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Deutsch > Englisch: beck-aktuell-Redaktion, Verlag C.H. Beck, 16. Dezember 2013.
Ausgangstext - Deutsch OLG Hamm: Schüler haftet nur für von seinem Vorsatz umfasste Verletzungsfolgen einer Schlägerei
Erleidet ein Schüler in der Schule durch zwei Schläge eines Mitschülers eine schwerwiegende Augenverletzung, kann der Geschädigte vom Schädiger ein Schmerzensgeld verlangen, das den vom Schädiger billigend in Kauf genommen Verletzungen Rechnung trägt. Weitergehende, vom Vorsatz des Schädigers nicht umfasste Verletzungsfolgen sind gemäß §§ 104, 105 SGB VII bei der Bemessung des Schmerzensgeldes nicht zu berücksichtigen. Das hat das Oberlandesgericht Hamm am 08.11.2013 entschieden (Az.: 26 U 31/13).
Übersetzung - Englisch OLG (Higher Regional Court) Hamm pupil shall only be liable for the injuries of a fight, which were encompassed by his intent
If a pupil suffers a serious eye injury through two blows of a fellow pupil on school grounds, the injured party may claim damages from the tortfeasor (perpetrator) , while taking into account the injuries recklessly ( dolus eventualis) expected and accepted by the tortfeasor at the time. In accordance with §§ 104, 105 SGB VII (German Social Code) when determining the extent of pain and suffering ulterior injuries, which are not covered by the intent of the tortfeasor should not be considered. The Oberlandesgericht Hamm decided on 11.08.2013 (reference number: 26 U 31/13:
Übersetzungserfahrung in Jahren: 17. Angemeldet bei seit: Feb 2014. Mitglied seit: Feb 2014.
l studied law at the University of Cologne (Germany) and University of London. Terminology at the University of Barcelona (Spain).
All in all I speak four languages fluently: English (native speaker), German (native speaker), Spanish (native speaker) and Italian (fluent).
Currently, I am a Legal and Business English Trainer. My profound knowledge of both legal systems (German and English) is very much appreciated by my clients. This also enables me to offer my employers a content language integrated training (CLIL).
2009 I started translating cross-border contracts (German to English) for middle-sized German companies, banks, tax accountants, Universities as well for boutique law firms.
2010 I founded my own company LegalEnglish online consultancy ( Basically, LegalEnglish online consultancy is a legal language consultancy which among other things provides online Legal English courses, legal research work, legal translation, proofreading and content review.
Absolute discretion and punctuality goes without saying. Due to confidentiality agreements and privacy policies, which are quite common in the field of legal translation, I do not disclose my client base or ask for references. At present, I only translate for direct customers and accept proofreading assignments from outsourcers on equal footing.
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Schlüsselwörter: legal translation, editing, law, legal letter writing, English lesson, training, terms and conditions, Legal English & Business English lessons, proofreading, interpreting. See translation, editing, law, legal letter writing, English lesson, training, terms and conditions, Legal English & Business English lessons, proofreading, interpreting, German lessons, Spanisch. See less.