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Englisch > Portugiesisch: Food is good General field: Sonstige Detailed field: Lebensmittel
- 1/2 cup of butter flavoured shortening
- 1 tablespoon of water
- 1/2 cup of white sugar (Fairtrade)
- 1 cup of packed brown sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
- 2 egg whites
- 1 3/4 cups of unbleached all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1/2 cup of rolled oats
- 1/2 cup of miniature semisweet (Nestlé) chocolate chips
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F, 175 degrees C. Grease cookie sheets.
2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter flavoured shortening, the water, the white sugar (Fairtrade) and the brown sugar until you obtain a smooth mixture; beat in the egg whites and vanilla; combine the flour, baking soda and salt; stir into the creamed mixture; blend in the oats and mini chocolate chips; drop the dough by half-teaspoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
3. Bake for 7 to 9 min. in the preheated oven, until the edges begin to brown. Remove from the baking sheets to cool on wire racks; cool at least 10 min. before eating.
- ½ chávena de manteiga vegetal aromatizada
- 1 colher de sopa de água
- ½ chávena de açúcar branco (comércio justo)
- 1 chávena de açúcar mascavado
- 1 ½ colher de chá de extrato de baunilha
- 2 claras de ovos
- 1 ¾ chávena de farinha de trigo integral
- 1 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
- ½ chávena de sal
- ½ chávena de flocos de aveia
- ½ chávena de pequenos pedaços de chocolate meio amargo (Nestlé)
1. Pré-aquecer o forno a 350 ºF, 175º C. Untar a forma das bolachas.
2. Num recipiente grande bater até ficar cremoso a manteiga vegetal aromatizada junto com a manteiga, a água, o açúcar branco (comércio justo) e o açúcar mascavado até obter uma mistura homogénea; bater as claras de ovo com a baunilha; Misturar a farinha, o bicarbonato de sódio e o sal; juntar à mistura cremosa; Misturar com a aveia e as pepitas de chocolate; Deitar meias-colheres de massa nas formas de bolachas preparadas.
3. Cozinhar durante 7 a 9 minutos no forno pré-aquecido até os cantos ficarem dourados. Retirar das formas para arrefecer para uma rede; Deixe arrefecer pelo menos 10 minutos antes de comer.
I always studied languages, since my childhood. In my first job I used to write and talk in French, English, and German. After this job I worked as a secretary and I only used my native language. It was so depressing not to continuing working with languages that I went back to school, I applied to college in order to increase the knowledge about the languages that I already knew. I have also learned Spanish
When I finished my course I started to do some translations in different fields, I made 2 big projects. I have particular interest in the industrial field as I have been working as administrative in the engineering area.
Schlüsselwörter: portuguese, food industry, aeronautic, sport, SEO translation