la presidenta Bachelet y ya antes ella había estado en el momento en que se profundizó el acuerdo con México y se estableció esa asociación estratégica y yo tuve la oportunidad de estar con la presidenta en Cuba, en la Celac, cuando el presidente Piñera invitó a la presidenta una semanas antes de asumir en marzo y tuvimos una reunión con el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto y fue una excelente reunión donde coincidimos en muchos aspectos, y luego cuando el presidente fue al cambio de mando, tuvimos otra reunión donde se ratificaron los puntos de coincidencia. Entonces, creo que con México lo único que cabe es profundizar lo mucho bueno que hay en la relación bilateral.
Übersetzung - Englisch Heraldo Muñoz, the Chilean foreign minister, has come a long way in the diplomatic world. He has been representative in the Organization of American States, Chile's Ambassador to Brazil and the UN as well as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for Latin America and the Caribbean. He has degrees in political science and international relations from Harvard and Denver Universities and has worked as guest professor in the US, Europe and Latin America. Mr. Muñoz has authored more than 20 books, among them "The shadow of the dictator", his personal and historical memories of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile.
With his easygoing, educated and tender way of speaking, he recounts how at age 22 or 23 he formed part of the government of then President Salvador Allende as the General Supervisor of the People's Warehouses. He is now in Mexico to meet with his Mexican, Peruvian and Colombian counterparts and discuss details of the upcoming heads of state summit within the Pacific Alliance which takes place on the 19th and 20th of June in Punta Mita, Puerto Vallarta. Here is the interview with EL UNIVERSAL
What is the importance of the Pacific Alliance?
Chile under the current Michelle Bachelet administration wants to reiterate its interest in an active participation in the Alliance, because we believe that it gives the countries of the region a base to do business in Pacific Asia, which is where the future lies. At the same time, we see in the Alliance an opportunity for economic integration at different levels of interest to us. Therefore, as long as it remains an opportunity for economic integration and business platform, we are going to take part enthusiastically and fulfill the agreements we have inherited from the previous administration.
We find it is important to establish a dialog with other projects of regional political integration in Latin America because today at the global level, negotiations are done between blocks of countries, we have seen it in the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the transatlantic partnership the EU and the US are now negotiating. In isolation, we are not going to be heard whereas the Pacific Alliance plays a significant role. At least from our perspective in Chile we find it necessary to broaden the horizon and try to build a dialog with a view to convergence while at the same time remaining aware that there is diversity within Latin America today, that the roads toward further development are not the same for all of us, but despite the differences, there are possibilities for progress within what is achievable. So our position is pragmatic.
Under the Bachelet administration the foreign policy of Chile will not be based on ideology and we will strive to build bridges across differences.
Do you see on the horizon any scenarios like the one Jean Monet-Robert Schuman dreamed of, that is, European Union style integration in Latin America?
Not likely, because other times it has been tried and for different reasons in Latin America we have failed at that, I would go for something less ambitious, I would go for a treaty at the translatinamerican level. There is already talk of a transpacific treaty, a transatlantic treaty, so why not in stead try to work out a translatinamerican treaty seeking convergence among those countries which are available without thinking of the type of integration that was proposed in the 1960s, that is, a much more realistic approach to integration based on the elements in which we can actually move forward.
How are bilateral relations between Mexico and Chile these days?
The bilateral relations are excellent. And this is the result of a continuity between the previous administration and the Bachelet administration. You have to keep in mind that this is the second time President Bachelet is in office and she has already once been part of intensifying agreements with Mexico and forming this strategic association. I had the opportunity of joining the President in Cuba, in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), when former President of Chile, Piñera, invited the President along one week before she took over in March. We held a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto and it was an excellent meeting at which we agreed on many issues, and later on when the President went back after having taken office, we had another meeting where these points of agreement were reinforced. So I believe that the only right thing to do is to deepen the many good ties we have in our bilateral relations with Mexico.
Dänisch > Englisch: Markedet klarer det ikke alene General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Staatswesen/Politik
Ausgangstext - Dänisch Markedet klarer det ikke alene
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, MEP og formand for De Europæiske Socialdemokrater
På få uger blev der i efteråret 2008 vendt op og ned på den finansielle verden og markedsøkonomien.
Idéer om det perfekte, selvregulerende marked, havde domineret den politiske og økonomiske diskussion gennem årtier løb ind i en global finansiel krise, der nu har udviklet sig til den dybeste globale recession i 80 år.
Gamle sandheder, der for længst var blevet forvist fra den generelle politik, er blevet genopdaget og genoptaget. Vi i PES - den progressive politiske gruppe i Europa-Parlamentet - havde sagt det længe: At finansboblen ville briste og få dystre konsekvenser for den reale økonomi. Adskillige Nobel-prismodtagere i økonomi havde advaret. Joseph Stiglitz havde påvist markedets asymmetri og systematiske fejl. Paul Krugman havde længe advaret om, at finansmarkedet nu styrede realøkonomien og ikke omvendt, som det burde være.
Uden fornuftig regulering og offentlig kontrol er markederne, og især de finansielle markeder, ustabile. Vi har også på den hårde måde lært om farerne ved den halsbrækkende vækst i den finansielle sektor, der har bevæget sig langt udover en funktionel service til den reale økonomi. Den såkaldte finansielle innovation har masseproduceret uigennemsigtige, højrisikable spekulationspapirer - kreditderivater - som ikke er drevet frem af den reale økonomis behov, men af grådighed og jagt efter kortsigtede gevinster.
