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Eingereichte Übersetzungsbeispiele: 2
Englisch > Ungarisch: Small text! General field: Medizin
Ausgangstext - Englisch Medically confirmed case is not severe. The rise in blood sugar, dizziness, headache, hand pain, paresthesia, trombophlebitis and elevated blood pressure known side effects because of the use of medicinal product. Using OXALIPLATIN ACCORD temporal correlation of all reported events with respect exists, positive dechallenge, rechallenge not happening, causation is likely, except for elevated blood pressure, in which the patient's age and history describing hypertension also may have played a role in the development of the event, also elevated blood sugar value, where, in the event the applied had a 1000ml glucose infusion, this could have been a consequence of (possible causality). In the case of trombophlebitis there is not enough information (eg.: localization) to assess the accurate relationship between assessments. Is known of the effects of hyperglycemia and glucose thrombophlebitis, hyperglykaemiánál the possible cause-and-effect relationship, while thrombophlebitis - like the Accord Oxaliplatin - the causality can not be judged on the basis of the available data. in the case known as the glükózoldat effect of hyperglycemia and thrombophlebitis, hyperglykaemiánál the possible causal relationship, while in the case of thrombophlebitis, accordhoz oxaliplatin-based on data not available for assessing causality by addressing the.Other events can be excluded with regard to the causal relationship between the use of oxaliplatin injection of 5% glucose solution.
Übersetzung - Ungarisch Nem súlyos, orvosilag megerősített eset. A vércukorszint emelkedés, szédülés, fejfájás, kézfájdalom, paresthesia, trombophlebitis és emelkedett vérnyomás ismert mellékhatása a gyógyszer alkalmazásának. Az OXALIPLATIN ACCORD alkalmazásával az időbeli összefüggés minden jelentett esemény tekintetében fennáll, dechallenge pozitív, rechallenge nem történt, ok-okozati összefüggés valószínű, kivéve az emelkedett vérnyomás, ahol a beteg életkorára és kórtörténetében ismertetett hipertónia szintén szerepet játszhatott az esemény kialakulásában, valamint az emelkedett vércukor értéket, ahol az esemény az alkalmazott 1000ml glüköz infúzió következménye is lehetett (lehetséges kauzalitás). A trombophlebitis esetében nem áll rendelkezésre elegendő információ (pl.: lokalizáció) az összefüggés pontos megítéléséhez. A glükózoldat esetében ismert hatás a hyperglykaemia és a thrombophlebitis, a hyperglykaemiánál lehetséges az ok-okozati összefüggés, míg a thrombophlebitis esetében - az Oxaliplatin Accordhoz hasonlóan - a rendelkezésre álló adatok alapján nem megítélhető a kauzalitás. A többi esemény tekintetében kizárható az ok-okozati összefüggés az oxaliplatin beadásához használt 5%-os glükóz-oldattal.
Englisch > Rumänisch: Small text 2 General field: Technik
Ausgangstext - Englisch Wulin Power Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), used to be Hunan Wuling Hydropower Development Co., Ltd, is jointly established in October, 1994, by Hunan Electric Power Corporation (after the electric power system reform in 2003, the shareholder has been changed to China Power Investment Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “CPI”), Hunan Economic Construction Investment Corporation (after equity transfer in 2006, the shareholder has been changed to Hunan Xiangtou International Investment Corporation), and Central China Grid Company Limited. In 2007, the original shareholder of the Company, Central China Grid Company Limited, transferred all the 11.70% equity to the other two shareholders, after which the share holding status is as follows: CPI possesses 63% while the Hunan Xiangtou International Investment Corporation holds 37%. The CPI has, in accordance with the GZCQ [2009] 363 On Reply to Relevant Questions about China Power Investment Corporation’ s Outbound Assets Injection of State-owned Equity it Owns in Wulin Power Corporation issued by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on May 27, 2009, injected the 63% equity it holds in the Company to the China Power International Corporation Limited who has at the same time injected the equity of the Company to the China Power Development Limited thereunder.