Markedsdyrkelsen og filosofien om, at grådighed er godt, er brudt sammen. Der er brug for en grundlæggende selvransagelse blandt bankfolk, markedsanalytikere, erhvervsjournalister, økonomer og politikere. Vi må skabe en ny og bredere vision om, hvordan et velreguleret marked kan bidrage til at opbygge et bedre og mere bæredygtigt samfund. Finansmarkedet må igen underlægges realøkonomien.
De Europæiske Socialdemokrater (PES) har fremlagt en gennemarbejdet europæisk "recovery
plan" for en ny grøn vækstvej ud af recessionen. Resultatet af vores omfattende modeludviklingsarbejde er en ny samarbejdsmodel. Blandt alle PES' 32 medlemspartier vedtog vi på vores kongres i Madrid i december sidste år, at der skal iværksættes en fælleseuropæisk indsats. Koordination er nøgleordet:
• Flere investeringer: En større og mere effektiv økonomisk investeringspakke med en hurtig virkning på beskæftigelsen sammenkoblet med en ny grøn vækststrategi.
• Genetablering af kreditlinjer på lånemarkedet til virksomheder og borgere.
• En ny beskæftigelsespagt med en målrettet indsats for at sikre beskæftigelsen, skabe nye jobs og bedre beskyttelse af lønmodtagere.
• En ny socialpagt, der skal imødegå de sociale konsekvenser af krisen målrettet de laveste indkomstgrupper i samfundet.
• Økonomisk solidaritet: Ingen nye økonomiske skel i Europa. Vi skal gennem fælles-europæiske finansieringsinstrumenter (f.eks. såkaldte eurobonds) hjælpe medlemslande i ekstraordinære vanskeligheder.
• Effektiv regulering af hele finansmarkedet og alle aktører, inkl. kapitalfonde. De finansielle
"produkter" skal også omfattes af effektiv regulering og tilsyn. Og vi skal fremme en mere langsigtet finansiering blandt banker og institutionelle investorer.
• Global handling: En ny stærk europæisk genopretningsindsats vil have langt større effekt, hvis den bliver fulgt af en tilsvarende global ekspansiv økonomisk pakke. EU må udvise globalt lederskab sammen med USA.
Med denne koordinerede vækstplan kan vi skære en betydelig del af den massearbejdsløshed, der ellers vil blive resultatet. Samtidig kan det dokumenteres, at de offentlige finanser faktisk bliver mindre ringe i det målrettede investeringsscenario sammenlignet med "ladestå-
Übersetzung - Englisch The market will not handle it on its own
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, MEP and Chairman of the Party of European Socialists
In a matter of weeks during the fall of 2008, the financial world and the market economy were turned upside down.
The idea of the perfect, self-regulating market which had dominated the political
and economic debates for decades ran into a financial crisis which has now turned into the deepest global recession seen in 80 years.
Old truths long since expelled from general policy making are now being rediscovered and readdressed. At PES - a progressive political group in the European Parliament - we had already claimed for a long time that sooner or later the financial bubble would burst casting a gloomy shadow on the real economy. Several winners of the Nobel Prize winners in economics had warned against this. Joseph Stiglitz had exposed the asymmetry of the market and its systemic faults. For a long time Paul Krugman had warned that the financial market was now ruling the real economy and not, as it should be, the other way around.
Without reasonable regulation and public constraint the markets are unstable, particularly the financial ones. Furthermore, we have learned the hard way about the dangers behind the breathless growth within the financial sector, which has gone far beyond its role of a functional service to the real economy. So-called financial innovation has mass produced obscure, high risk speculative assets - the credit derivatives - whose existence is not motivated by the needs of the real economy but by greed and the hunt for short term gains.
Worship of the markets and the idea that greed is good have collapsed. This calls for fundamental soul-searching among bankers, markets analysts, business reporters, economists and politicians. We must shape a new and broader vision of how a well-regulated market can contribute to building a better and more sustainable society. Once again the financial market must be of service to the real economy.
The Party of European Socialists (PES) has proposed a comprehensive European recovery
plan for a new path to green growth as a way out of the recession. The outcome of our extensive work developing this model is a new collaborative setup. At last December's congress in Madrid, all 32 PES member parties decided for a joint European effort to be launched. The keyword is coordination:
• More investments: A bigger and more efficient economical investment plan with a short term impact on job creation coupled with a new green growth strategy.
• Recreating lines of credit on the loan market for businesses and citizens.
• A new employment pact with focused measures to secure jobs, create new jobs, and improve the protection of salaried employees.
• A new social policy pact to address the social consequences of the crisis by targeting the lowest
income groups in society.
• Economic solidarity: No new economic divisions in Europe. We must go through common European
instruments of financing (e.g. eurobonds) in order to help member states who face extraordinary challenges.
• Efficient regulation of the entire financial market and of all its actors, including private equity funds.. The financial "products" must also be subject to efficient regulation and monitoring. And we have to promote a more long term financing scheme among banks and institutional investors.
• Global action: New and strong European recovery measures will have far greater impact if they are accompanied by a corresponding global expansive economic plan. The EU must exhibit global leadership together with the US.
This coordinated growth plan allows us to cut down on a significant share of the mass employment
which otherwise would be the result. At the same time there is evidence that government budgets
are in fact strengthened by a focused investment scenario when compared to the "laissez-
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Master's degree - University of Copenhagen
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 24. Angemeldet bei seit: Oct 2011.
I consider myself something of a word nerd. So I get into translation work with quite a bit of passion and theoretical reflection. My approach to texts is functional, in the sense that I focus on information balance and rhythm in the target text composition in order to ease readability. I have done freelance translation and interpreting between Spanish, Danish and English since 2000. My biggest interest is the translation of scientific texts, which involves localization taking into consideration cultural differences in knowledge presentation reflected in language. However, the legal, marketing and political fields are the ones I do the most.