Übersetzung - Rumänisch Corporația Energetică Wulin (în continuare consemnat ca și ”Compania”), fiind înainte Dezvoltatorul Hidro-electrica Hunan Wuling SA., Ltd, este stabilită în comun în Octombrie, 1994, de către Corporația Energetico-Electrică Hunan Electric (după reforma sistemului electrico-energetică din 2003, acționariatul s-a schimbat în Corporația Chineză de Investiții Energetice (în continuare consemnat ca și “CPI”), Corporația de Investiții și Construcții Economice Hunan (după transferul de capital din 2006, acționariatul s-a schimbat în Corporația de Investiții Internaționale Hunan Xiangtou), și Compania Centrală Chineză al Sistemului Energetic Limitat. În 2007, acționariatul original al Companiei, Compania Centrală Chineză al Sistemului Energetic Limitat, a transferat tot cei 11.70% de capital către ceilalți doi acționari, după care statusul acționarilor este următorul: CPI deține 63% în timp ce Corporația Internațională Hunan Xiangtou deține 37%. CPI deține, în conformitate cu GZCQ [2009] 363 Ca răspuns la Întrebări Relevante la Activele Injectate de Corpotația Energetică de Investiții Chineză ale Capitalului Deținute de Stat pe care le Deține în Corporația Energetică Wulin emise de către Supervizorul Activelor Deținute de Stat și Comisia Administrațională ale Consiliului Statal pe 27 Mai, 2009, a injectat 63% de capital pe care îl deține în Compania al Corporației Internaționale Limitate Energetică Chineză, care la rândul ei a injectat capital ul Companiei către Dezvoltatorul Limitat Energetic Chinez de mai jos.
Übersetzerische Ausbildung
Master's degree - Institutul Adventist Cernica
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 23. Angemeldet bei seit: Apr 2013.
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Hello! My name is Lorant K and I am a translator,
proofreader, transcriber, voice-over artist, subtitle maker with over 19 years
of experience.
I have started as a language expert business back in 2001 before I finished
High-School in my senior year.
First I started translating small Hungarian to Romanian and Moldovan
letters and literature assignments
for my colleagues from class, knowing and understanding these 3 languages
perfectly due to my background helping my late father in church related texts
translations from Hungarian to Romanian and Moldovan and vice-versa. Anyway my
colleagues from school appreciated my help and paid me with meal.
After finishing my High-school, I have left to study English and Romanian and
Moldovan grammar and literature further at University and did well, but in
the mean time I contacted some
local translation agencies and started to collaborate with them in Romanian,
Moldovan, Hungarian and English languages,
gaining experience and trying my best to support myself financially.
This was a brief introduction of my years when I started this whole business.
In the coming years I developed and further improved my language skills both in
speaking and writing and of course my understanding level increased
I am contacting you and your company because I am in search of above mentioned
jobs which I want to work, also I have found your trusted company online
and was wondering if you have any job in/from English, Romanian, Moldovan,
Hungarian, German languages. I am well experienced in all fields. There is no
document that I cannot translate or proofread.
I use CAT tools like SDL Trados Studio 2014, SDLX, Passolo, Wordfast, OmegaT,
Heartsome Translation Studio etc also
I can deliver in all file formats like Office files and Reader file formats,
besides the CAT File formats. I have also experience in a particular technical
field such as medical, pharmaceutical, legal, financial, engineering, oil and
gas, IT, PR, marketing etc.
Please read through my cover letter and check my documents and consider me as
your partner for translation/checking/editing/
English, Romanian, Hungarian and Moldovan.
My rates are negotiable and would be discussed in case of collaboration. My
rates will be those agreed with you on mutual agreement.
If you find my application important and desirable for you and
your company, do not hesitate in contacting me, my contact details are below...
My rates are negotiable, and/or your proposed rates will be well received and
accepted. Yes, I can issue invoices! You can find my contact details, and my CV
at the end of email and as attached.
Thank you for taking the time to read my request.
Hope you will have what you need in life for a successful and fruitful life.
Hope also to hear from you soon!
Further information will be provided through next emails, upon collaboration!